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I was robbed this morning


Sheriff Buck
I feel like such an idiot. I left my car unlocked last night and a thief (thieves?) took advantage of my stupidity. They took my MD player, favorite headphones, some really cool mini led flashlights, a few bucks in cash, my best friend's Bolle's :angry: , an empty wallet ??? , a few cd's and some md's. But I'm feeling lucky because they didn't take my travel humi which was full of some of my best sticks. I was being lazy and left it in the car because the temperature has been perfect the last few days. Once again I've proven it's better to be lucky than good. I feel like the dumbest person alive. Sorry to bum everyone out but I had to vent as it's eating me up inside.
that sux dude! i had my truck cleaned out one time
when i, like you, left it unlocked. they took my in-
dash, all my cd's, amps, speakers. i f*#in hate theives!
LuckyDawg said:
i f*#in hate theives!
Amen! Thanks guys. I'm feeling better by the minute. No use stewing about it. I just needed to vent. What's done is done :( Thanks for letting me get it off my chest :) Oh and Jim, I thought it was pretty safe here too. I've lived in my house for almost 8 years now and never had the slightest bit of trouble. Now I'll be paranoid for a long time :0
Sorry to hear this brother ~ I had the same thing happen to me about 6 months ago.

Sept it was my wife who left the car unlocked ;)
Sorry to hear about that Craig, that sucks.
But, I had to laugh a little about how you were relieved that they didn't take the humi!!!!
You are are true blue CP'er!!!

You'll be able to replace the other stuff, but those cigars are one of a kind!

Michael :)
mikedevilsfan said:
Sorry to hear about that Craig, that sucks.
But, I had to laugh a little about how you were relieved that they didn't take the humi!!!!
You are are true blue CP'er!!!

You'll be able to replace the other stuff, but those cigars are one of a kind!

Michael :)
Damn Straight!!! Plus nobody steals my Cubans and gets away with it. I don't want to find myself in the big house because I hunted down and beat the living hell out of the perpetrator :p
Great point BenjieV. I was actually pretty lucky now that I've calmed down a bit and thought more about it. I had a couple of very nice pool cues and several hundred dollars worth of product for my business in there too that they didn't touch. All in all I got off pretty easy. Live and learn :(
lucasbuck said:
I feel like such an idiot. I left my car unlocked last night and a thief (thieves?) took advantage of my stupidity. They took my MD player, favorite headphones, some really cool mini led flashlights, a few bucks in cash, my best friend's Bolle's :angry: , an empty wallet ??? , a few cd's and some md's. But I'm feeling lucky because they didn't take my travel humi which was full of some of my best sticks. I was being lazy and left it in the car because the temperature has been perfect the last few days. Once again I've proven it's better to be lucky than good. I feel like the dumbest person alive. Sorry to bum everyone out but I had to vent as it's eating me up inside.
I hate this kind of blockhead´s that dont think... Why? Leave thing´s alone if they are´nt theirs.... Thats simple...

Sorry for the spelling... Im Swede ;)
lucasbuck said:
Damn Straight!!! Plus nobody steals my Cubans and gets away with it. I don't want to find myself in the big house because I hunted down and beat the living hell out of the perpetrator :p
If you do just don't leave any clues! ;)
lucasbuck said:
But I'm feeling lucky because they didn't take my travel humi which was full of some of my best sticks.
Damn, I would have taken the cigars!

Just kidding. That sucks.
That sucks lucasbuck! Sorry to hear that some jackass took advantage of a simple mistake and stole from you. That kind of **** pisses me off :angry:

My wife and I live in the outskirts of downtown Miami and we are constantly concerned about our belongings. We are not paranoid but we have to think about things like which parking lot is the safest (which of course changes with time of day) and we always find ourselves going back to the car or the front door to make sure everything is locked. I'm sure everyone has to be aware of these things but it seems a little more pressing here because every oportunity will be taken advantage of :( . We have lived here for two years and have been stolen from and my wifes car was broken into two weeks ago :angry: . Now we have to make sure that nothing is visible in our cars that someone might want to steal.

Alright, I'll stop bitching now. It's not so horrible here that I only have bad things to say. Miami has been growing on us for the last year.

Geez Craig, that blows. I had that happen once when I left my car parked on the street in New Haven, CT when I was going to a concert in the New Haven Colliseum (went to see Judas Priest in 1982). They smashed a window, took a coat, radar dectector and a few small things. What REALLY sucked was they actually opened the hood and took my spark plug wires so I had no way of driving the car home. Here's where the story gets real incredible, we started looking around for the spark plug wires and actually found them in a storm drain about 50 feet away so at least I was able to drive the car home instead of leaving it to get trashed even more. It was a cold ride home in late October with no driver's door window.

I tell ya I was ripped that night so I feel for ya.

I'm not sure that leaving it unlocked was really the cause. Chances are scumbags like that would just pick up the nearest rock and smash the window anyway.

Cleaning up broken glass is a real pain in the butt, you never ever seem to be able to get it all up or out of the seats.

That's why I rarely lock my car when I go anywhere and if I have anything valuable, I leave it in the trunk where the dirtbags can't see it.

I'm lucky to live out here in the essential middle of nowhere northeastern Connecticut where many people not only do not lock their cars but actually leave the keys in them. The population of my town is only 2250.

I hope ya catch the little s#@ts. Chances are it was some stupid punk kids and they usually don't stop this crap until they get caught.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune ??? Good reminder to everyone, lock it up, and don't leave anything that looks valuable in sight. Locks only work for honest people.
Thanks CC. I appreciate the support. You make a really good point about the window. A couple of my friends have had windows smashed in similar situations. What a horrendous night that must have been! I hope at least the concert was great. I've seen JP several times and they always put on a great show.

Thanks again to everyone for your support. I'm feeling a lot better now :D Plus I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning so VEGAS BABY!!! :) :) :)
:( Damn, Craig, that sucks bigtime! I think I'll stop leaving the cars unlocked in the driveway from now on.

Glad they didn't know enough to take your humi, though. :) Now you've still got something to travel with.
i feel for you bro. that is an bad feeling when you first realize that it happend. i have had it happen a few times, i get soooo pissed off. its hard to understand why people take shyt that isnt theres. no concern for the owner.. drives me insaine...

i dont leave anything in my car or truck. crapy radio in the car and an stock one in the truck. id love to put nice rims and things on the car, make it look nice, but that only attracts the dam criminals..so ill spend that money on cigars!

one thing that suprised me about theifs. i worked for a while at a county drug rehab place. talking with the inmates there, i was shocked with how they viewed strealing..... to them.. its your own dam fault for leaving things in the car. and not locking the doors, hahah, thats just like asking will someone steal this stuff.

i asked them about the feeling and loss of the owner. again they said they did it to themselfs. now maybe they will smarten up. becides they have money right. it seems that they all are robbin hood. its ok to steal from the rich.. but leave the poor along...

warped views i know. i tried everything it make them understand. the never could get it....