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Cincinnati Reds in trouble for cigars in clubhouse after clinching

The Green Monkey

Apr 5, 2008
The Cincinnati Reds are in some luke-warm (not hot) water for smoking victory cigars inside their lockerroom after clinching a spot in the playoffs. Looks like the owner was smoking an AF13 or possibly some sort of Liga Privada.


We're becoming a nation of weenies.
If I were the Reds owner I'd find out who these asshat whistle blowers were and ban them from my stadium!
Apparently, the owner LOVES Ligas, and he promised Cabrera he'd send him a box if they clinched.
Yup. I'd say we're officially a nation of nanny-state weenies. This seals the deal.

I liked the line in the article about "celebratory jaywalking."

I wish the mainstream media would run with this story too. What a dumb thing to "tattle" on.

Thanks for sharing.

Fuggin' Cincinnati communist liberals......yeah, I'm talking about you punk_lawyer. Happy now?

I hope I don't ever come within a mile of whoever blew that whistle.

I rarely get upset but this sucks... I'm not a Reds fan either but, in this case. GO REDS!!! Give 'em hell!!
Wow . . . do these people have so little going on in their own lives that they actually have the time to do this sort of thing?
Solution: Light the cigars 'after' the strippers show up.

Also, bigger question is why was this ever in the news?
How many ways can every single living person be pampered at the expense of others? At some point when everyone who whines or rats out others gets their way, you just won't be able to do anything any more. It's comically ridiculous. One day we'll be walking around in individual rolling bubbles, like some sort of hamster people. That way noone will have to have any contact with the world or other people. Matter of fact, I should invent and revolutionize the widespread use of the personal bubble. I'll be loaded.
I am so happy my team is in the playoffs! We are going to win the World Series. I love LP #9's but I'm not so sure they are good for 1st time cigar smokers

I bet it was a Cardinals player who ratted us out because like Brandon Phillips said "All the Cardinals do is bitch"
You know, considering some of the stuff the last owner said/did you'd think this would slide.
Orwell had the date wrong. Otherwise, he's looking pretty clairvoyant.
Regardless of opinions regarding these indoor smoking bans, these bans are still law and these laws must be obeyed.

The citizens who called in to report the violation are complete and utter mopes.

But still, Reds mgmt and players should know that the law still applies to them and their clubhouse.
Regardless of opinions regarding these indoor smoking bans, these bans are still law and these laws must be obeyed.

The citizens who called in to report the violation are complete and utter mopes.

But still, Reds mgmt and players should know that the law still applies to them and their clubhouse.

Which raises the question...

What do we have laws for if no one breaks them? This was a celebratory situation in which and entire city can be proud of their team who apparently did no wrong on the field for an entire season until they celebrated their most important win.This wasn't an act of enforcing some newly enacted law.. This was pure pettiness on the part of someone with an ax to grind. Pure and simple.
Fuggin' Cincinnati communist liberals......yeah, I'm talking about you punk_lawyer. Happy now?

WTF, bro? I am about as much of live and let live guy as can be found in the world today. The ABSOLUTE LAST thing you would ever see me advocating is a smoking ban.

Go Reds!!! I have my playoff tickets!
This is great! The health inspector must witness the offense! LOL....when he walks in next time, hand him a cigar and a $100 bill. Congrats and enjoy the celebration... :thumbs:

I am so happy my team is in the playoffs! We are going to win the World Series. I love LP #9's but I'm not so sure they are good for 1st time cigar smokers

I bet it was a Cardinals player who ratted us out because like Brandon Phillips said "All the Cardinals do is bitch"
I think he should moved the team across the river to Kentucky. That'll fix'em! (Only if they don't have an indoor smoking ban)