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Token Cuban Guy
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hialeah, FL (near miami)
WK-Mang had a problem with me posting something about the CPFFL on this site.

In my defense, the reason it was posted here was so that just in case someone missed it in the pending trades on yahoo they might have caught it here as most people seem to read this more often. Secondly, this is a CP fantasy football league, so why is it wrong to discuss it on CP. We've had people talking smack here before about the CPFFL and no one had a problem with it. I did make some PMs and emails but I wanted everyone in the league to read this.

I thought the topic title was pretty clear. I don't know about most on this site, but if the topic doesn't intrigue me, I don't read it.
Someone closed the first thread so you start a second.

I guess your right I dont have to read it if I dont want to, but im sure everyone who wanted to would read it, read on the CPFFL site.
Yes I started a second. It was closed before I got to respond. I still don't see why I am not allowed to talk about CPFFL here. It is related to CP for crying out loud. There are plenty of things on this site that don't interest me. Basically I just don't read them or respond to them. No one is putting a gun to anyone's head to make them read something about fantasy football. I feel that the topics have been clearly labeled.

This is not a controversial topic.

This is not offensive.

It is something that I and a few others on this site happen to have in common.

If you don't want to read it, simply put, don't. We don't have to be interested in everything on this site in order for this to be a great site. There is something for everyone here. And one of those things here for people like me is Fantasy Football. It is not posted in the wrong thread or anything, so why are people making an issue out of this?

I like Fantasy Football. And others here like Fantasy Football.
Are we going to place Fantasy Football with religion and politics as things we don't talk about?
i just want to say...

i have no idea what you're talking about.
fantasy football?

altho freedom of speech is good, it can get out of control
kind of like the cigar aficionado board, in it's lobby part.
lots of topics not many relevant to cigars.

i'm not saying for or against, as i have no idea which way to go towards.
just my 2.06 cents (tax)
Don't see the problem with this as long as it is discussed in a civil manner. Don't want to read it? Don't read it.

Not sure what all the fuss is about. :lookup:

The Lobby
Come on in and talk about anything

I understood Wade's request...... more than likely attempting to avoid a flame war.
It has happened around here once or twice before. ROFLMAO!
I also understand ricmac's reasoning..... most of us do not go to the FFL site everyday but do visit here daily. Since this was a CP league involving cigars I think it was very appropriate to post it here on this site.

As for some of the other people's comments on this thread......

BTW, the trade deadline was Nov 14th.
Whats wrong with me, I cannt stop reading this thread, I must be sick in the head.
:D :D :D
I'm cofused why this is even an issue.
It seems to me that it makes sense to post info about a Cigar Pass Fantasy Football League in the lobby if it is important and time sensitive. I'm not playing with CPFFL but I am playing Fantasy Football with some other friends on Yahoo. I spend very little time on Fantasy Football and usually don't know what's going on with the league unless someone goes out of their way to let me know. They usually inform me off trades so I can voice an opinion if need be. None of the people in my league are CP members but if they were CP would be the best way to stay in touch because I spend so much time here. Since a lot of CP members spend a good deal of time on CP it is the most efficient way to get important information to a bunch of friends quickly.

Just my 2 cents
Allofus123 said:
I also understand ricmac's reasoning..... most of us do not go to the FFL site everyday but do visit here daily. Since this was a CP league involving cigars I think it was very appropriate to post it here on this site.
Thank you for understanding my point.

I think the part that upset me the most was the thread being locked. Why was it locked? There have been threads that were a lot worse than that one that weren't locked. Nothing offensive was said, yet it was still locked. I didn't even get a chance to respond. One person complains so we lock the thread?
Don't sweat it ricmac..... I'm sure it was to circumvent any possibility of a flame war..... although I don't believe we could have topped last years....ROFLMAO!
FYI to everyone...I locked the thread. Reason being this:

There was no need for response...I didn't care to read anyones opinion...the matter was a mute point anyway. Ricmac posted his opinion..which was consitent with the majority of the league (I know this because of all the emails I recieved) No reason to see 10+ people post the same opinion and to have LostTexan continue to argue the point...there was no point...it was all irrelevant. So as commish of the CPFFL and Moderater of this forum I deemed necessary to lock the thread and leave it at that. This was in no intent to censor CPFFL discussion at CP. At this point if anyone as any issues..then I would guess they would have to be with Lost Texans and GAC for "trying" to execute what has been deemed an "unfair" trade late in the season between a contending team and a team that is mathematically outta the running. If this is the case..then do it via Pm or email and make whatever resolution you're aiming for. :)
(On a side note, I am honored by the presence of Neal on this thread, LOL. Only speaks when he really has something to say and he said something here.)

Thank you for the clarification Beast. Makes perfect sense to me.
I am no longer offended. I was trying to come up with the reasoning and that more than handled it.

I guess this thread is ready to be locked up too then. :thumbs:
Wait! So what's to stop these mathematically (God, I hope I didn't frag that as bad as Beasty) eliminated folks from cutting their star players and putting them on the market for everyone else??? That's what I would do... LMAO.

Good thing I didn't post what a lop eared, beady eyed, no good, low down, worthless, scheming little nailbiter the guy who locked the thread was.

Ya know, I might post more if I ever find somebody here I like. ;)

Allofus123 said:
Don't sweat it ricmac..... I'm sure it was to circumvent any possibility of a flame war..... although I don't believe we could have topped last years....ROFLMAO!
As Sgt. Schultz might say, "I know nuthink, NUTHINK!" ;)
cc - I'm quite sure, well . . . reasonably certain that I was under the influence of extremely powerful narcotics at the time . . . Uh . . . during whatever time it was that you misuderstood whatever it was I said that would lead you to the belief that . . .

I'm sorry, was I talking?
