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graduation cigar choices


New Member
Mar 29, 2007
ok so im graduationg from highschool this friday night and have been stocking up on some nice sticks for a while. Just to set the scene its gonna be pretty hot not only because of the weather but we have to wear white tux's and sit in the gym for about an hour and a half. everyone smokes on the steps after we leave.

here are the choices:
-Opus X xxx
-Opus X robusto
-Opus X corona?(about 47 ring guage and about 5.5-6 inches long)
-La gloria cubana maduro serie r 6 (my signature stick)
-Ashton cabinet vsg torpedo
-Ashton maduro robusto
-grukha(forget which type, it was a bomb threat)
-cohiba grande
-montiecristo cuban tubo (picked this up about 3 years ago...)

i cant really decide which one fits this occasion so a little help would be much appreciate. I want this to be memorable, somthing that everyone will remember, since i am pretty much the cigar conisure at my school, even though my skills dont really amount to any of yours :whistling:

thanks, Greg

EDIT: also ill proabaly have it on my jacket pocket....should i leve it in the car just in case so i dont crush it? and should i cut it prior or cut it on the spot? and butane lighter or wooden matches?
Smoke em all! Its celebration for ya! Enjoy it!

On a personal note, I'd start off the night with the VSG. Love those!
I say you go with your signature stick. It's something you'll be comfortable with. I don't know if you've had Opus before, but it could be embarrassing in a social setting your first time :). Plus, you'll want to focus a bit more on the other smokes I think.
my main concern would be pulling tail, as those untagged may leave for places far far away, better to strike while the iron's hot than to see them all fat at reunions down the road.

look at your stash, think last cigar you want to smoke ever, thats the one you grab. of course take 2, just in case.

and a whole bunch of condoms.
since it's a graduation, smoke whatever the hell you want! Pick the stick(s) that give you the most joy, the most pleasure, and take you places while you're smoking them. And there's no reason to pick just one. If it has to be special, then grab the one that you don't get to smoke all that often due to cost, availabilty, etc... and that you enjoy the most. Hell, find a local B&M and splurge on something you might never buy.

But enjoy whatever you smoke... it's only the beginning of your life! :laugh:
Of those available I'd go with the Opus Corona.

Have it on you, but don't clip it prior. After the ceremony, whip it out, clip it, and go to town :)

Now I need you to tell me why there are no Tatuaje's to choose from :angry:

Edited for grammar
Now I need you to tell my there are no Tatuaje's to choose from :angry:
LMAO!!! Should have seen that one coming! :laugh: In all seriousness, this is a night to remember so smoke one that you really like.
my main concern would be pulling tail, as those untagged may leave for places far far away, better to strike while the iron's hot than to see them all fat at reunions down the road.

look at your stash, think last cigar you want to smoke ever, thats the one you grab. of course take 2, just in case.

and a whole bunch of condoms.


I'm with you!
ok well after thinking about it for a little bit i have pretty much narrowed it down between:

-one of the Opus X's
-montiecristo isom
-la gloria serie r

i still dont know they all have thier pros and cons, for instance, ive yet to have a opus x so i dont know what im really expecting out of it. love the la gloria but i can smoke that one any day. and the montie....well....what can i say those 2 are special to me, but i dunno when im gonna smoke them if not now...

-still so confused....
my main concern would be pulling tail, as those untagged may leave for places far far away, better to strike while the iron's hot than to see them all fat at reunions down the road.

look at your stash, think last cigar you want to smoke ever, thats the one you grab. of course take 2, just in case.

and a whole bunch of condoms.

im a little confused by this comment, do u mean the one most special and want to save or one that i want to get rid of?
ok so im graduationg from highschool this friday night and have been stocking up on some nice sticks for a while. Just to set the scene its gonna be pretty hot not only because of the weather but we have to wear white tux's and sit in the gym for about an hour and a half. everyone smokes on the steps after we leave.

