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Columbus Day and our 20th wedding Anniversary


Bratwurst and Beer
Oct 6, 2005
Sounds like

C O H I B A to me!! :D

Man ??? 20 years!?! How did that happen!

I bought her some really nice things just for her including a trip to a health studio (hot stone massage, mud bath and the works)

And she gave me a bunch of money and a train ticket to go the Casa del Puro on Friday... they have a Cuban Roller event going on.

Woo hooo! I love my wife!
Awesome bro, congrats on the big 2-0. She must be one hellava woman to put up with you :)

Thanks guys... lets just say, she keeps me in line. lol
Congrats on the 20 years, mighty hard to do these days. I ought to know, took me two times to get it right.
congrats on yr 20 years...deffinetly a milestone!
congrats man!! I cannot wait for my 20th anniv, casa del puro looks fantastic


Have a great day at Casa del Puro, tell all I said HELLO! Great Place! We expect some pictures.

Congrats Wurm! That Casa Del Puro looks friggin awesome in those pics!
Dude found a Stepford wife ;)

I keep getting beat for swipin' my check card down my wife's ass!