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iPhone, iTouch or Blackberry Storm?


Oh My!
Feb 6, 2006
Does anyone have information on the Black Friday price breaks?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Gary I've been debating on this for a couple of weeks now. I still can't decide between the iphone or the Storm. And I still have no idea, both are fantastic phones. No deals that I know of though. Let me know if you have any luck!

Go for the iPhone. By far the best hand held device/phone/pda I've ever owned. The user interface is just truly fantastic.
I don't have an iPhone but I do have a Gen2 iPod touch and it is simply an amazing, elegant piece of work.

You might want to check out this Battlemodo.

I don't know anything about the storm, but a lot of touch screen phones suck. I do dev work for web apps for phones, and find blackberry UI's to be clunky, outdated, and annoying though the storm looks like it may be something different. Apple imho are the only ones so far that have done it right as far as the touch screens. I don't own an iPhone, but have played with them and they are pretty cool. Also friends of mine that have them have nothing but good things to say about them.

I got myself and Iphone about 2 months ago and I love it, I have heard that the keyboard on the storm is not that great.

the only drawback is that if your using it on a network for corporate email, it does not work as quickly as the blackberry. The email is push mail, so it does not download until you enter the email app, you can set the push for every 30 min or something like that.

I am writing this post on one right now.
I am in love with this this thing.
Once I mastered some of the suttle nuances and the touch part.
Go for the iPhone Gary. Apple stuff is open source so there will always be far more apps, programs, etc available. Jam is right about the only drawback being its ability to sync with corporate mail but if that's not an issue for you it should be a no brainer. The iPhone is just a badass device.

I am writing this post on one right now.
I am in love with this this thing.
Once I mastered some of the suttle nuances and the touch part.

No one needs to know about your "self-love" practices in public...that stuff's private buddy. :angry:

:laugh: :laugh:
I got the Storm last Saturday. It's very nice. The difference between it and the iPhone, in terms of typing, are great. With the Storm, the letter highlights as you touch the screen, but will not type the letter until you press the screen (the "click" part they advertise). Typing is fairly easy on the Storm.

I use the Storm as my corporate email device, so it was a no-brainer for me.

Just got an iPhone last week. Love it. Typing is not an issue after a couple days of practice.
I'm on Sprint right now (on an employee-discount plan - ND alumni are everywhere) and am using a HTC touch. It's flashed with a touch-diamond ROM and I'm finding it nearly as good as the iPhone (which I owned, briefly, when I was on AT&T).

Great calendar, todo (which is why I dropped the iPhone - no To-Do list functionality) and phonebook integration (via Funambol/Scheduleworld), notes and snapshots on Evernote, Opera browser that rivals Safari. Really fast internet when tethered (USB or Bluetooth), much faster than ATT. If you're on contract with Sprint or want to use a phone for mobile internet, phone and PDA purposes, you can do FAR worse.
I'm on Sprint right now (on an employee-discount plan - ND alumni are everywhere) and am using a HTC touch. It's flashed with a touch-diamond ROM and I'm finding it nearly as good as the iPhone (which I owned, briefly, when I was on AT&T).

Great calendar, todo (which is why I dropped the iPhone - no To-Do list functionality) and phonebook integration (via Funambol/Scheduleworld), notes and snapshots on Evernote, Opera browser that rivals Safari. Really fast internet when tethered (USB or Bluetooth), much faster than ATT. If you're on contract with Sprint or want to use a phone for mobile internet, phone and PDA purposes, you can do FAR worse.

I agree, I use the Touch Diamond as well and love it... I was even using the G1 phone for awhile but don't like it as much as the Diamond.
iPhone is AT&T only and that is a flat out deal breaker for me. I have 2 friends that work for Apple and even they bitch about AT&T. I picked up a Storm on the 21st. So far it is outstanding. I added 8 email accounts, including my corporate system, in under 10 minutes.

I am on Verizon and in 2003 I was in the middle of a dry lake bed in Nevada (long story). Closest town was about 10 miles away and had a population of around 20. I had 4 bars on my phone. Verizon > any other network.

- Tim
I am on Verizon and in 2003 I was in the middle of a dry lake bed in Nevada (long story). Closest town was about 10 miles away and had a population of around 20. I had 4 bars on my phone. Verizon > any other network.

Burning Man?
iPhone is AT&T only and that is a flat out deal breaker for me. I have 2 friends that work for Apple and even they bitch about AT&T. I picked up a Storm on the 21st. So far it is outstanding. I added 8 email accounts, including my corporate system, in under 10 minutes.

I am on Verizon and in 2003 I was in the middle of a dry lake bed in Nevada (long story). Closest town was about 10 miles away and had a population of around 20. I had 4 bars on my phone. Verizon > any other network.

- Tim

Dag Tim, that's a lot of 'secret email' to maintain.

I would have bought an iPhone when they came out if it wasn't for AT&T. That has to be very close to the worst coverage a person can get. At least it was up until a year ago, when I switched to Verizon.