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Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Has anyone tried a Hookah? If you don't know what it is... It's a big glass vase/pipe that sits on a table, and has a few tubes that come out of it. You put water in the bottom, and flavored tabbaco in the bowl, and smoke it (suck on the tube). It supposed to create a really cool smooth tasty smoke. Here's a link:


Looks interesting...
True story...the year after I got out of high school I had an experience with a Hookah. My buddy Pat did some part time work with his friends as a roadie for their band, Tabitha's Secret. Well he invites me over to their house for some beers. I bust out some, errrr, herbal tobacco and a pipe. Well Rob breaks out a hookah with a fat bowl on it. Well I do what any other guy would do, pack it to the brim.
The next week the Pat and the band come over to a small kegger with my best friends. Brings over the hookah...woo boy, good times. Well turns out the band splits up, and Rob and 2 other guys go out to CA, shortly afterwards forming the band Matchbox 20. True story.
As far as hookahs go, same as any other apperatus with water, make sure it has an air tight seal with all other holes plugged. ;) And that's all I have to say about that.

Very cool Emo....burnin' down with Rob Thomas, I'd be in for that!!! :)
Well I don't know how he's handled fame, this was 10 years ago. But back in the day, the boys were very down to earth. Many good times back in O-town. My guess is not much has changed except his paycheck, addy, and friends...lol

Great story, Emo! We likes Matchbox 20 up yonder in Virginny!

The only hookah I ever used was made by US bongs!!!!

ROFLMAO!!!! :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
Rod said:
You put water in the bottom, and flavored tabbaco in the bowl, and smoke it (suck on the tube).
Flavored tobacco???...is that what they call it these days.LMAO. ;)
There was this one time, I was in Korea, this girl offered me...
wait you said Hookah...
I smoked a hookah once and ended up chasing white rabbits before the nights end. That was some damn good flavored wacky tobacy. ;-)
I've always wanted to smoke one of those things. They look soo kool when the Arab King is sitting on his throne smoking it.
Is flavored tobacco the only thing that should be smoked? Would pipe tobacco work in it?
Hookah! Not hooker's (no, I'm not talking slang. haha).

Ed, I did a search today, and there are LOTS of different types of tobacco made just for the hookah. They look cool. Sounds like it'd be interesting to see what kinda of flavors are actually emitted. They have them at this coffee shop near my house in Pasadena (remember the song "Little old lady from Pasadena"? same city...). I don't want to try one though, knowing that so many people have had their nasty lips wrapped around the thing. So I might buy one. I'll be sure to post a review. :)
Uh huh...sure...let me know what flavors are best...heard northern lights are tastey, also Gainesville green, and Jamacain gold are tasety too. Stay away from something that smells skunky...
Oh, flavored tabacco...why not shred up a Lars and try that...Or maybe an Acid.... LOL

As far as flavored tobbaco goes, I have had the flavored herbal stuff and it is really bad. Now maybe there is something decent out there, but if it was my dime, I would smoke a pipe or a flavored cigarover that stuff any day. Just my .02. But if you find something that is good, let us know.

Rod, I'll send ya some Virginia home-grown!

Man, you guys... I'm not into that!

Speaking of home grown. I started growing tobacco plants again! :) Yes, TOBACCO! :love: Stick that in your hooka and smoke it. :0
Talk of hookahs brings back memories, although some are real hazy. Many years ago a buddy went to Europe to "find himself" and brought back a hookah from Morocco. Real cool. Never tried it with tobacco though.
Peter :0
JESUS...I had no idea, Now I know that anything can and will be sold on the internet.
OMG Too much .... you gotta love the internet ???

A buddy of mine's parents use to have not only the hookah but entire room for it. The room had the hookah in the middle on a pedestile (sp) and benches around it with overstuffed pillow cushion. Now this was years and years ago, but we had some great parties in that room. Of course not while his parents were home ;)