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Should this be in the 'Sports Forum'


Oh My!
Feb 6, 2006
OK - I'm about to head to Circuit Cxxx to get an XBox...what's the verdict?

I know - PS3, Xbox and Wii - oh my!
At some point it seems right to have one of each...alas, not now.

What do you think about any of the above?
Xbox 360 is currently the best buy for your money. The Wii is fun as well, and the ability to download old games via the Virtual Console is really cool. The PS3 is still overpriced and many game developers are still wary of making games for such an expensive system. If it were up to me, I'd buy another 360 hands down.
Honestly I don't think you can go wrong w/ a 360...

The PS3 has the horsepower, but the games just are not there (yet.)

The wii is revolutionary, and will be looked back on as a watershed in Videogame history, but you STILL can't walk into any ol store and buy one. Plus the games are ot there yet, and some folks are saying it is a one-trick pony. (well 2 tricks: novel controls and the library of 'classics' to download...)

The 360 has the largest install-base, and a ton of developer support.
It also had the most robust and user-friendly online service.

I think you are dead-on with "At some point it seems right to have one of each...alas, not now." and I think that the 360 is the best choice for the first purchase.

Be sure to pick up guitar hero!
X360 for sure! Im going to buy it soon too, I already checked PS3 and X3600 '+' and '-' and know it better, besides... Assasin's Creed... Gears of War... Halo3... Skate... etc.
360 for sure. And when you get it, go get call of duty 4. It is the best game out right now. But it depends on what games you like to play. Xbox live is also a ton of fun and makes games a lot better if you like that type of thing.
i would go with 360 as well, however, the wii is drastically underrated. I didn't even consider getting it when i got my 360, but now i really want to get one. By the way is call of duty 4 already out. I didn't like COD3 COD2 i thought was the best.
I've had to send in my 360 due to the Red Ring of Death. Since then I can't be happier. I play a lot of sports game in 1080i and also Halo 3. You can't go wrong with any shooter game on this console. Ever since Microsoft figured out the bugs this is the go-to system

Built in Blu Ray DVD. (for when you are not gaming)

Will push the envelope on games once developers getused to programming in it.
Some sick ass games coming out in the next clpe months.
Which will be some of the best graphics and game play ever seen on a console.

And they will have Gran Turismo exclusively

-Games you must play.

MLB the show
Call of Duty 4
Assasins Creed
The darkness
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Las Vegas
Resistance: Fall of Man
FIght Night round 3
Get an old xBox, hack it, put in a bigger hard drive and turn it into your primary entertainment system. You'll be able to load up all your mp3s, AVIs, and jpegs and connect to the internet all through one device.
-Games you must play.

MLB the show
Call of Duty 4
Assasins Creed
The darkness
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Las Vegas
Resistance: Fall of Man
FIght Night round 3

You forgot WarHawk...I've got both and hands down go with XBOX...the pricetag is what draws the line for the PS3
Get a 360, Halo 3 and Xbox Live kit. Then we can kill each other via Live. :thumbs: :thumbs:

The black Elite 360 has a bigger hard drive. There is also a special Halo Edition 360 that's OD green.

Oh, and Madden.

and Guitar Hero 3.

and Call of Duty 3 and 4.
Halo3 and Gears of War on the 360 is an aboslute freakin videogame orgasm. I've never been so impressed with a game as I have been with these two on the 360. With that said, 360 all the way man.

There's also something to be said for xbox live and the game support. I know halo3 did a special halloween edition of the matchingmaking games, basically you vs zombies and stuff. Xbox live is also getting all the game developers on live on thier anniversary this month to play against regular dudes like us.
Ok... my .02 worth. I don't own one myself, but I have access to a 360 at work.

Careful with the 360 - look on the box and find the HIGHEST lot number you can - preferabbly over 734. Under that and they do still have heating issues. Ours at work just yesterday gave us the dreaded 'Red Ring of Death' (look it up). This is a back to M$ fix only, the one that has cost them MILLIONS. Supposedly over 50% of the 360 consoles will develope this problem. The drawback to the 360 that I see if you have to buy the extra crap - the HD dvd player, the wireless access and the subscription to Live online. With the PS3, you get the BlueRay built in, the wireless built in and their online service is free - and they just lowered the price to be the same as the 360!

BUT... the 360 games rock, towering over the PS3 as far as I have found. I'm thinking of adding a console soon, but not sure what I'll go with. As soon as lot numbers 735 and up start appearing, I'll probably go 360.
OK - a couple hours of Halo 3 with smokelaw1 - after a nice smoke - and my eyes need to stop blinking!

360 or Wii...

If you're a casual gamer, want to play with the wife / girls / kids / non-gamers -> Wii for sure. The games are fun, intuitive, simple. It appeals to hardcore and casual gamers alike.

But if you want to massage your inner nerd like me, the 360 is the only choice. XBox Live is unbelievable. I find myself drinking and just talking with college buddies while we play the same game, coop, against each other, or completely different games! There are 0 good exclusives for PS3 (and not many on the horizon) - Resistance sucks - don't try selling me on that. 360 has plenty of exclusives - Bioshock, Gears of War, HALO 3 - and several great ones on the horizon - Mass Effect shortly, Fable 2 and Too Human in the long run. Sorry, Metal Gear Solid 4 isn't going to compare and that might also come to 360. As far as games like Grand Theft Auto, Mercenaries 2, Call of Duty, and sports games - they come for both systems and are about the same but you get the superior online experience with 360.

Oh and what about Bluray and PS3's supposed graphical superiority? Well, no one is taking advantage of the overrated Bluray as far as games go - and no one is expected to. And the graphics? The system is so confusing to develop for most 3rd party developers create for the 360 then port it to PS3 - so the graphics are often a push!

Could the PS3 be something down the road? Sure - maybe in a year or 2. And it will be $100-150 cheaper. Meanwhile, the 360 is the better system today and for the forseeable future.

Again, I can't highlight the prominence of the Wii though. I don't own it but if I were back in college and had more time on my hands, I'd certainly have that in addition to the 360. I may even splurge on one just so I can get girls to come over...video games netting girls? It's happening.

God I'm such a nerd. Alright, sorry for the most forceful statements I've made on CP - but this is something I know about ;-)
As many before me have stated, the decision comes down to who will play it for what type of games. For the average joe, a wii might look tempting. It did for me at least but then after it collected dust for 4 months, it was quickly sold for a loss and a lesson learned. For the gamer in you I would go with the xbox hands down. Although the ps3 is a more powerful system and in the long run might be better, for the current prices and available games the xbox is a better buy. What is the point of amazing abilities of the ps3 if there are no good titles to play? Although xbox is known for the RROD, I have heard nothing other than good customer support for these units. It is a common problem and getting it fixed does not seem to be too much trouble, except lacking a gaming system for a few weeks. BTW, if you are going to pick up an xbox don't forget to get a newer production one so that you can get the falcon chipset. From my understanding it runs cooler with less energy needed. But then again when will they get a better GPU? Everything I have stated is to the best of my knowledge and some facts might be incorrect. Best wishes on the purchase and have fun.
All good information here. I just want to also say that my girlfriend, a non-gamer extraordinaire told me she wants a wii for christmas. I can't afford to give her a wii for christmas this year (damn down payment on a house had me looking under mattresses for loose change), but I'll see what I can get together. It's very impressive to me that nintendo has roped in so many non-gamers into this console. I would love to try boxing on it personally.