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North v. South

Fuggin' Grits. They'll never learn. Civil war is over. Perhaps y'all haven't noticed, even Vicksburg celebrates the 4th nowadays.

No offense, but I'm kind of burned out on the bombing thing. How about we settle down and just bomb whomever and whenever we feel the urge.

I'm with you Bruce.
No offense here either, but no one gets told that they have to participate in these things. If you want to play along, good....if not, no big deal, go about your business.

Let me be a wee bit more explicit then. I'd hate to see this degenerate into a leg humping, one up, lookit me fest. However, you're right. Go bomb whomever, however you like.
I agree with you on the aspect of the "leg humping, look at me" part Bruce, but in every war there will be someone showing out regardless of the intentions of the entire group. I'm not advocating another war because I too have grown tired of seeing one pop up every six months. But if something like this is planned to have fun and build friendships, then who are we to tell them to "settle down" just because we don't want to be a part of it or continually read the "I've been bombed" posts? Isn't this what CP is built upon?
No offense, but I'm kind of burned out on the bombing thing. How about we settle down and just bomb whomever and whenever we feel the urge.

I'm with you Bruce.
No offense here either, but no one gets told that they have to participate in these things. If you want to play along, good....if not, no big deal, go about your business.

Let me be a wee bit more explicit then. I'd hate to see this degenerate into a leg humping, one up, lookit me fest. However, you're right. Go bomb whomever, however you like.
I agree with you on the aspect of the "leg humping, look at me" part Bruce, but in every war there will be someone showing out regardless of the intentions of the entire group. I'm not advocating another war because I too have grown tired of seeing one pop up every six months. But if something like this is planned to have fun and build friendships, then who are we to tell them to "settle down" just because we don't want to be a part of it or continually read the "I've been bombed" posts? Isn't this what CP is built upon?

To an extent, yes. However, I think we're taking the good thing well past extreme. Ordinarily, I'd say let those who want to, do. However, when it seems to me that CP is turning into a bombfest where way too many are throwing sticks without regard, I have to comment. Hence, my leghumper comment. Thats my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
No offense, but I'm kind of burned out on the bombing thing. How about we settle down and just bomb whomever and whenever we feel the urge.

I'm with you Bruce.
:love: And I'm with YOU Brent! :love:

I think Alan and Bruce have hit it on the head regarding bombing, bombing wars, and the PIFing spirit. We just had a newbie war finish, had a newbie bombing blizzard war conducted just a month prior to that, and a newbie war earlier in the year. Bombing your brothers is definitely fun, especially when you know that particular person needs a morale booster, an "attaboy," or just a plain ol' "I'm sending this because I respect ya'" deal.

If there's constant shelling going on for the sake of needing a bombing campaign, then I feel that it begins to lose the true meaning and motivation behind it. I'm nobody special here, sticking my nose into this discussion, but I'm a big respecter of the old school, and feel this saying has a place here:

"If the bomb is about you, well, we all like free cigars."
Bombing gets me friends, right? :p

Even with bombs, Tea-sips couldn't buy an Aggie as a friend.


Gig 'Em

J/K on the whole bomb thing, wish I could have attended a Dallas HERF while you were still in DFW.

No one wants to be friends with a bunch of shit-kicking farmers Jake!! :p
I tried searching and couldn't find anything so stop me if this has already been done, but....

I was thinking about having a Bombing War between BOTL's in the North and South. I don't think I'm experienced enough to host said War, but I was just thinking it would be a cool idea. I've noticed a lot of smack talk between BOTL's on here about where they live and it'd be cool to have a War based on geographic location. Just throwing this out there and looking for opinions.

I don't think the Confederates could stomach yet another humiliating defeat... ;)
To be honest growing up around NYC we didn't care about the south. The only "conflict" we thought about was with Boston. But if you want a great Boston Smoothie then go down to the South. :D ;)
Yeah, The Balls War was deathmatch. Which of you wants to pony up the, what 5-6 grand to do it?

You ain't kidding, the guy I bombed hasn't been seen on CP since....whatever happened to Devilsmilk anyway?
No one wants to be friends with a bunch of shit-kicking farmers Jake!!

