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Pipes to avoid


Meat is murder! Tasty, tasty murder.
Oct 25, 2005
I'm looking into buying my first pipe that doesn't come from the drugstore. Are there any brands out there I should avoid? I've been looking at Nording, Stanwell, Savinelli, Peterson, and several estates of different lineages. I've also been looking at some of the Super Specials at Iwan Reis. I'm thinking I'll get a decent briar or 2, a small meerschaum, and a cob to take fishing. I want to be able to taste test many different blends and tobaccos to figure out what I like.

I already know I enjoy a pipe. The Grabow I had several years ago accompanied many great memories. I'm just looking to get a little more serious. Who knows, I may even pare down my cigar stash and concentrate more on piping!

Thanks for all the discussion on this forum. The Pipe Room may not be the most active here at CP, but there's a lot of good info here. :thumbs:
I'm looking into buying my first pipe that doesn't come from the drugstore. Are there any brands out there I should avoid? I've been looking at Nording, Stanwell, Savinelli, Peterson, and several estates of different lineages. I've also been looking at some of the Super Specials at Iwan Reis. I'm thinking I'll get a decent briar or 2, a small meerschaum, and a cob to take fishing. I want to be able to taste test many different blends and tobaccos to figure out what I like.

I already know I enjoy a pipe. The Grabow I had several years ago accompanied many great memories. I'm just looking to get a little more serious. Who knows, I may even pare down my cigar stash and concentrate more on piping!

Thanks for all the discussion on this forum. The Pipe Room may not be the most active here at CP, but there's a lot of good info here. :thumbs:

Nothing wrong with any of those brands, and they all make pipes in a range of prices and quality. Iwan Ries has great prices and their sales are usually pretty good deals. Since they're cheap, why not get 2-3 cobs and use those to sample different blends, keeping one for aromatics, one for English blends, and one for Virginia blends? Or, you could use the smalle meer to test any number of blends, since meers don't absorb much, if any, of the character of what's smoked in them. Just make sure it's block rather than pressed, meerschaum.

Have fun!!
I've got a Savinelli and have never had any problems with it. As far as meerschaum goes, I've got one made by SMS. It was only about 60 bucks, and it's also been a good pipe for me.
I should have added, on the Peterson's, you have the choice between the System pipe and non-, and the P-lip vs. fishtail. I like the P-lip on bents, not so much on straight stems. The system pipe produces a drier smoke, but there's the added cleaning involved....

YMMV :rolleyes:
Well, I didn't want to quote all the responses. So thanks all.

I probably will get a couple of cobs. I fish quite a bit, so I'd hate to lose one and not have a backup. I was planning on using the small meer for my "test pipe" because of the reasons mentioned. I'm just looking at one of the smaller, billiard shaped pipes (it is block) out there for less than $20. I'll likely acquire a larger one once I get more into things. Thanks for the info on the Peterson lips.

That's good to hear about the Savinelli. One of my favorites I've been looking at is a Sav.

Robbie, I'm not sure what tune you're whistling, but as long as it isn't a show tune I'll listen! ;) Should I be frightened? ???
Pretty good pipes and wont set you back too much:

I saw those. They look real nice for the price. I'm a little partial to bent pipes, though. I just like the looks of them a little more and in my limited experience, I've not gotten as bad a tongue bite from them. I'll try some straight pipes again once I get started.

That site does have some pretty good prices for a lot of pipes that aren't on any of the other popular pipe stores. I've been scouring them all! :laugh:
One thing about Peterson. They dip finish their pipes,which means the interior of the bowl is stained before it is covered with graphite-carbon. Some people dont care,some people are really put off by this. I've found that it takes a bit longer to break em in because of this but it doesnt really bother me taste wise.