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My Pig Looks Sexy in Stockings...DONE


Jun 17, 2005
...fishnet stockings, that is...and it just turned 21.

Here's about six pounds of pork loin about to be turned into Canadian bacon, that's been lounging in a brown sugar cure for the last 21 days.

[color="333333"]Click for larger image[/color]

It's in the fridge drying a bit as I type and later this morning, it's off to the smoker for a date with some apple wood.

Can ya smell what the Creek is cookin'? :cool:
Don't know about sexy, but sure looks delicious. :thumbs:

Hey, is that Taylors of Harrogate tea on your counter? I've got a tin of the Earl Grey myself...it's superior to the Twinings, IMO.

Okay...the smoke box finally spit 'em out...

Click for larger image

Sorry I didn't get around to making a shot of the sliced product but this afternoon was reeeeally busy. You can take my word for it, though...it looked and tasted dandy.

Hey, is that Taylors of Harrogate tea on your counter? I've got a tin of the Earl Grey myself...it's superior to the Twinings, IMO.
Yep, that's a tin of Taylor's all right. Good stuff but I'm actually more fond of the double bergamot Earl Grey from Stash. Never was very impressed with the Twinings.
OH WOW! . <--- insert drool smilie here!

I think I gained 5 pounds just by looking at this thread.

Hey, is that Taylors of Harrogate tea on your counter? I've got a tin of the Earl Grey myself...it's superior to the Twinings, IMO.


Ugh! Never liked either. You both need to try the English Typhoo, or PG Tips. Now that's good British tea!!!!!!!!! :)
I really need to try this out. All the smoking I've done and I have never really messed with a brine.

looks great!
Not even a flavor brine? I give turkey breasts a good soakin' before the smokin'. I haven't wet cured any ham yet, though. I'm of a mind to pick up a whole leg soon and try curing a bone-in ham and I was thinking of wet curing it. Either that, or a combination of injection and dry rub.