No hang on just a second! Do these look familiar??

Colt will sex you up!


Failure= When your best just isn't good enough!
Now this is getting downright ugly! :sign: :laugh:

Just a little back and forth rivalry. It's all in good fun, not to mention, some of it is pretty funny...lol

I've never been called a shit-kicking farmer though....that's a first. :laugh:
Now this is getting downright ugly! :sign: :laugh:

Just a little back and forth rivalry. It's all in good fun, not to mention, some of it is pretty funny...lol

I've never been called a shit-kicking farmer though....that's a first. :laugh:

Being a Nole's fan I know what this type of banter is like (damn Gators!) Carbonless, there's nothing to see here, I think Tebow is off saving another country you should probably check that out. :sign: :sign:


Damn I'm going to regret getting into this :whistling: ..

Edited to add:
I just wanted to chime in among the rivalry and say that I appreciate the comments about the War…both in support and opposing the idea. To call it what it is, it was a bit of Noob coming out of me. The only thing I want to ‘defend’ is that I did have good intentions in posting this thread. CP is an amazing board and even among the bs rivalry smack talk, there is an obvious sense of camaraderie. The War was just going to be another way to give back. Regaurdless, thanks to all for commenting. If nothing else, it was another learning experience for me.
You guys can't be serious?!?!...


P.S.... Those were cheapshots both times on Colt and you know it Jake.

P.S.S.... Dios: Last time I checked, that pic was of a tackle Colt made on a Bear after a fumble. Takes cojones to risk himself like that. And I'm pretty sure Vince ain't no slouch either. Just take a look at the pic above... Now go stand in the corner until the big boys are done talking. :laugh: :p
Well, after you ladies get done crying, maybe you'll realize it was pointless to do so, because the SEC (not the big 12) is going to dominate AGAIN this year anyways. :cool:
Well, after you ladies get done crying, maybe you'll realize it was pointless to do so, because the SEC (not the big 12) is going to dominate AGAIN this year anyways. :cool:

The second you can tell me one team out of the SEC that is worth their weight besides Florida, I'll suck my own wang....
I just wanted to chime in among the rivalry and say that I appreciate the comments about the War…both in support and opposing the idea. To call it what it is, it was a bit of Noob coming out of me. The only thing I want to ‘defend’ is that I did have good intentions in posting this thread. CP is an amazing board and even among the bs rivalry smack talk, there is an obvious sense of camaraderie. The War was just going to be another way to give back. Regaurdless, thanks to all for commenting. If nothing else, it was another learning experience for me.

Let me just say, since I did post opposition, that I don't think your idea is necessarily bad, and 6-8 months from now I think it might get some play. I won't pretend to speak for Bruce, but what I took from his post was this: The newbie war is still going on to an extent, right before that was the Blizzard, and 8 months before that was the newbie war '08. Just seems like a lot of non-stop bombing, and while that is part of our community, I feel like it's becoming the overwhelming part of our community. It shouldn't be. I'm all for Paying it Forward, etc. but for me personally I'm afraid that people that may have joined in the last few months might be getting the impression that the way to "fit in" in this community is to joining a bombing war, and then draw attention to it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with bombing someone, I do it often, but the main point to bombing someone is to thank them for some knowledge they've shared with you, or to say thank you, to show appreciation, or to share something that you can access that maybe they can't. It can also be a way to help a person who is down, or share in their joy. But the main point to bombing, at least for me, is it's a chance to really get to know someone and what they like. When/if I decide to bomb someone I take some time to read some old posts of theirs to get a sense for things they like. Be it the type of cigar they like, or a beer, or some coffee, or a little something for their kid, etc. Through that you get a sense of connection with the person you bomb. These wars are fun, and I particpated in one myself when I first started here. I guess my point is just make sure when you are bombing, or having one of these wars that the people you target are people you truly have a respect and appreciation for, and use it as a way to help form a bond.

Whew, I feel like Will Ferrell after the debate scene in Old School. I think I blacked out there for a second. :laugh: