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"Herf" (lol) related venting

I love diet coke (its the only carbonated drink I, err, drink), and no I dont think there's a minimum number of people required for a herf. Two guys can constitute a very enjoyable herf, particularly if the conversation is free-flowing.
However, the diet coke in my recent herf nightmare scenario was poured from a plastic bottle that had a) not been refrigerated, and IMO, warm diet coke tastes like fly spray, plus it was as flat as a pancake and b) in my humble opinion, the cigars smoked during a herf should cost more than 99 cents.
But maybe its just me :)
CBoukal, I used to live in Omaha, a very very very long time ago... 90th and Blondo :) I was only there for a year, but it was a great year :D 
Cigars and libations are not what a herf is about.  A herf is about relaxation and camaraderie, everything else is secondary - even the cigars.
Herf Rules
1:  No cheap cigars
2:  No diet Coke
3:  Comb your hair
4:  Don't talk about hot chicks
5:  Put on clean underwear
Crap, I'm staying home.  ???
whopper said:
Cigars and libations are not what a herf is about.  A herf is about relaxation and camaraderie, everything else is secondary - even the cigars.
Actually, a herf has a different meaning and provides a different pleasure for each person. The definition of 'herf' is technically unspecified, with the real deciding factor being the way a man feels as he leaves a herf. I've been to herfs, including one very recently, where cigars weren't even a part of the proceedings, due to a mishap by the guys I met up with, but it didnt present a problem at all.

If everything other than relaxation and camaraderie were secondary, the definition of 'herf' would be 'relaxation and camaraderie', however there is no official definition of either the word or the event.

However, referring to my own most recent herf, there was no relaxation, no camaraderie, extremely cheap cigars and flat, warm diet coke for sustenance. The deciding factor of how enjoyable the event was for me can only boil down to my own feelings as I left the herf.
What if the other guy thought it was great?   Does your feelings/thoughts/opinions over ride his?   I'm not trying to be an ass here (actually yes I am), but I just want to make sure that I understand the herf rules and protocols.  I might actually attend a herf someday (it's on my bucket list) and I just want to make sure I don't offend anyone there with my idea of what a good cigar and drink are.   I would especially hate to meet up with a fellow cigar brother, only to have him go back and piss and rant on an online forum about what a shitty experience he had because my choice of cigar and drink didn't match his expectations.   Or...crazy idea here....bring your own damn cigars and drinks, and politely say "I appreciate the offer, but I brought my own." 
Edit to add: If relaxation and comaradarie aren't the primary reason for your herf, and everything else secondary, you're doing it wrong. In my uneducated opinion, the whole point of a herf is relaxation and comradarie. Yes, I'm in a fowl mood, and having a bad week.  Must be the flat Diet Coke someone left at my place.
Bsneed51 said:
What if the other guy thought it was great?   Does your feelings/thoughts/opinions over ride his?   I'm not trying to be an ass here (actually yes I am), but I just want to make sure that I understand the herf rules and protocols.  I might actually attend a herf someday (it's on my bucket list) and I just want to make sure I don't offend anyone there with my idea of what a good cigar and drink are.   I would especially hate to meet up with a fellow cigar brother, only to have him go back and piss and rant on an online forum about what a shitty experience he had because my choice of cigar and drink didn't match his expectations.   Or...crazy idea here....bring your own damn cigars and drinks, and politely say "I appreciate the offer, but I brought my own." 
Edit to add: If relaxation and comaradarie aren't the primary reason for your herf, and everything else secondary, you're doing it wrong. In my uneducated opinion, the whole point of a herf is relaxation and comradarie. Yes, I'm in a fowl mood, and having a bad week.  Must be the flat Diet Coke someone left at my place.
Come HERF with me at the Outlaw Brent, I'll fix that "mood" you're in. You bring the gas station smokes (opus) and I will supply the flat diet coke (whiskey).
You can count on me talking bad about you to your face and mocking your inexperience in selecting fine cigars.
