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Newb in need of help

Sorry to hear of your troubles but gas is cheap right now, road trip.
As much as i want to believe you need help, this is a scam. I could be wrong, but i mean seriously? You have been here less than em and i have by no means gained enough respect to ask for a pair of socks!

I'll give you socks..

Is cash okay, or do you want my credit card number?


Classic... Post of the day.. Thanks

ps. Take Souldogs advice... *pinches self* there's a first for everything
Hello all,
I know I havent' been around very long and very few know me but I can honestly say there is a true sense of comradarie here. After talking with my wife some, she didnt' think I should ask for any help from "strangers" but I told here I was working my way slowly to build relationships with people on here. She is part oa a Basset Hound BB and has built some solid relationships with people in all parts of the country. I am asking if anyone could help with a buddy pass for airfare, this would be a great help, My grandmother is very ill and after talking to doctors, and my mother and brother she may not have long left. She has been hospitalized 5 times over the past 6 months and each time has been ok for a while. The doctors have said that once or twice more in the hospital and that may be all she can take. I am a man of strong faith and belief that prayers can accomplish miracles. Yet I am also a realist, my grandmother has been living with chronic bronchitis for 12+ years and earlier this year she told me she was tired. I know maybe I'm asking too much, but to eat the cost of two ariline tickets right now is a bit steep for me and my wife. Any help would be appreicated with this matter. If you would like to contcact me please PM me and I can provide you my contact info. I ask for many prayers. Thanks to all in advance for your friendship.

In Community Spirit,
Ceasar Montoya


Okay, so first off, to not look like a complete dick, I am sorry for your Grandma's condition. That is sad, etc... :rolleyes:

Now, onto being a "realist" like yourself, I present to you the following:

  • Your grandmother told you earlier this year that she was "tired." A prepared man and a fastidious man who knows his grandma-ma has been sick for X amount of years/months/what have you would be preparing for her departure. Due to the fact that she does not live near you, you should KNOW that at any moment, any time, you're going to have to fly out to get some type of transportation to go see her when "the time" comes. We have all been there... Most of us have been prepared, most of us may have had to borrow money from family members, but I can guarantee most of us did not go to our internet board for assistance.

  • You've been on this community for approximately 9 DAYS. Your situation is sad and all that, but do you really think that if a guy you met at a coffee shop 9 days ago came to you asking for half a grand for airfare for his dying family member, do you honestly truly believe that you would give it to him no questions asked? Would ANYBODY give $500 bucks to someone they met 9 DAYS AGO? No questions asked?!?

I'm sorry Ceaser, but really, after being here less than two weeks, do you really think it's a grand idea to come to people you've NEVER MET, and ask them for a handout?? I'm just so besides myself with shock right now... This stinks to me, and smells like a "smash and grab" scam.

If this all comes down the wire and you're grandmother is truly sick and you need airfare, that's fine if you hate me to for my brazen and outspoken opinions regarding you coming on here in less than 9 DAYS and asking for a couple hundred bucks to fly somewhere. For f*ck's sake, go to your local church and ask them. Or put it on a damn credit card. Or write a check. Or ask for an advance. I mean, if I needed emergency money, I'd go this route, in this order:

  1. Charge it to a credit card.
  2. Write a check.
  3. Ask for a money advance from my employer.
  4. Borrow money from a family member.
  5. Borrow money from a close friend.
  6. Borrow money from Josh!! :laugh:
  7. Go to my church and present my circumstances to the leadership.
  8. Suck it up and not go. Pay my respects later when I can afford to go out there.

You came on here, you introduced yourself to the community. Then, 3 DAYS LATER, you are on here promoting your "DJ Services." Then, 4 DAYS LATER you're here asking somebody about CC sources. Now, 9 DAYS AFTER JOINING, you're asking for a handout.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but let's be freakin' realistic here bud. I'm calling BULLSHIT. I can't even f*ckin' see straight right now... :angry:

In Community Spirit,

Um, yea that about does it right there.
well for those who offered advice critical or not or prayers or whetaver happened, the friend my wife had contacted had been able to provide a way with help from her friend.
Prayers are continued to be welcomed. I know it is often easier to judge, criticize and otherwise not have faith in strangers, no matter what I will continue to have faith.

