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Jan 5, 2001
I had the best halloween party this past Saturday. I am still trying to recover. What are you guys going as...
a warrior princess...black leather bra top...black gladiator skirt,arm bracelets...high boots and a big ass sword!
Good thing I am voyeour (or however you spell it - too late to use spell check LOL)

i think ill just go as a two headed son of a siberian snake loving horse raping bean brained bull sh!tt!n canary killin rhinocesaurus looking cave bitch.......

now where do i find the costume???????? :p
One question Dawn, where are you going to carry your cigars? :lookup:

Think I'll just sit on the porch and scare the kids like I always do. :p

I am going to the halloween party as a mooch. Wait, I already am a mooch. Guess it is slacks and a nice shirt then.

DaveWF said:
Hey Dawn, you ARE taking pictures, aren't you??

taking pictures is fine,but i think the real question is:

dawn, are you going to POST the pictures? :D
This year since halloween is on a thursday (weeknight) we have scaled back a little bit.

We are handing out trick or treats at the house again.
Had a TV station over last year doing a safe trick or treating special, we kindof over decorate and build a haunted house out of our yard.
All kinds of monsters a graveyard and many 4' Black lights, fog machine strobe lights.
This year we are featuring the mad scientist and his grab a treat buckets again. We fill the buckets with Spagetti and grapes, jello, pumpkin guts, and carrots and olives. Puting treats (toys) in the bottom the kids have to stick thier hands into the eyballs and fingers and brains to get a toy.
The real treats are handed out by the Authentic witch who happens to scare teenaged girls every year, after they get close and see what the witch really looks like. (Gotta love theatrical calibur makeup)

We have a good cauldron with Dry Ice and we top it all off with a 450 watt PA system bellowing out spooky sounds.

It is such a big hit, that this year 3 other houses have joined in on the festivities.

We get trick or treaters pulling up in van loads becasue of our last years events included even larger promotions.

I had a buddy over last night and he said what do you charge for this? I said charge? This is for the kids.
Anyway -
I have invited anyone who wants to participate to drop by. It should be great fun.


Ohh Yeah by the Way
Dawn, for being an exhibitionist, I still haven't seen any pictures. :)

My kids are going as Sully from Monster's Inc. and a dinosaur. I'm going as their dad and will be eating all the candy.

;) A few Ive heard of:

1. tie a patatoe around your waist and go as a dictator

2cut out holes in a box for your arms to go through, place a lampshade on your head , and go as a one-night stand

3. tape a rolled up pair of nylons to the end of a long tube from wrapping paper, attach it to your belt, wear a raincoat and go as a flasher.

(not that I ever would)lol