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Pit Bull Food Alergies - Need suggestions


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
My pit bull mix seems to be allergic to everything. She tends to itch a lot, I've taken her to the vet, and they said it's just allergies. I've been giving her allergy pills every day, however it seems this is more of a food allergy than anything else.

Pit bulls are prone to allergies it seems. For those who have experience with Pit Bulls, what do you suggest feeding her? I've been feeding her Natures Domain for the past year now, and it's not making much difference. Is there some sort of special pit bull food I can buy?

Hey Rod, a friend of mine has a pit with allergies as well and was switched to Blue Buffalo Wilderness and is doing much better on it. Was having a lot of skin issues for a while on basic puppy chow. I've got my bullmastiff breed on Taste of the Wild which has been great so far and is cheap on Amazon.
I use Dad's food. Any food with artificial coloring was making my dogs itch horribly. It worked for us.
I have 2 puppies, both pitbull mixes. My oldest is a Rottweiler/Pitbull who is 10 months old now has a super sensitive system. So being a chef I make the dog food they eat, their coats, skin, eyes are shiny and bright and most of their problems have cleared up.

The food is super simple and they go bananas for it, I mean literally, bullshit. They think it's gold, and it's cheap to make.

1lb Ground Turkey
1lb Brown Rice
1lb of mixed vegetables (No corn)

Steam the turkey in a large stock pot on low, add vegetables and rice, stir until incorporated, add about half a gallon of water. Simmer until rice is tender and allow to cool. Store in the fridge or freezer in airtight containers. Dirt cheap, very easy, very good for them. Out of habit I always try the dog food, it tastes bland, but damn do they love it. Consistent bathroom breaks, healthy and happy. Mass produced dog food is complete sh*t.
My fiancée is a vet. I'm going to show her your questions and send you her answers.
I don't have a pit bull, but I've had a dog with allergies. I feed mine 'Taste of the Wild' dog food. It is all natural without any grain fillers. My dogs love it. It is pretty expensive but worth it, imo.
My Rottie has always had Canidea.

As for allergies, are you certain it's food?

If so, try some of the natural stuff (Like Canidea)....if not, you may have to make the pup some food.

Big bowls of what someone wrote above may be in order.

I'll talk to my buddy who's had 3 pit's.

Good luck,
Thanks for the feedback so far, really appreciate. She itches and licks so damn much, we put a bite collar on her at night. Could be a grass allergy too I guess. Still trying to rule everything out. The vets aren't much help at all.
When i had my dog I got the food from my breeder who made her own food for the dogs and the stuff was all natural since she had full control of what went into it. She sold 50 pound bags very cheap. So you can look into cooking your own food for the dog.
Rod, PM me your number. I'll have my wife (DVM) call you tonight. This is basically her specialty.
I feed my pit Iams and have no problems. Corn is a big no no

I used to feed my old family red nose pit Science Diet and had no issues . . . Good Dog Henry's not a pitty, but he DOES have a gluten allergy. Does good with Iams.

I don't have a pitbull but do have two South African Boerboels and they commonly have food allergies as well. We feed them canidae and taste of the wild 50/50 mix as our male gets upset stomach if we feed straight taste of the wild.The other option is to do a BARF diet for him.
I agree with the Blue Buffalo food...I have a Blue Pit. They are prone to skin problems. He seems to do better with that. Just a heads up...Pits are also prone to cancer. Keep a watch. With all their potential for ailments they are the best dogs I have ever owned. I agree about talking to Triple D aka Dewayne. He knows his dogs. Google Triple D Kennels. Funny...I was talking to my wife this AM about getting a pet quality dog from him.
Thanks for all the info and especially Gavin for the hook up!

Luckily she is not a pure bread pit, rather a mix. Going to try some new things and hopefully get this under control. Appreciate all of the info.
My buddy has a Golden that seems to be allergic to everything too. They tried special foods and baths but ultimately they just starting giving her benadryland that seems to have helped the most.
We just went through an allergy issue with our Cockapoo; seems he developed a reaction to the dog food he has been eating since being a pup. That or something in some of the treats we gave him. He is regulated to table food at the moment, has been for a bit, and he is not itching or gnawing at all like he used to. We started out by cutting things out of his diet, until we were down to his dog food, cheese, and grilled chicken.
I don't have a pitbull but do have two South African Boerboels and they commonly have food allergies as well. We feed them canidae and taste of the wild 50/50 mix as our male gets upset stomach if we feed straight taste of the wild.The other option is to do a BARF diet for him.
Wow this is rare, I've got a Boerboel as well. Don't see that name around very often at all. Best dog breed ever. How is it having two? I was just talking to my wife yesterday about possibly getting a brindle as well next year.
I don't have a pitbull but do have two South African Boerboels and they commonly have food allergies as well. We feed them canidae and taste of the wild 50/50 mix as our male gets upset stomach if we feed straight taste of the wild.The other option is to do a BARF diet for him.
Wow this is rare, I've got a Boerboel as well. Don't see that name around very often at all. Best dog breed ever. How is it having two? I was just talking to my wives yesterday about possibly getting a brindle as well next year.