I too have almost fallen pray to scams, I have a side business that usually does well but during these difficult economic times people don't feel like celebrating much and therefore are usually more cautious of their spending. so.... usually if that happens people are not willing to contract with me. Last year some crazy guy had sent a fake check for 5,000.00 US. and this was supposedly to contract me for services for a party in Denver, I quickly called banks to verify the check and then after I found out it was bogus I emailed the guy back and threatened to call the authorities. Problem was the FBI said it was an all to common "Nigeria" Letter scam and that it takes many forms and there is nothing people really can do.

Once again thank you for those who offer, and will continue to offer prayers.

Happy Smokes.

Peace, Ceasar
As much as i want to believe you need help, this is a scam. I could be wrong, but i mean seriously? You have been here less than em and i have by no means gained enough respect to ask for a pair of socks!

I'll give you socks..

Is cash okay, or do you want my credit card number?


Classic... Post of the day.. Thanks

ps. Take Souldogs advice... *pinches self* there's a first for everything

Thanks, but i just used my credit card.... :rolleyes:

I've done my fair share of fing up on here, obviously this is part of the learning curve, so far what I've learned and what will be my rule at least for the next year or so is.. If it aint about cigars I'm gonna STFU. Thank you for being optimistic and thanks for your well wishes. I think i've won the gold medal for the biggest f up newbie of the year. I'll stick my comments to cigars only.

thanks again.

Peace, Ceasar

as far as the myspace thing, forgive me for I have sinned, since I work in health and originally lived in California where alot of the anti-smoking gastapo stuff originated these were my sentiments and I should update them.


I am sorry to hear about your grandmothers issues. The advice I would add on top of what Jon said would be if it is that important fleabay or a pawn shop is a great way to get cash in a hurry. Other than that I would say please try to refrain from using this board for personal gain. That is not what it is about. I can't remember who I read it from but the way to think of this board is not what can I get from it but what can you give to it as it is more than a cigar board but a community.

Guys, I've been here a few months now and sent some smokes to a couple of you guys. With that in mind, can you pay my mortgage for the next 29 years? I would really appreciate the help.

In serious though, if this is serious though then there should be plenty of places in Denver to get some quick cash for a bus ticket. Sell blood or sperm, pawn what ever valuables you have, hit up one of those payday loan places.

Side story...early in 2001 I had enough cash to fly from Sydney to Los Angeles but not enough to get me back to Ohio. I was crashing on a friends couch, and he had a female friend that was trying to get the cash to get Orlando. She went out and sucked a few [censored to keep this family friendly] and I hitchhiked. The point is we both got were we wanted to go without asking a bunch of total strangers for a cash handout.
well for those who offered advice critical or not or prayers or whetaver happened, the friend my wife had contacted had been able to provide a way with help from her friend.
Prayers are continued to be welcomed. I know it is often easier to judge, criticize and otherwise not have faith in strangers, no matter what I will continue to have faith.

I too have almost fallen pray to scams, I have a side business that usually does well but during these difficult economic times people don't feel like celebrating much and therefore are usually more cautious of their spending. so.... usually if that happens people are not willing to contract with me. Last year some crazy guy had sent a fake check for 5,000.00 US. and this was supposedly to contract me for services for a party in Denver, I quickly called banks to verify the check and then after I found out it was bogus I emailed the guy back and threatened to call the authorities. Problem was the FBI said it was an all to common "Nigeria" Letter scam and that it takes many forms and there is nothing people really can do.

Once again thank you for those who offer, and will continue to offer prayers.

Happy Smokes.

Peace, Ceasar


I'm sure you mean well and if your grandma really is sick I feel bad and send my prayers. That being said when I read your first post I immediately was reminded of a Nigeria scam letter.

Coincidence? I don't know but I'm just saying!
well for those who offered advice critical or not or prayers or whetaver happened, the friend my wife had contacted had been able to provide a way with help from her friend.

Soooo....is this a retraction and apology, as pointed out by Stevehawk?

I would suggest that you retract your request, apologize to the board, and then learn what is and is not acceptable before posting again.

??? ??? ???
Guys, I've been here a few months now and sent some smokes to a couple of you guys. With that in mind, can you pay my mortgage for the next 29 years? I would really appreciate the help.

