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Revenge for my dog pass

Congratulation to you and the Mrs., Vern. My wife and I are right behind you, 24 years next month. I'm still amazed that anyone would put up with me for that long. ;)
Hey!!! Great!!! Congrats as well, my friend. I wish I'd known sooner and I could've included some "love potion" in that last bomb!!! ;) Although, seems like y'all don't need any!!! Hope your anniversary was an excellent one bro! :thumbs: :love: :)
Umm, Vern? That "1" was a few days ago - was anything supposed to happen?

Just curious...
Dave ;)

Hey Dave, he must've forgot what comes after 1.....LMFAO!!!!!

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

Rod, you can move this to the passes in progress format now.

And Worm, We have just signed a HEAVY hitting additional passer who will remain Anon. :cool:
0?? No one actually says "zero" in a countdown - it's just assumed. You're stalling Vern!

You think I am stalling Dave? Boy, you don't know me at all.
BTW. the fuse is lit and I have watched it depart. the confirmation # 0300 1290 0003 0870 1314.
Oh, and Worm if this one dosen't make you run up the white flag the only reason will be that there isn't enough of you left. I am going to be your PaPa when this one lands. :cool:
:p Anon....hmmmmm...why would someone name their child that???? LMAO :sign: :lookup:
Seems like this pass should have landed at its first stop today, and is well on its way to total worm destruction. :cool:
Ahh Hum.
I have a Big Humongous Box full of really neat smokes, in one of the largest tuppers I have ever seen in a pass since I joined CP.

Ohh Mr. Worm.
I really am thinking this is the single effort that will bring peace back to our beloved Cigar Pass.com site.
Yep Im sure of it you will not be able to do anything but surrender after this. For there is NO way you could ever get back at all of us... hehehehe

The first stop is done and this baby is on to its next destination, if the first stop is any indication this may be quite an overkill when it lands. It has been nice knowing you Worm. :cool:
Got the pass.  Minor problem (don't worry, the smokes are fine! ).  Remember when I signed up I asked to be put late in the pass??  There was a reason for that!! All my cigars are packed away right now.  I'll keep the pass safe, and should have it sent on by Monday - ok?  BTW, Vern - it'd probably be a good idea to re-send me the address of the next person.  Don't use the old email address you had for me, it's currently disabled while they're trying to transfer it over to my new account.  Use the email link at the bottom of my post.

Thanks and sorry!
If I remember right Dave you said you were moving into your new house on March 20 th , and didn't want it to arrive until after that, sorry about getting it to you to early. email sent. :cool:
Poor poor lil' worm. He ain't gonna know what hit him when this baby arrives. Quality on top of quality on top of more quality!

I like the packaging too! almost like the box was designed for that container!

Dave :0
Great job Dave.
A few more stops and this Bunker Buster will land, Worm do you hear that sound? ...........Listen close..........


You still have time to bend over and kiss it goodbye. :cool:
Fun, fun Fun....this could be a war ender.....not!! I'm looking forward to this one fellas. However, LMK before it heads to me so that I can give you the correct addy., if it has changed by then. ;) :D

