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May 29, 2001
A buddy of mine (SFG75) had a student telling him about this major threat hanging over us all and was telling me about it. Scott found some info on the net about it and forwarded it to me because neither of us could belive anybody could actually believe this stuff. I'm not sure this is proof exactly that people do believe it because it could all be faked being on the net and all. If they did though, then they worked awful hard on it because theres lots of suposed photographic evidence and lots of links on it all. Below are some links to get started on it. Heres my favorite entry of them all though.


Someone forwarded me your message about chemtrails. FYI, they spray the
crap out of us here in southeastern Missouri (almost daily). We are moving
and largely because of the chemtrails. Our folks live in Mississippi and
they don't seem to be spraying as heavy down that way (larger
black/liberal population??). We are moving down that way. I think "they"
are trying to clear out the western U.S. and herd folks to the eastern U.S. and thecities (via the land grabs). I guess this is how plagues will be / are
being delivered. I fear the day will come when we will no longer have
electricity and will no longer be able to filter our air. I found a good
half-hour video on chemtrails plus we watched some of Joyce Reilly's
I don't know if you are familiar with Dr. Horowitz or any of his books /
tapes. He tells ways to improve your health / boost your immune system
despite chemtrails, tainted vaccines, etc. I Emailed the photo which I
sent you to my federal senators, my federal rep, and my state rep. I only heard
back from my state rep. He basically said he didn't know anything about
the trails and was curious what the federal folks had to say. He said it was
bigger than the state level. Take care.


My problem with all of it is that I have plenty of time on my hands really and I can NEVER be this creative. :angry: Why can't I have this much imagination? ???

As far as the people involved go I'm sure Scott will try to blame all this on Republicans some how, but I'm sure we can all agree only Democrats would be this gulable and suceptable to such wild and crazy ideas since most of their parties platform is just as wild and crazy. :thumbs: :thumbs:

Here is the link for info on Chemtrails where my favorite quote comes from. Lots of pics to convince any skeptic.

Here is more info on the Killer Flu they are using.

Here is a recipie for detoxing yourself. Or is it home made spicy V8? Just as useful either way I would guess.

I really had no idea about all this and now I supose my life will never be the same again.

Thanks a bunch Scott! :angry: :angry: :angry:

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
I have a pilots licence, I'm fully aware of contrails. These are chemtrails!! It's obviously a HUGE conspiracy. Theres NO way there could be just a simple solution for it all!!

Turns out the communists are involved to some extent. Check this out.

You'll also notice in the link about the flu it will be the Germans, Russians, Chinese and IRISH that send troops to help restore order while were dying off. Those sneaky Irish! I KNEW they were up to no good!!! :angry:
Secret plan to reduce world population to 400-500 million, good deal I needs my space :0. Damn, I hoped that the secret paln was AIDS, I don't need chemical spraying.
WhoooHooo - this is scary. We now have wacky liberals who suscribe to ZPG's overpopulation myths and are building upon them with government conspiracy theories. This seems inconceivably stupid but Michael Moore's films to remind me of how and idiot can convince morons of "facts". These people would be better off if they went back to trying to figure out what is hidden below Denver Int'l Airport.

Why is it that people feel we need to reduce the world's population soo much? As PJ O'Rourke pointed out in "All the Trouble In The World," the earth's population would fit into N. Dakota living at the population density of New York City. There is plenty of the Earth to go around. I wasn't very popular in many of my classes pointing this out after we got to watch the ZPG video OVER AND OVER again. I suppose I deserve it for majoring in environmental science though - greenies happen.

The east coast isn't safe either!! Right here in NYC they are doing the same thing, only instead of planes they are using buses and taxis to spew the stuff out. Oh sure, some people will say its just exhaust, but thats nonsense!!! The US is doing chemical weapons tests on us. Good thing I still have that Y2K bunker in the woods.
That seems about as obvious as sarcasm gets to me.
Somebody please commit this guy to the ward!!! :p You don't actually believe this stuff do you??
emodx said:
You are kidding, right?
Kidding? Is the future of the entire human race a joking matter to you?!

Just to bring it back down to earth a bit here.

Me being a sarcastic, all about me sorta thinker:

It just means that I will have a easier time getting my hands on all those limited edition cigars out there :p
racing_fan said:
Just to bring it back down to earth a bit here.

Me being a sarcastic, all about me sorta thinker:

It just means that I will have a easier time getting my hands on all those limited edition cigars out there :p
But what if the conspiracy takes out the experienced cigar rollers!!! :0
To talk to Art Bell on the wild card line call 1-888-urr-nuts.

Been ther heard that :p
Need to keep a low profile.. After my post about the buses and the taxis yesterday I noticed black helicopters in the area. You all know what that means.

Where'd I put my tinfoil hat...
Heres some more for you guys. It doesn't have the impending peril appeal of the chem trails, but is entertaining none the less.

The Flat Earth Society

The earth is indeed flat and any evidence otherwise is only a conspiracy or optical illusion due to the density of air at a long distance. This is truly revelation of an awsome and liberating magnitude!! Water does fall off the edge by the way but returns as rain in the natural orbit of the flat earth.

I need to dig into it deeper to really understand better, but one of my favorite sections so far is the Springfield Paradox part of it all. Basically all the Springfeilds every where that we know of are actually the same place, but all conected interdimentionally. Truly facinating and enlightening stuff. I wonder if the Springfield the Simpson's live in is one of them? If so that may explain some things. (DOes anyone know what state that Springfeild is in by the way? I can't figure it out and the show says they give us all the clues to figure it out.)

Here is the Flat Earth FAQ to answer some questions you may be starting to have about all this.

They do have a some what more radical sect known as THE FLAT EARTH LIBERATION FRONT AGAINST TELEVISION or FELFAT as they like to be known. Thease guys really are fighting the good fight for us all. From what I can gather from my quick glance is that they believe the earth is round, but it's natural state is flat and it was made round so television could reach all of us without an escape as there would have been if it had been left flat. The networks seem to have accomplished this in some way by manipulating the value of pi. It's either a little murky there or I'm a little dense. They do belive though that if they dig deep enough (300-400 miles I think they say) then they will be able to expose the hardware involved with the rounding out of the earth. Once discovered we can then all work to restoring it's natural flatness. They have had one successful prepatory dig and are preparing like mad (so to speak) for the big Dateline Dig.

Very interesting reading. I'm thinking of selling my house so I can join these people in there important work. :thumbs:
QUICK - everyone put on your aluminium foil helmets to protect from the radio waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

:sign: :sign: :sign:
I am now digging my bunker and constructing a complicated air filtration system.

Cigarsarge signing off now. See yall at the end of the world. :sign:
Ok, this group is scaring me. How come so many members have this secret information.
Is Cigarpass really a cover for the Keepers Of Odd Knowledge Society? :lookup:

I bet the cigars that get passed along have tracking devices implanted in them. That would explain why I get an odd burning smoke sometimes. Yeah, yeah thats the ticket............