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Black tongue?


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Okay, I recently purchased a pipe this week. nothing too fancy, just a trial thing. This weekend, all the pipe guys were at my cigar lounge with all their tins offering me trials of their pipe tobaccos. So, all of Saturday, smoking with the baseball playoffs. All day Sunday with the football games. I wake up(Monday) morning and my tongue is killing me. Brushing my teeth is very painful. Is there any remedies for this other than the obvious(Lay off the pipe for a few days!)?. Just thought I'd ask if there were any alternatives to "Waiting it out"
I don't think you have "Black Tongue", sounds more like Tongue Bite. Which is pretty common among pipers.

I had a bad case of it a few weeks ago, to the point my tounge had white bumbs and cracks all over it. It has since recovered, but I had to give it a good week off from the pipe. Just the pain's of learning how to do it right.

I have since fixed my technique and had no issues. Sorry, but I think you just have to wait it out.
Pipes are hot, gave them up 30 years ago. Time is your only hope. Who knows better than me? ;) After all I am Burnt Tounge!
Some folks recommend a mouthwash/rinse called "Biotene" and say it helps reduce the waiting time, but some time off is always called for. :)
Time off is the only "cure", though the Biotene will take some of the owie-ness away.
Just read this old thread....

How do you prevent this?
Just started smoking a pipe.
Just read this old thread....

How do you prevent this?
Just started smoking a pipe.

Take your time. Nothing like smoking a pipe and it gets so hot that you actually burn your tongue. Just be patient as all good things come in time but I have been smoking pipes for 10 years now and had to learn some stuff the hard way. :D
The easiest way to prevent tongue bite is to Slooooooooooooow down while smoking.
almost let the baccy smolder out between puffs. this tecnique also releases optimum flavor
Learning how to "sip" the pipe is the only sure fire way to prevent bite, and it also helps you get much more flavor overall. Developing a slower smoking technique will also help your enjoyment of many cigars as well :thumbs:
It might mean your pipe goes out and you have to relight a lot, and you might not be able to make the big wizard clouds of pipe smoke....but it's better than having your tongue feel like you just ate a belt sander and washed it down with magma.
Thats the only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to keep the dang thing lit. It seems to take the pleasure out for me when I am constantly relighting.
Thats the only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to keep the dang thing lit. It seems to take the pleasure out for me when I am constantly relighting.

Shooter, without knowing what you're smoking etc, I'd guess your tobacco is too wet and maybe packed too tight. The tobacco should feel almost "crispy" but shouldn't turn to dust & fragments when squeezed. My favourite way to dry damp tobacco is to nuke enough to full a bowl for ~ 8 seconds @ 1/2 power and then "fluff" it a bit while it's cooling.

Now, that having been said, with cigars, you may say 62% and someone elase may say 70%. Same with pipe tobacco. Find a nice level and go from there. What I like, you may not. But trying different stuff is one of the fun parts of the hobby, isn't it?
I do not humidify my pipe tobacco. I let it over time to "dry" out some. But it never lasts long enough to completely dry out because once it does that, its never the same. Speaking of which, time for a bowl of pipe tobacco. :thumbs:

As for me, I light it once and that's pretty much it. But I have smoked pipes for 10 years and packing the bowl just right is critical.
yea it is sticky wet, that must be the problem. It has been sitting for a few months I may revisit it.
Learning to tamp the ash down often also keeps the bowl lit. For the most part, you should expect to re-light a few times, but not too often unless there's a problem (moisture or technique).