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Boating Safety


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
Hey guys, i have not been around in a while, busy busy. Anyway, reminding everyone to check work done by mechanics. We had the steering cable replaced in april, and apparently they did not secure an end properly. It came loose at a very bad time, and I hit the shore doing around thirty. Luckily everyone was fine, just a little shaken up.

Here are some pics.

Part that failed. The acorn nut is supposed to be attached to the exposed threads.

And the aftermath

There is a boat in here...


Time to have a man-to-man with the mechanics. I'd think they would pay extra special attention to things like the steering column, accelerator systems, ya know...stuff that can make you DEAD if they malfunction!!
Time to have a man-to-man with the mechanics. I'd think they would pay extra special attention to things like the steering column, accelerator systems, ya know...stuff that can make you DEAD if they malfunction!!

No kidding. Those idiots could have been directly responsible for the deaths of people, you need to firmly lodge your foot up their ass and demand action on their part. Good to know everyone is ok, how's the damage on the boat?
There is no way to prove that it was the mechanic, so not much i can do.

The hull pretty badly damaged. I don't know what is fixable or not. The outdrive also took damage. It not only hit the bottom, but when i realized i had no steering i threw it in reverse as hard as i could, so no telling what is broken, or would break a few months down the road.

It all could have been avoided if i checked the fittings.
Whoooa Nelly! I bet that was one heck of a ride! Very glad no one was hurt, terrible your boat got some damage. Lucky you didn't catch that tree head on...ouch!
B.O.A.T (Bring Out Another Thousand). Glad hear everyone is okay. Be safe out there.
It sucks that your boat got damaged D.J. but at least no one got seriously hurt........ :0 :thumbs: :cool:
Wow sorry to hear that. Glad that everyone is ok though.
Glad to hear nobody got hurt DJ. Hope you can get the thing fixed up.
There is no way to prove that it was the mechanic, so not much i can do.

The hull pretty badly damaged. I don't know what is fixable or not. The outdrive also took damage. It not only hit the bottom, but when i realized i had no steering i threw it in reverse as hard as i could, so no telling what is broken, or would break a few months down the road.

It all could have been avoided if i checked the fittings.

Res Ipsa Loquitur


If the mechanic had the boat shortly before the accident and he was working on he area that failed ... me thinks you have a case. Call a lawyer because you have repair and associated costs, the costs of the original repair, and the stress and anxiety involved with this whole situation.

Just my .02
Thanks for the well wishes guys! The salvage company pulled the boat out today, and it is not as bad as we thought. Probably looking at a new outdrive, and a good amount of fiberglass work. But it does float and start. The Insurance company (Progressive) is moving very quickly. No complaints so far.

There is no way to prove that it was the mechanic, so not much i can do.

The hull pretty badly damaged. I don't know what is fixable or not. The outdrive also took damage. It not only hit the bottom, but when i realized i had no steering i threw it in reverse as hard as i could, so no telling what is broken, or would break a few months down the road.

It all could have been avoided if i checked the fittings.

Res Ipsa Loquitur


If the mechanic had the boat shortly before the accident and he was working on he area that failed ... me thinks you have a case. Call a lawyer because you have repair and associated costs, the costs of the original repair, and the stress and anxiety involved with this whole situation.

Just my .02

I am already lookign in to this further. Thanks for the info!
Glad no one was hurt. Running aground at that speed could really ruin someone's life.

This is one of the many reasons I learned to work on my own boat. It's pretty simple, really, and the few special tools that are needed aren't all that expensive. It all depends on the boat, of course, but if you can do basic mechanical stuff, you should be able to do most anything you would need to do on a boat outside of the engine work.

Good luck with the repairs. :)
Wow, that does not look pretty. Glad no one was seriously injured!
Man that's rough. Glad nobody was hurt, sounds like you reacted well to the situation. Good luck getting everything fixed up, and finding a new mechanic!
You definetly reacted better then I would have! Glad to hear no one was hurt!
Admit it, you wanted to do a James Bond.

Seriously, your karma balance must be favorable. Inexpensive maintenance lesson.