Ok guys: Time to get this pass started, for reasons of secrecy we will NOT be posting here what the puts and takes are, we will also NOT be posting the order of the pass, both of these functions will be handled by email, when you recieve the pass you will email me with your puts and takes and I will email the other members of the pass with them, I will also let you know who to mail it to next. Please post your comments about recieving the pass here at Cigar pass, and all other Cigar Pass rules apply. Yes this pass is insured by CPI but I require that you put a confirmation # on the pass when you send it out and would appreciate your putting on a little USPS insurance.
Members of the Pass:
in no particular order.
Now guys this is a top shelf kind of pass, so here is the line up of cigars that are starting the pass.
Opus X- churchill
Opus X- corona x2
Opus X- Power ranger
CAO Odyssey
La Perla Habana black pearl
CAO churchill Extreme
Fuente flor-a-fina 858
LGC series R dbl. robusto
Ashton VSG Churchill
RyJ Prince of Whales 01'
RyJ #4 97'
Sancho Panza torp 99'
Upman corona 98'
Diplomat#2 torp 98'
Also in addition to these there will be a hard to find cigar as a gift for everyone in the pass.
I still need the addys and PH# for Hbooker, Pepe and Quito60. If you have allready done this I appoligze, please email them to me again and I will try not to lose them this time, my email is
TEVECAKA@Aol.com . I will start the pass as soon as I have the addys.
OH WORM.....Want to surrender now?
:sign: :sign: