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New Year's Eve Cigar Insanity


Sheriff Buck
Jun 17, 2003
So there I was in my favorite club bringing in the new year when I spied this guy trying to light and smoke a Double Chateau Fuente with ribbon and cedar sleeve intact! I could not believe my eyes. I scurried up to him in hopes of stopping this insanity. I explained as nicely as I could (with a couple shots of rye and a couple litres of beer coursing through my veins) that he needed to remove the ribbon and cedar sleeve prior to lighting and smoking! He thanked me profusely as he removed the decorations saying he couldn't seem to keep the damn thing lit. I then fired up my blazer to give him a proper light and he was pleased as punch :D I left him to his smoke sure that I had saved him from some kind of horrible illness as a result of smoking nylon :p Once again Sheriff Buck saves the day :sign:
TFF :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

Good thing the Sheriff was there to save the day!!!
I would have told myself that he is not really a BOTL and is just trying to look cool, I woulda let him go ahead and spark that bad boy up.

AND LAUGHED FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR as that is a pretty long smoke!

Holy Moley!!!

Well that was your good deed for 2003. You got all year to do one more :D
That's too funny Bruddah Craig... LMAO! Happy New Year Bruddah!


LB, your are the man or should I say the Sheriff. I would have been with Phil LMAO knowin' that that dude was a looser and knew nuttin' about ceegar smokin'..... :D :sign: :p
stogieman said:
LB, your are the man or should I say the Sheriff. I would have been with Phil LMAO knowin' that that dude was a looser and knew nuttin' about ceegar smokin'..... :D :sign: :p
I thought about it but it was just to painful to watch! Besides I like to stick up for us cigar smokers and I figure even if the guy is a complete idiot at least he's trying :p :D
mine was an interesting one too.

rescently got one box of doggies in the mail.

So, as I was working as a bouncer at the club on NYE, handed out sticks to most of the guys who got in. (largest party-drunk-herf have seen so far, now I just have to get to the LOLH :sign: )

After my own split (of champagne) at midnight, lit up a great VR that was gifted to me. (gotta say, a wonderful smoke.)

But then, somewhere between 3 clubs and 3am-6am (clubs/bars do not have to close in Milwaukee on NYE :D ), lost my sm. cigar holder w/ a Cohiba inside!

Lesson of the night, do not bring great cigars out on NYE.

of course, at noon the next day, had to go Polar Bearing!
It was cold, but had to make it to lucky #9!

all in all had a good time bringing in 2004!
lucasbuck said:
So there I was in my favorite club bringing in the new year when I spied this guy trying to light and smoke a Double Chateau Fuente with ribbon and cedar sleeve intact!


He thanked me profusely as he removed the decorations saying he couldn't seem to keep the damn thing lit.
heh -- with all of that cedar on there, I'm surprised he had a problem keeping it lit -- I'd think that it'd go up like a flare! Now that would have been funny to see... heh
sir-smokes-a-lot said:
But then, somewhere between 3 clubs and 3am-6am (clubs/bars do not have to close in Milwaukee on NYE :D ), lost my sm. cigar holder w/ a Cohiba inside!
Sir Smoke Alot,
Sorry to hear about the Cohiba and the holder! But I am glad you had a great NYE!

I tried the Polar Bear thing once...too much SHRINKAGE!!!!!!!! :D
I personaly don't enjoy others misfortune. Good call Sherriff! :thumbs:
sir-smokes-a-lot said:
of course, at noon the next day, had to go Polar Bearing!
It was cold, but had to make it to lucky #9!

all in all had a good time bringing in 2004!
That's the high-lite of any new Years Day....Polar bearin....we left at 9 am rode till about 6 pm....145 miles in all and made 3 Hooters stops. we would have made more miles if it weren't for the 3 Hooters stops. we just couldn't leave'em hangin.....lol

there's a name for a pass.....

Hope you have a great 2004. We are talking Ridin aren't we?

Oh before I forget....glad you helped out and saved that ceegar from getting ruined, deputy dawg....can u imagine that little guy all excited that he was picked out of the bunch to be a new year's eve smoker...and ending up with a novice like that....

who am I to talk....I'm a newbe too. but I do know which end is up....
I go to the one in Milw.
used to go in Racine w/ my uncle Mike the first 3-4 years.

now go in Milw., w/ a bunch of friends.
Have done it 8-9 times, just can't remember how many. ...

shrinkage is okay, polarbearing preps me for going back to school in MN,
it is 1/3 of the temp. in MN now as it was back in WI. :0