I will also ask that you treat me the same and question my taste in booze. :p
I'm quite sure we can figure this whole HERF thing out, maybe we could go over the finer points of what to smoke in the presence of say  Carlito Fuente or Jorge Padron.
Bsneed51 said:
What if the other guy thought it was great?   Does your feelings/thoughts/opinions over ride his?   I'm not trying to be an ass here (actually yes I am), but I just want to make sure that I understand the herf rules and protocols.  I might actually attend a herf someday (it's on my bucket list) and I just want to make sure I don't offend anyone there with my idea of what a good cigar and drink are.   I would especially hate to meet up with a fellow cigar brother, only to have him go back and piss and rant on an online forum about what a shitty experience he had because my choice of cigar and drink didn't match his expectations.   Or...crazy idea here....bring your own damn cigars and drinks, and politely say "I appreciate the offer, but I brought my own." 
Edit to add: If relaxation and comaradarie aren't the primary reason for your herf, and everything else secondary, you're doing it wrong. In my uneducated opinion, the whole point of a herf is relaxation and comradarie. Yes, I'm in a fowl mood, and having a bad week.  Must be the flat Diet Coke someone left at my place.
I agree, well said!
OutlawD said:
Come HERF with me at the Outlaw Brent, I'll fix that "mood" you're in. You bring the gas station smokes (opus) and I will supply the flat diet coke (whiskey).
You can count on me talking bad about you to your face and mocking your inexperience in selecting fine cigars.
I will also ask that you treat me the same and question my taste in booze. :p
I'm quite sure we can figure this whole HERF thing out, maybe we could go over the finer points of what to smoke in the presence of say  Carlito Fuente or Jorge Padron.
Maybe Sunday, say around 11:00 if you're working.   I'll be there for a few hours. 
Bsneed51, if your goal was indeed to be an ass, then I hope you feel you achieved that goal :)
I stand by my original post. I was venting, as I believe I mentioned in the title. I dont believe I was soliciting for comments, advice, or your 'knowledge'. I was simply venting.
Obviously, you're absolutely entitled to your opinion(s), plus you're welcome to air them, and you're welcome to create little cliques if it makes you feel good, but I came back from that evening feeling pretty down in the dumps. Now perhaps there were other reasons for that, and perhaps there werent, but I vented about what I wanted to vent about.
If the guy I met up with enjoyed the whole experience, then thats great. If he didnt, then I'd imagine that just like me, he's welcome to come here and vent too. 
In addition, the fact that I smoke cigars and the fact that you smoke cigars dont make us 'brothers'. It simply means we share a pastime. It means no more than that.
To cover your 'take your own damn cigars' comment, I'll tell you the whole story. If you want to read it, fine. If not, fine. If you think I'm just bitching behind someone's back, fine.
The guy in question is an acquaintance of my brother (my real brother, the kind that was in the same womb as me, albeit 7 years after me). My brother introduced me and the guy in question (his name is Michael). I'd never actually met him in person, but we'd spoken online many times, and then we arranged to meet.
Michael told me that he had a big liking for Montecristo Toro Grande, and I told him I had a box which I'd bring with me. As it happens, I'd brought a box back with me from Florida, and I still had most of them left. He said that was great, and he asked me if I like Fuente Don Carlos Belicoso. I told him I'd never tried them, so he said "you're in for a treat". We arranged a date to meet, he said his wife would be working that night (she's a nurse), and that was that.
I went over to his place, box of Toro Grande and a bottle of Laphroaig in hand, I rang his doorbell, and there was nobody home. After a few attempts, I heard a voice shouting out "im around here". The voice was coming from behind his house, from his garden. I went around the back of his house, and saw him sitting at a table with the infamous bottle of diet coke and two glasses.
I shook his hand, told him it was nice to finally meet him, all the while my hands were turning blue from the extreme cold air that was blasting down from the Arctic that night.
We talked for a while, I offered him a Toro Grande and a glass of Laphroaig, which he gratefully accepted.
One glass of that booze went straight to his head, because within 5 minutes, he was telling me the following:
1. He doesnt have a wife. He thought it would sound 'better' if he said he had one. I have no idea what that was all about.