In serious though, if this is serious though then there should be plenty of places in Denver to get some quick cash for a bus ticket. Sell blood or sperm, pawn what ever valuables you have, hit up one of those payday loan places.

Side story...early in 2001 I had enough cash to fly from Sydney to Los Angeles but not enough to get me back to Ohio. I was crashing on a friends couch, and he had a female friend that was trying to get the cash to get Orlando. She went out and sucked a few [censored to keep this family friendly] and I hitchhiked. The point is we both got were we wanted to go without asking a bunch of total strangers for a cash handout.

I cannot stop laughing at this. She blew strangers but at least she can hold her head high and proclaim proudly that she didn't have to beg for money. :laugh: Welcome home honey.
Guys, I've been here a few months now and sent some smokes to a couple of you guys. With that in mind, can you pay my mortgage for the next 29 years? I would really appreciate the help.

In serious though, if this is serious though then there should be plenty of places in Denver to get some quick cash for a bus ticket. Sell blood or sperm, pawn what ever valuables you have, hit up one of those payday loan places.

Side story...early in 2001 I had enough cash to fly from Sydney to Los Angeles but not enough to get me back to Ohio. I was crashing on a friends couch, and he had a female friend that was trying to get the cash to get Orlando. She went out and sucked a few [censored to keep this family friendly] and I hitchhiked. The point is we both got were we wanted to go without asking a bunch of total strangers for a cash handout.

I cannot stop laughing at this. She blew strangers but at least she can hold her head high and proclaim proudly that she didn't have to beg for money. :laugh: Welcome home honey.

These are getting better and better..


Sorry buddy you may have our prayers but not are money. Money goes to the BST..
I miss sooooo much, working all day. ???

But since this is a forum, and a community without the "cleanup on Aisle 6" option . . . I still get to see it all for myself when I get home!

As a noob here myself, I'll just add this: a reasonable man, encountering a community like this one, might well have a few moments of doubt regarding his own ability to live up to the examples and standards he sees, and resolve to watch his words and deeds and ass a bit better than he's generally been accustomed to doing.

Another might be less observant, bump (or flail headlong) into a few unspoken expectations, and "cowboy up" to the local standards after a few misadventures.

And somewhere considerably lower down would be those whose first thought is "what can I get out of this for ME?"

Not pilin' on, just saying. It's a different worldview.

Guys, I've been here a few months now and sent some smokes to a couple of you guys. With that in mind, can you pay my mortgage for the next 29 years? I would really appreciate the help.

In serious though, if this is serious though then there should be plenty of places in Denver to get some quick cash for a bus ticket. Sell blood or sperm, pawn what ever valuables you have, hit up one of those payday loan places.

Side story...early in 2001 I had enough cash to fly from Sydney to Los Angeles but not enough to get me back to Ohio. I was crashing on a friends couch, and he had a female friend that was trying to get the cash to get Orlando. She went out and sucked a few [censored to keep this family friendly] and I hitchhiked. The point is we both got were we wanted to go without asking a bunch of total strangers for a cash handout.

Better her than you! :laugh:

Hitchhiking was the right choice! ;)
Purobrat - is that you??? ???

Hello all,
I know I havent' been around very long and very few know me but I can honestly say there is a true sense of comradarie here. After talking with my wife some, she didnt' think I should ask for any help from "strangers" but I told here I was working my way slowly to build relationships with people on here. She is part oa a Basset Hound BB and has built some solid relationships with people in all parts of the country. I am asking if anyone could help with a buddy pass for airfare, this would be a great help, My grandmother is very ill and after talking to doctors, and my mother and brother she may not have long left. She has been hospitalized 5 times over the past 6 months and each time has been ok for a while. The doctors have said that once or twice more in the hospital and that may be all she can take. I am a man of strong faith and belief that prayers can accomplish miracles. Yet I am also a realist, my grandmother has been living with chronic bronchitis for 12+ years and earlier this year she told me she was tired. I know maybe I'm asking too much, but to eat the cost of two ariline tickets right now is a bit steep for me and my wife. Any help would be appreicated with this matter. If you would like to contcact me please PM me and I can provide you my contact info. I ask for many prayers. Thanks to all in advance for your friendship.

In Community Spirit,
Ceasar Montoya
Time to let this one go gentlemen. There are better things to think about at this time of year.