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I might be the luckiest SOB on the planet!


For once, knowledge is making me poor!
Mar 7, 2007
Not just because I have an awesome family!

Not just because I have good health and happiness!

Not just because I have awesome brothers here!

As some know, I am hunting in a very remote area of the Allegheny National Forest in NW PA.

I have a 1979 F150 and while it has a new crate motor, many things are old. Today I drove many, many, miles on back roads trying to find a single deer. As I have mentioned before, it is extremely desolate here, and I am here alone. John @jfields can attest to this to a degree, however, the places I go with my truck are far more .... shall we say .... remote .... than any of the places we ever took his truck, because I don't care if I scratch mine or bump logs out of the way.

I spent some time trying to find a way into a very remote area I thought the deer might be hunkered down in. I was running low on gas, so decided to go to town and get gas and a few essentials. As I entered town my truck quit and I thought I had just run out of gas in the rear tank so I flipped the switch and she fired up. I went on into town and got some groceries and on my way out of town she died again. After a while I found out there was no gas reaching the carburetor so I walked 1/2 mile to an auto parts store and picked up 4 new filters ( one on each tank, one on the pump, and one at the carb. I figured I would buy a new fuel pump as well, since it was an electric after-market which I installed on the frame at the back of the truck, but they didn't have one. I walked back to the truck and spent an hour changing all the filters but there was still no gas making it to the carb. I called another parts store and then walked a mile there and back to get a new pump.

Gas to the carb, and a few second to fill the filters, and back to the woods!

If this had happened several miles out in the woods, I would still be out there .....at least my truck would be! As I said, I might be the luckiest SOB on the planet.

Some would question why I would take a 42 year old truck out into this forest. The best answer I can give is because I love being here. There are places here where the deer have never seen humans.

And the weenies with $75,000 trucks love it when I blaze a trail so they can see places they've never seen.:)

The below picture of the network of abandoned well service roads is nowhere near civilization and is roughly 7 miles east to west and 3 miles north to south and none of the roads have names so, prior to GPS, it was quite dangerous to venture into unknown areas.

well roads.png
I love the look of the older trucks. Modern ones are far too fancy looking for a workhorse.

My dad had a massive great thing when we lived in the states. Double cab with dual wheels at the back.
I love the look of the older trucks. Modern ones are far too fancy looking for a workhorse.

My dad had a massive great thing when we lived in the states. Double cab with dual wheels at the back.
When I bought her.
Arizona cropped.jpg

Fender flares.jpg