here are the choices:
-Opus X xxx
-Opus X robusto
-Opus X corona?(about 47 ring guage and about 5.5-6 inches long)
-La gloria cubana maduro serie r 6 (my signature stick)
-Ashton cabinet vsg torpedo
-Ashton maduro robusto
-grukha(forget which type, it was a bomb threat)
-cohiba grande
-montiecristo cuban tubo (picked this up about 3 years ago...)

i cant really decide which one fits this occasion so a little help would be much appreciate. I want this to be memorable, somthing that everyone will remember, since i am pretty much the cigar conisure at my school, even though my skills dont really amount to any of yours :whistling:

thanks, Greg

EDIT: also ill proabaly have it on my jacket pocket....should i leve it in the car just in case so i dont crush it? and should i cut it prior or cut it on the spot? and butane lighter or wooden matches?

Bro, first off, congrats on graduating high school!!!

Take an Opus, have it preclipped with the cello on still. Keep it in your jacket pocket...gansta...and DONT use matches...you dont wanna look like a fool if there's any wind. Use a toarch. AND HAVE A BLAST! :thumbs: Dude, college is amazing...gear up for the party of a life time! I'm going to be a junior, just rented out a house....man we're lucky sons of bitches!

Now....LIGHT `ER UP! :cool:
Smoke em all! Its celebration for ya! Enjoy it!

On a personal note, I'd start off the night with the VSG. Love those!

PShh, you would! Not on a graduation day! you get something rare, or that you'd have a very hard time trying to find again...then you light that sucker up! :thumbs: :rolleyes:
You don't need to smoke anything showy or to look cool. I'd wait until after dinner to light up - it's just a better experience than doing it walking off the stage. Enjoy the moment and then enjoy the cigar.
I say bring the Monte, and an Opus. The "corona" size you're talking about sounds like the Fuente Fuente size, maybe. I say take that one with you as well.

And congrats on graduating!
my main concern would be pulling tail, as those untagged may leave for places far far away, better to strike while the iron's hot than to see them all fat at reunions down the road.

look at your stash, think last cigar you want to smoke ever, thats the one you grab. of course take 2, just in case.

LMAO good call. :D

I say go for one of the Opus X's.
If your going to go with an opus I would definitely go with the corona sized one, the xXx may put you on your ass and thats the last thing you want at graduation. The VSG is also a good bet and if you are sure that the Monte is real thats a good bet too.

Congrats on Graduating, have a good time and relax with your friends. I graduated in '05 the graduation itself was miserable (there was 600 of us and the school decided to have 12 valedictorians 4 gave speeches, all were excessively long) but that night was great, just hanging out with my closest friends and relaxing. That was a night I will always be able to look back on and enjoy.

Be safe (stay off the roads even if your not drinking, everyone else is) and just have a good time.

And also use a torch if your outside. If you have a chance to smoke inside matches or ceder are a great touch that adds to the experience.
If your graduation is anything like mine, you will be standing outside on the HS football field with parents cheering from the stands. At some point, a few kids will be really cool and do some sort of dance across the stage to draw attention to themselves as they are about to recieve his/her diplomas. Fun, right?

I would just go ahead and wait until later to enjoy your smoke. Do it over some dinner with your family or something. Do not wait until too late because you cannot really enjoy a nice cigar too much if you are hammered. At any rate, congrats.

my main concern would be pulling tail, as those untagged may leave for places far far away, better to strike while the iron's hot than to see them all fat at reunions down the road.

look at your stash, think last cigar you want to smoke ever, thats the one you grab. of course take 2, just in case.

and a whole bunch of condoms.

im a little confused by this comment, do u mean the one most special and want to save or one that i want to get rid of?

He means that if tomorrow were your last day on this planet, what would you smoke today? Know which ones? Then grab a couple of those and go to town.

Bottom line, pick which ever ones you enjoy. You don't need to pick something to show off or to impress anyone else. Whatever suits your tastes.

Congrats too. :thumbs:
How awesome would it be if, while on stage accepting your diploma, you turn to your classmates and lift up your graduation gown to display a nice, fat Churchill protruding from your zipper!

Congrats on completing High School, man. Those were some of the best times of my life looking back on it now.