What? No Oriental blends?I would reccomend posting an introduction first! So we can have an idea on who you are lol.
And as for the pipe tobacco, I can reccomend getting away from aromatic blends (meaning anything with more then just tobacco). I would look for more natural blends. Like Frog Morton (which may have a topping on it but I cant notice it) I thought it was pretty sweet when I first got into pipes. Maybe try a straight Virginia tobacco like Mcclellands #27 or #22. If you continue with pipe smoking look for these blends aswell
Best Brown Flake
Christmas Cheer
St. James Woods
st. James Flake
Or you could just smoke cigars? lol jk, but really try one those too! lol
What? No Oriental blends?I would reccomend posting an introduction first! So we can have an idea on who you are lol.
And as for the pipe tobacco, I can reccomend getting away from aromatic blends (meaning anything with more then just tobacco). I would look for more natural blends. Like Frog Morton (which may have a topping on it but I cant notice it) I thought it was pretty sweet when I first got into pipes. Maybe try a straight Virginia tobacco like Mcclellands #27 or #22. If you continue with pipe smoking look for these blends aswell
Best Brown Flake
Christmas Cheer
St. James Woods
st. James Flake
Or you could just smoke cigars? lol jk, but really try one those too! lol
Those are some of my favorite VAs and VaPers (virginia and virginia/perique).
I also enjoy Orientals in the mix like in McClellend's Grand Orientals. Yenice Agonya and Yenidje Supreme and two I still enjoy very much.
What kind of strength level were you looking for?Hi, my friends and I are new to pipe smoking and we're looking for a good, fairly sweet blend. We've only tried Captain Black and weren't that impressed. What would you all recommend as far as sweet tobacco goes?