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I'm Back!

Nathan Rahl

Dum de Dum
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Madison, WI
Well, today was a great day! I graduated from Air Force basic military training today at 9:00 AM. :D

What an experience it was too. Over all it was a lot easier than I was expecting. I managed to get through the whole thing without drawing to much attention to myself, so my MTI's didn't notice me too much.

Unfortunately I will not be able to smoke a cigar today on town pass. We still have to abide by the BMT rules, even though we graduated. I won't be able to smoke for about another month. :angry: I leave for Tech school this coming monday. 14 weeks at Keesler AFB in Mississippi. After that I leave for Shepard AFB in Texas for another 11 weeks of Tech school. Then HOPEFULLY I will get stationed at one of the bases I really want to go to. They are in Germany and Italy. From what I've heard the AF will send you overseas before the stateside bases. Who knows though, I'll find out in a few months.

Anyways, right now I am just sitting in my parents hotel room. It's really nice seeing them. We're about to go out and check out some of San Antonio and hopefully find a good steak house. :thumbs:

Oh yah and I have a contest. I won't be able to send the prize out for a month or so, but I thought I would start it anyways. I won't be able to send it out because I won't be able to leave the base at Tech school till Phase 3. So you'll get something eventually. :laugh:

The contest it for you to guess my Flight number while I was in BMT. It is a number 1-1000. If nobody guesses it by the time I am able to go off base at Tech school, I will go with the person closest to it, without going over.


1. One guess per person.
2. No post editing.
3. 75+ Post Requirement. (No newbies, sorry)
4. Don't cheat. I am sure there are websites you can go to that show the dates of graduating flights. I don't know of any, but they are probably out there. :D

If you think I should add anything else to the rules, post it. I have never had a contest before, so I am open to advice. I won't be able to check this till tomorrow, when I get town pass again.

Seeya later,


PS - I probably made lots of typos, don't kill me CC. :( This is the first time I have typed in 6 weeks and I don't have a lot of time.
Great to hear it Nathan!! Why can't you smoke a cigar? Thats a pretty crazy rule.

*edit* Ahhh never mind I found it...

All graduating airmen have rules they must follow. For example, they must:

remain in uniform at all times
look sharp (impeccable military appearance)
be sharp (demonstrate military professionalism)
not use tobacco products
not drink alcohol
not drive a vehicle
not display inappropriate public affection (i.e. handholding, long or lingering kisses, or compromising situations; they may hold young children's hand and appropriately embrace loved ones)

lol glad we didn't have such anal rules when I went to Basic
Great to hear it Nathan!! Why can't you smoke a cigar? Thats a pretty crazy rule.

It is because during boot camp you aren't allowed to smoke or drink or any of those fun things. So even though I graduated, I am officially not out of BMT until I sign in at Tech school, so I still have to follow the rules. Sucks, but oh well.
GOnna go with 547 and we had the same rules as well. Even after we was stationed to our posts.
And before I forget, 787. Thanks for the contest!
Congrats on the graduation!
will you be at Aviano AFB if you go to Italia?
thanks for the contest.
Nathan, congrats. I'll call Lackland tomorrow and find out what the flight numbers are for your graduation date. Only kidding, good luck to all!
What I want to know is, why anyone would volunteer to wear the ugliest uniform in the armned forces. You could have been a sailor or at least a Marine. :laugh:


PS. Good luck. Hope you get your duty station, but they don't call it a dream sheet for nothing. :p

WTH is a flight number in basic, you didn't fly anything.or is that what the rest of us call platoons? Anyway, congrats and I'll guess 325.or would that be 325th?
Well I have forgotten every roster number ever given to me during my military career or even how they were determined. But, then again, I am just a retired old, cigar smoking, whiskey drinking, hillbilly.

My guess would be 914 for your "flight" number.

Hey, didn't the Air Force use to be part of the Army? Why are they so different now?
A flight number is the number that was assigned to my flight when I got there. Yes, a flight would be what you would call a platoon.

The uniform isn't that ugly Doc. I don't really like the flight caps, but oh well. My brother is in the Navy and I never really liked how his uniform looked. :rolleyes: