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Pere Jacques '06


Go Vols!!!
Jan 9, 2007
I got this in a package on my beer forum for winning a fantasy football thing last year and never got around to drinking it until now. I love everything I've had from Goose Island and this did nothing to damper my appreciation of their beers.


Style – Dubbel
ABV – 9%
Brewed In – Chicago, Illinois
Availability – Rotating

Score – 7.8/10

I really like the simplicity of Goose Island labels, the 2006 vintage being clearly marked. I had it in my head that this was a strong pale ale, so when I poured it I was very surprised and excited. It pours a cloudy brown with brilliant auburn highlights when held up to the light. The head is a very creamy, off white that has decent retention. There are little to no signs of carbonation other than the head, so I'm not expecting a lot in that department.

The base and dominant character of the aroma is from the candi sugar and everything else plays off of it. There is a faint smell of dark fruit, raisins and plums, along with a touch of alcohol.

There is a nice caramelized/slightly burn sugar flavor that dominates the taste. It finishes with a very slight alcohol warmth. I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of any fruit flavors despite the aroma. There is at most a slight hint of raisins, but i probably just talked myself into tasting that. Overall it is pleasant though fairly one dimensional.

The body is right in the middle, which you'd expect from a big beer with such a strong candi sugar presence and works very well with the flavors. The carbonation is very light, though definitely there, and lends towards a very smooth beer overall.

Though the flavor was pretty uneventful, this was a very nice, enjoyable beer overall. I would have loved more of a fruity character that I was expecting after smelling it and also considering it's a dubbel, but I definitely enjoyed it.
Nice review, sounds like something I'd enjoy. I definitely need to get my hands on more GI beers after trying GI's Bourbon County Stout.
That looks interesting. I have never tried anything from Goose Island. To bad they dont ship those great beers down south.
We just starting getting the new 2009 Pere Jacques and Matilda. It has a new label, very minimalist. I'll have to give it a try, I haven't had the Pere Jacques in a while. 22oz bottles now as well. Supposedly the BCS will also be in the bomber this year. There's a night's worth of drinking for you!