2. He thought he had a box of Belicoso in the house, but actually he made a mistake, and he didnt have any cigars at all, but if I'd drive him to the supermarket (drug stores here dont sell cigars, but supermarkets do), he'd buy some cigars. I told him it wasnt necessary, there were more than enough Monte's in the box. He said "no no, I insist, Tesco (the supermarket) is only 20 minutes away. Lets go and I'll buy some cigars.
After some insistence on his part, I drove him to the supermarket. Upon arrival, he said
3."I'm such an arse (the American equivalent of 'ass'), I forgot my wallet. Would you mind buying the cigars? I'll pay you back when we get back to the house.
Once again, I told him it REALLY wasnt necessary to buy cigars as there were several Monte's in the box, but he insisted I go into the supermarket (while he stayed in the car), and he 'instructed' me to buy these:
(sorry if that looks like a 'source' - it isnt one).
I went in, feeling a little confused, bought the 'cigars' he 'told' me to buy, took them out to him, and he said 'well done'. Not thanks, not 'I really appreciate it', just 'well done'. What, well done for being an easy touch?
We then went back to his house, he reminded me how 'late' it was (something like 10.30pm, I cant remember exactly), told me he had to be up early for work, and THEN he thanked me for the cigars he told me to buy, and pay for, and which - incidentally - he didnt even offer to me, not that I'd have wanted one.
I left feeling very down in the dumps, very confused, very weirded out - and those feelings were multiplied the next morning when I realised my iPod Touch (which is used to power the bluetooth stereo in my new car), had mysteriously vanished. I know it was there when I arrived at his house, because I'd been listening to music. I guess it must have decided to emigrate to Kansas City while I was in the supermarket buying his cigars for him. Obviously, Michael wouldnt have stolen it while he was sitting in the car waiting for me to buy his cigars for him.
I then came back home, poured myself a drink, and vented a little.
But only a little. Had I wanted to be a real ba5tard behind the guys back, I would have simply told the whole story, without being pushed into doing so by someone who felt the need to attack me, even though he doesnt know me, or the whole story.
As far as I'm concerned, there are no rules and regulations about herfs. As I've previously said, what matters is how a guy feels at the end of it, and I felt weirded out, lied to, used and - taking the iPod situation into account - robbed from.
Now as I said, you're welcome to your views, but just as you dont care about mine, I'm really not overly interested in yours either, not in this particular case. 
I felt low enough to come back here and simply get something off my chest, which I did. Had I bitched about the guy to an extreme, had I named and shamed, had I painted myself as whiter-than-white, then fine, but all I did was to create a three-line post, simply for my own benefit, to blow off some steam. If your day is vacuous enough that you felt the need to be an ass once again, then great, go for it. But I wont be commenting on this again.
The day I attack you or one of your posts will be the day I next justify myself to you. However, you'll be waiting a very long time for me to attack you, because thats not my style. I'll always defend myself, but I'll never attack. I'll discuss, but I wont attack. I'll debate, but I'll never attack. I guess you operate differently, which is fine, but I wont be reading or commenting on too many of your posts.
MidAtlantic when you made your first post on the subject in a public forum, you opened yourself up to over 12,000 different people's opinions.  Those people that posted only "vented" their opinions of your vent.  Don't take it too seriously, especially given the knowledge of the event that wasn't shared with us.  Have some Cab, another fine stick, and smile. ;)  
You just came off as an ungrateful arse that your buddy didn't supply you with good enough cigars and drinks at your herf.   Hearing the whole story, I understand better why you were upset, but you didn't present yourself that way at first.   Don't be offended, I'm an ass, and most people here know it and expect it from me.   I think my "fan" club even meets on Wednesdays, and I'm sure you would be welcome.  Just PM Ketchtwenty2 for time and location of the meetings.  :laugh:
With that said, you are correct that what make a herf enjoyable for you, is different than what makes it enjoyable for me.  I think you will find the overwhelming majority, however, does put relaxation and comradarie at the top of the list.  I've been handed plenty of cigars/drinks that aren't what I would normally enjoy at a herf, but hanging out with a fellow "brother" makes it fun.  Yes, we do mostly consider ourselves "brothers" here, not just a shared hobby.  That's actually what makes this forum different from many of the others online.  I've made great friendships through this board with guys I consider brothers.  Not because some woman squeezed us out of the same fun hole.   I've herfed, and became friends with, people that I normally wouldn't spend 10 seconds considering if they walked up to me on the street. 
