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First smoke


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
I'm sure somewhere on here there is this exact same topic, however the computer I am on is quite slow and not working with the search engine. But I wanted to hear some stories about everyones first time smoking a cigar.

I'll start with mine, as a way to introduce myself.
My senior year of high school back in Minnesota there were a group of five of us that were all close friends. All typical theatre geeks, nerds, but still all pretty well known. Well towards the end of summer before moving out to Las Vegas for college the last of the group finally turned 18. As a way to celebrate we had a bit of a game night. We all bought cigars, a couple pipes and Sir Raleigh pipe tobacco, and I brought over my little two person pop tent. We sat out in my friends field playing an intense game of Risk while puffing away all night. The smoke was dense as can be in the tent. But it was one of the best nights I had before moving away. Of course I have no idea what I was smoking that night, but it was quite delicious.

Also just a side note, I definitely smoked the Sir Raleigh out of a corn cob pipe. Gotta love the Midwest.
Forrest Avery
My first cigar actually happened before I turned 18. I was caddying at a golf course and my tip for a round of 18 was a Ashton 898 (white label) wrapped in a 50. I was stoked about the $50 but the cigar, I was unsure about. During some off time, I got a pair of scissors to cut the cap off, ended up slaughtering the cigar, and it still tasted like crap. I was disappointed in the Ashton 898 but still made $50 of tips off this dude!
My first was a RyJ churchill tubo (ISOM) given to me by a very good friend of mine on my 5th year anniversary in Myrtle Beach SC on a golf vacation.
I stole my first cigar, from my best friend's father. I was about 12 or so. King Edward the VII. Smoked it under a bridge over the Moose river. That was the day we found out cigars make good mosquito repellent.

Swisher Sweet with a plastic tip washed down with Stroh's beer at my buddies family hunting camp a hell of a long time ago. I've upgraded since then. Got my own camp and no more cigars with plastic tips. Haven't had a Stroh's in a while, either.
First smoke was a little wood tipped thing in Uijongbu, South Korea. No idea what it was, but the flavor must not have been too bad because I sought out other cigars after that. :)
I can't remember either but it must have been a Muniemaker I stole from my dad when I was a kid. :D

My dad had full blown emphysema by the time he was 48 (in 1973) from years of heavy cigarette smoking and quit smoking altogether in 1973 so when I got into big into cigars in the early 1990s, he kinda wished he could enjoy the hobby with me but knew he couldn't.

My dad passed away in 1999 (he didn't think he'd live to 1980) so we were lucky that he beat the odds in that respect.

Muniemakers will always hold a special place for me.
My first cigar was a Dutch Master i stole from my grandfather. This had to be back in 1959. Drank some choclate milk after smoking it. Puked all the way home and laid on the sofa for the rest of the day. It was at least five years before I smoked another one.
I think the first time I tried a stick was when I was coming back from a gig and of course it was probably 2 or 3 AM. The cigars were of the cheap variety that one would find at a convience store. I was about 17 years old.
I had my first real cigar a little over two years ago_Of course I had sampled many dog rockets before that(weddings,baby born etc.)So a few years back,a friend of mine offers me a Cohiba Siglo 1 and I say no thanks.I figured it was just another one of those cigars that I would take a few puffs and throw away.He said to give it a try so i took it home and proceeded to take it out on the deck and give it a try.He had already cut the cap for me.While I was smoking it I was like "holy shit,this is a great cigar". My wife looks out the window and sais"what are you doing?you don't smoke"well I do now!!!!Anyway,my buddy hooked me up with a few more Siglos and another friend let me borrow a humi and the rest is history.Not long after that I found this wonderful forum.Now I have my own humi and about 100 top notch smokes :thumbs:
Boy Scout Summer Camp - 1975

We finished climbing Mt. Washington and each of my group lit up a "Tijuana Small" from a pack we lifted from the Scoutmaster.

As if breathing wasn't hard enough? Got worse after we inhaled :( those bad boys.
My first one, who knows.

The first one I enjoyed is easy. It was a Monte Cristo #1 during my first trip to Cuba in March 2006. We were staying in a bungalow at the resort, and I met a guy staying in the next bungalow. Over the week, he showed me how to choose, cut, light & smoke a cigar and the level of enjoyment increased exponentially.

My Better Half says it's been downhill from there. :blush:
It was my good friends birthday, a little over a year ago. He knew I had been wanting to try a cigar, and he had smoked in the past. Picked up a tin of Havana Honeys. Somked one, liked it, some a bunch more over the next month or 2, got tired of them, and moved on to bigger and better things.
Technically I guess my first cigar was a Black 'n Mild which I actually smoked for a while in my late teen years.

But... since technically, I consider machine rolled cigars to be the loosest example of a cigar, I guess it would actually be a Cohiba in June '05 poolside at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. I don't remember which one and hell, I didn't even know what I had. I was only smoking it for the novelty, just to be able to say I smoked a "Cohiba". If I knew then what I know now :blush: .................. fuggin' hindsight is 20/20!

Swisher Sweets back in the Summer of '89. Worked for the college I was attending as a grounds keeper and my buddies and I would sit back and smoke one after work.

First cigar without a plastic tip was a Thompson Sampler that same summer. Camping with the same group of guys. We bought a sampler and enjoyed them around the campfire all week long before the semester started.

I did not touch cigars again till 2006. Then it was an H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon and I was in love. Soon bought a humidor and then my first pipe. Been a downhill slope ever since.