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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2002
Ole Scrotum is in deep water over at cigarsmokers.com!

No one likes his a$$ so he starts a contest and then renigs on the winner! Full meltdown in progress!

This idiot will never "get it"

LMFAO :laugh:
I hate that guy! Why the hell would you pull that crap?! He's got me banned over there lol.
Wow, I've never seen so many folks reading a thread as the list at the bottom of this one!

That was a great read over there. I don't participate over there, and don't know the whole story, therefore have no business putting in my $.02.

But that was just too damn funny. Textbook crash and burn!
Interesting read. Very funny at some points IMHO. Like the guy above me, I don't know all of it, so I won't give my opinion. ;)
that is lower than whale **** on the bottom of the ocean....
This is the only cigar board I'm a member of but I peruse others and I've seen some amusing interactions with this "scotty" and some of the esteemed members of this board. :laugh:
Damn 13 pages...Gotta get back to this one! Hope it doesn't go away! Leave it up to Scotty to have the whole cigar community hate him! LMAAO
Somebody send him this....

I think Scotty is beyond repair. Changing contest results to further his own agenda is one of the worst moves in cigar board history. :angry2:
Nice reading.

Nebraska posted the link that got me here, sent me smokes when I introduced myself, and somewhere got screwy (on something besides politics) around the time the Island of Misfit Toys spammed us.

I haven't followed his saga on the other bored's but there is no way to post your way out of this kind of rude, cheating, and above all arrogant behavior. It reminds me of a locally liberal town here who, after the school budget got voted down put it up for re-vote rather than live with the people's decision. Arrogance.

I am okay with the universally accepted law of the internet: If Leebo says you're done, you're done. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (I just hope he's a real person.)