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Ghost stories


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Reaction score
Upland, CA
Since Halloween is just around the corner, let's hear some ghost stories! Have you had any ghost encounters? Let's hear your experience. :)
A kid I grew up with swore his house was haunted. We used to go hang out with him and being we were kids we would get sucked into and become believers ourselves. The place was creepy tho!! Alot of weird shit like sudden cool air, creaks around the house and the occasional sighting! My buddy played it out once like something slammed him against the wall and we about shit ourselves lol. Good times for sure and I hadn't thought about this memory in quite some time
The area I grew up in Stafford Virginia is rich in famous history going all the way back to early settlement days with Pocahontas walking the shores of Aquia Creek. Ferry Farm was George Washington's boyhood home. Government Island was where Freestone was quarried for the Nations Capital, among other buildings in DC, and the Civil War saw a lot of activity in our area.
Right outside the entrance of the subdivision I grew up in is a very old church founded in 1654, and built in 1754 called Aquia Episcopal Church. Ever since I was a child I had heard stories of it being haunted, but never anything specific.
Fast forward to about 1990/92 time period. I had recently moved back to the area after being released from active duty service in the Marine Corps, and was dating a young woman who along with her parents were regular members of the congregation at the time. This particular Sunday I attended the worship service was a big to do event marking some milestone in the church's history. There were Civil War rein-actors that spent the night outside between the church and church cemetery complete with an authentic campsite....... The next morning prior to service I was eager to check out the soldier uniforms, the campsite, and to talk with the members that were getting ready to take part in the afternoon events. Father Kerr was giving direction to the groups leader about plans for the service, when at some point in the conversation the gentleman brought up that they all had noticed that there was a orange - reddish light in the belfry. It kept turning on and off at various points during the prior evening when all of the rein-actors were enjoying the campfire. He made a half joke about it being a ghost, but stated that there is probably a loose bulb in a light socket making the light flicker on and off.
Without batting an eye Father Kerr told him "Oh, that's just Blond Beth! The ghost of a young woman who stays in the belfry.  She was probably just checking you out, curious why Civil War soldiers have returned after such a long absence.... By the way! There are no lights, or electricity in the belfry."  Turns out that a young blond female was murdered during the Revolutionary War days and her body left to rot in the Belfry, only to be found after the church re-opened years after the war was over. Her skeleton with hair still attached was all that was left.
The look on their faces (And I'm sure mine as well) was priceless. I even thought Father Kerr might have been pulling our leg. After the service was over, I had to see myself. I climbed the ladder stairs up to the belfry, pushed the hatch open and lifted myself up inside halfway to look around. Immediately I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and an uneasy/queasy feeling in my stomach like I wasn't alone. I also couldn't help notice that there was no signs of electrical wiring, switches, or lightning anywhere to be found inside this belfry.
A few years ago we had a couple come from the UK and stay with us for a few weeks on their holiday in the states.
Things were going well for the first two weeks, but at the beginning of the third, the young lady became very quit and didn't say much.
My wife came to me and said that the young lady had spoken with her and needed to tell me something, but she didn't know how I would react and she didn't want to offend me. I went to her, asking what the matter was. She started by telling me, that she could see things most people couldn't. I kind of knew what she meant from other talks we had, had, on the subject of ghosts.
She then told me she saw an older women twice in our home. Once in our hallway, just outside our bedroom door and once standing in our dining room. She told me the women just stood and watched us all talking with a slight smile on her face. She wouldn't talk to our friend, but wouldn't go away either.
Having an idea, I went to retrieve a family photo album I've had for years and pointed out some pictures to her. Asking if any of the people in it looked like our "extra" guest. She quickly pointed to a photo of my mom in her younger days.
I wasn't at all upset, either with our friend, or the fact that my mom seemed to be hanging out with us. This did however bother our friend since she was the only one that could see my mom, and the fact my mom wouldn't let her know just what she wanted. 
So, being a good host, I asked my mom with love and respect if she wouldn't mind leaving just until our friends left for home. That was it. Our friend didn't she her again for the rest of her stay.
Fast forward a week or two, not sure how long, but, not much more the that. One of those touch lamp things we have in our dining room went on. No one was in the room and nothing was around to make it turn on. I went over and touched it to turn it off. I walked away, looking back, it went back on.
I stopped and said "I get it mom, our back" the light went out and hasn't gone back on without someone touching it since.
Things the make you go ...Hmmm