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Where did all my money go?
Jan 25, 2007
                                                     Brewed By: Avery Brewing Company, Colorado USA
                                                                                Style of Beer/ABV: American Double Imperial Stout, 16.80% ABV
                                                                                Format: Bottle/12oz.
I bought one of these on the recommendation of the manager at my local Total Wine several months ago. I almost passed after seeing the ABV%. DFH World Wide Stout was just 1% more and that was like drinking raisin flavored grain alcohol without some serious down time. I'm going into it thinking the use of Turbinado Sugar in the brewing process is the reason for the high alcohol content, possibly imparting a nice added dimension.
Total Score: 4.7/5
Look: (5) Pours a dark oily black. It's Viscous and black as coal with a tan head that dissipated fairly quickly. 
Smell: (5) An insane amount of dark chocolate aroma mixed with plum and cherries. I was expecting it to have a strong boozy smell, but really not much at all.
Taste: (4.5) Taste of sweet charred malts, molasses (might be from the dark sugar used), with bitter baking chocolate that is the predominant flavor you taste on the finish. What's amazing is that it's not near as boozy as the smell, or stated alcohol content indicates. I bet if you let this sit for a few years it would really mellow.
Mouthfeel: (4.5) Thick, syrupy, and chewy while feeling a bit lighter than some of the 10% Imperial Stouts I've had.
Overall: (4.5) I really enjoyed this beer. Mostly due to how well the alcohol content was balanced with the overall flavor. I like beers like this that seem to always evolve and add other dimensions as they warm.
Excellent review, one of my favorite brews as well.