Doesn't matter really.  Some people "get it", some don't.   For me this place, and this hobby are about more than the quality of what I drink and smoke. 

Edit: Wait, did you accuse me of stealing your iPod? I don't listen to Tom Jones, so probably wasn't me.
The reason I didnt post the whole story is simply because I *dont* bitch about people behind their backs. I felt really 5hitty that night, really 5hitty to an extreme, and had I really wanted to let rip, I'd have told the whole story. Then I could understand your post. Maybe.
As the thread went on and on, I tried to diffuse it by going into less and less detail, because bitching simply isnt my style. I have plenty of other faults I'm sure, but bitching isnt one of them.
As I said, my OP was merely to let off some steam. Nothing more than that. It was a three-line ditty for my own benefit.
As for the brotherhood thing, I'm all for it, and I far from 'dont get it'. I most certainly get it. 
If ever you meet me - and this applies to all of you - I feel pretty sure you'll learn, extremely quickly, that being ungrateful, being an arse/ass, or being anything less than brotherly is simply not what I'm about. I'm a giver far more than a taker, I'm told I'm generous to a fault, and I always blend into other people's needs, rather than asking them to blend into mine.
Yes, I may live overseas, no I may not understand all the phrases and things you say, yes maybe there's something of a cultural difference, but at the end of the day, I'm simply a guy who joined what he believed to be a nice group of likeminded guys. I didnt expect to be berated for simply letting off a little hot air. I doubt I'm the first man who felt the need to do that.
And that REALLY is my last comment on this.
Fair enough.  Intent is hard to judge online. 
Ultimately we do share a hobby, and all the spoils that go with it.   Some people don't take it to the extreme that most of us probably do.   I'm admittedly protective of this community because it's been good to me, and I would like to think that at least in some small measure I've returned that back to the community.   That, combined with a bad week, is what put me on the offensive.  Nothing more.
Anyway, with that said, you have fine taste in scotch.   LaPhroiag and Arbeg are at the top of my personal favorites list.   You show up at my place with either of those, I might break out the fine $5 cigars to share.  :laugh:
You dont need to break out $5 cigars to impress me. You dont have to break out any cigars at all. Because of the price of cigars in the UK, I generally smoke cigars that cost five times as much as that, but do I expect you to be impressed? Not at all. I might have to pay $25 for a cigar that you pay $5 for. Life sucks, but thats because of where I choose to live for a lot of the year.
Admittedly, I'd prefer the diet coke you offer me to be cold and fizzy, but even that isnt essential.
Just dont lie to me, just dont force me into buying your cigars for you, and just dont steal from me.
If you DO do any of those things, expect me to be a little upset. Otherwise, all is well.
If I can walk away from a herf (or any other type of friendly meeting) thinking 'gee, what a nice guy', then I'm very happy, and ideally, the other guy/people will feel the same about me.
I think you'd be EXTREMELY surprised just how little it takes for me to feel impressed with my fellow man.
The $5 cigar line was a joke, hence the smily face after it.     Although I do have some fantastic $5 sticks.  But I'm not trying to impress you either. 
FYI...I honestly didn't take your iPod.    :laugh:
Well you better not have done. The GPS function is turned on, and if Interpol detects the signal anywhere in the KC area, you'll be in deep 5hit :)
Those limey blokes don't worry me.   As long as MI6 isn't after me.
Dunno, I dont mix much with limeys. Many Limeys dont accept me because to them, I sound American, and many Americans dont seem to accept me because to them, I sound either like Hugh Grant or Dame Edna Everage (who happens to be Australian), so I dont really fit in anywhere. Plus, I'm obviously an a5shole, and that never helps.