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It Was Just a Matter of Time...


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
...before someone blended a cigar using both Cuban & Nicaraguan tobaccos. Some cigar insiders hint that this has unofficially happened already. But the question of 'why not use this aged tobacco to roll a Cuban puro?" has to be asked. Maybe there isn't a lot of it and they're using the Nicaraguan tobacco to stretch the yield. 
These should be interesting to try though. The article says they are hitting cigar shops in Europe already. 
I read that the ratio of Nica/Cuba tobacco is 50/50.  Remember when Camacho (I think) came out with a cigar containing pre-embargo Cuban tobacco back in the 90s?  I remember ppl saying that it only had a sliver of pre-emb tobacco, to the point that it made absolutely NO difference.  I would love to try and get my hands on some of these new ones to try.  Let me see if I can reach out to some of my Euro friends and score some for us, Gary.
I just read about it and it would be interesting to see how these will turn out.
Isy, if you do get a hold to some, I would like to be a part of that split!
That is something I'd like to try. I'll keep my eye out when I'm out of the country again.
whylieineedacigar said:
I just read about it and it would be interesting to see how these will turn out.
Isy, if you do get a hold to some, I would like to be a part of that split!
You got it brother.
I'm curious about this cigar too.  Always wondered why no one else has done this before.  As I understand the embargo laws, another country can buy cuban tobacco, roll it in their country and sell it as their own product and US would be able to buy it. 
I saw this too, Gary. I would really like to try this. Aged tobaccos from both areas gets me very interested.  
Are our taste buds that good we would know? Would the US government let it in if it said contains Cuban tobacco? Would the mfg. Say it and not really do it just for the sales effect? And if they used 1/4 of a ISO leaf, would it make that much of a difference except for the thrill of saying it contained ISO tobacco. There is some much good NIC and DOM out there right now, why bother to try to change a profile unless you have tons of the stuff.

I expect to be beat up on this, so don't disappoint me BOTl's.
Fug those commie bastids. They just want to make up for their incompetence by using someone else's tobacco. Don't get me wrong, I like Cuban cigars. I also like Nic. Cigars, but mixing them makes no sense to me. Back in the old days (before my time, fuggers) Cuban cigars used to be wrapped in CT. shade wrappers, because Cubans couldn't grow a decent wrapper tobacco. That I might be in favor of.
As long as Cuban's aren't rolling them- they will probably be fine.  I can see it now with the fakes and the discussion of box codes and what age the tobacco is.
On embargo laws, the notion that another country can use Cuban tobacco in the non Cuban country to import into the US is not accurate. Were this the case, Cuban tobacco cigar rolled in the Dominican Republic would be all over the US market compliments of Altadis.
Under US import laws, the US Customs and Border Patrol requires that the importer disclose the country of origin. Cuban tobacco in a cigar rolled in the Dominican Republic with Dominican Republic tobacco would still require disclosure of the Cuban tobacco and hence application of the embargo.
If a cigar imported into the United States uses tobacco from multiple countries, all the countries, legally, have to be disclosed. So this cigar would not be legally importable as the disclosure on the Cuban tobacco would result in application of the embargo, and since the embargo cannot be applied just to the Cuban tobacco, it means no cigar.
If the importer can show the tobacco was acquired prior to enactment of the embargo, they can use it and import it.
Now, do all importers follow US Customs law ? Probably not.
I think one reason no blend have occurred prior is because it did not make sense economically. But if the price Padron 50th is an economic indicator on Nicaraguan tobacco,  maybe these economics have changed.
Not that I am a CC snob, but why would you want to mix Cuban tobacco with anything inferior?
CigSid said:
Not that I am a CC snob, but why would you want to mix Cuban tobacco with anything inferior?
Not a CC Snob. Inferior....... You kill me Bill. :laugh: