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Is there a doctor in the house?

Take more Vic's!

...and see your Dr.

Be careful with this though, because they will lock you up tighter than dick's hatband if you take them for more than a day or two!

Bad memories for me...I had a 30 day prescription of hydrocodone when I broke my cheek bones in college and we'll just say business was closed longer than I would have liked. Same problem when I got the 15 day supply after I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Be warned and drink lots of water.

I hope you get better soon.
Beyond The Band:

You feeling any better, brother?

Nope. Can't eat because I can't open my mouth due to the intense jaw pain. Good thing I recently made a batch of chicken stock. Can't sleep more than about a two hour stretch.
The sore throat, holy effing shit!

Thanks for the boobies guys!!!
Sean I got some zinc.
So did they say it was the mumps or what? Hope you feel better soon!
Since your condition is limiting your ability to sleep and eat properly then I would recommend you go to an ENT asap. I hope you feel better soon.
No mumps. Catscan revealed an abcess in the jaw. Yay me!
I have been admitted into the hospital to receive IV antibiotics for a period of 1 to 2 days. The dilaudid however was a wonderful thing!
Hope you're feeling better! Rocephin hurts like a rusty nail! Almost as bad as Bicillin LA!!

Next time your MD talks about pain meds, tell him/her that you are allergic to everything except Dilaudid!!
I went and visited Matt in the hospital today. He seemed in good spirits, and had sneaked in some cigars in his backpack. LOL In fact, the guy bombed me right there in the hospital. Just goes to show you what type of guy he is. :)

Last I checked, the nurses weren't letting him eat as the doctor was still deciding whether to cut him open or not. I'll update when I get the info. Keep him in your minds and think good thoughts!
Thanks for the update Jon. Praying for a swift recovery! Glad it wasn't something more serious.
I hope your on the mend. You'll know you're better when you want a cigar. ;)

Your hesitation to see a doctor reminds me of when I broke my foot and didn't see a doctor for four days!

He said one more day and he would have had to re-break it! :D
Dr came in yesterday and ruled out everything they all had been saying and went back to dental abscess. They are finishing me off with the IV antibiotics today and kicking me back to my dentist.
Most of the swelling has gone down and pain is down from around 9000 to bearable. I guess I have made strides but if I don't get this abscess drilled soon I will be back to square one.

Thanks Jon for stopping by yesterday it really brightened my day!
Thanks all for the well wishes.
Hope you're feeling better! Rocephin hurts like a rusty nail! Almost as bad as Bicillin LA!!

Next time your MD talks about pain meds, tell him/her that you are allergic to everything except Dilaudid!!

From the NIH
Ceftriaxone injection is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as gonorrhea

StatHaldol: Something you aching to tell us? We'd all rather not know. :sign:

Dr came in yesterday and ruled out everything they all had been saying and went back to dental abscess. They are finishing me off with the IV antibiotics today and kicking me back to my dentist. Most of the swelling has gone down and pain is down from around 9000 to bearable. I guess I have made strides but if I don't get this abscess drilled soon I will be back to square one.

Thanks Jon for stopping by yesterday it really brightened my day!
Thanks all for the well wishes.

Demand Dilaudid to go! And I hope your dentist/oral-surgeon/busty-hygienist gets you feeling better fast!
Holy crap Matt. Take care of yourself brother. Positive thoughts coming at ya!

What a day. I was released a little while ago with a prescription for Percocet , 2 antibiotics and a "good luck'
from the hospital.

I am still swollen, still sore. Tomorrow begins my search for a dentist who will drill into my skull and hopefully fix this.


On a lighter note,
Sean you really know how to make a guys day. I can't wait to get better so I can put fire to those.
Thank you my Brother.