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Tell me about sun growns

Dr. Marneaus

I drive a station wagon
Dec 13, 2007
So, I recently got the opportunity to try a Patel Sun Grown factory select, thanks to a kind BOTL, and tonight I picked up another Patel Sun Grown, this one not a factory select, but "the real deal" complete with the fancy bands and everything!

So, these have pretty much been my favorite cigars I've smoked, and my real question is, do other sun growns share similar taste characteristics? I read the "your favorite sun grown" thread but it was more of just a list, rather than an answer to my question. If I like one sun grown, are chances good that I'll like another?

I understand obviously different brands with tobaccos from different regions will have different tastes, but I'm wondering how close different SG's will be to each other, as far as the overall smoke goes. I don't even know what it is I like about them, but they are so damn smooth and...I dont know!

Help me out here, school me a little on the SG's.

In reading the aforementioned thread, and a few others, I got a good list of SG's to try out, but sadly it's a little tough (haven't seen many at b&M's in town), so I want to plan my purchases carefully! I am sure I will pick up a bundle of the Patel Selects as soon as my bank account permits, but I'd still like to know whats out there.

as I said, school me!
From my experience, not ALL SGs taste the same...and to say that would be wrong. A very common characteristic is the 'sweet' taste that most SGs have. Unfortunately, at this current stage in my smoking career, i'm not very fond of SGs, but i'm guessing one day I will be.

An SG to look into:
AF Cuban Beli SG. Many people love them and while they are a nice cigar - I just don't enjoy that sweet flavor. If you want to try one of the most popular SGs go w/ that one. If i remember correctly, they are fairly priced too.
Similar questions have been running through my mind as well. I am guessing "sun grown' describes the method in which the plant was grown, not necessarily what strain of tobacco was grown. So, could we have sun grown Sumatra, sun grown H2k, sun grown corojo, or sun grown X? Risotto is similar. It is a specific cooking technique. It can be made with Arborio rice , Carnarolli rice, cracked wheat, or X. I am sure some plants don't like the sun and some don't like shade. As well as some are not fit for maduro and some can't be candela. And risotto isn't made with Jasmine rice.

From the Internet searches, I think there are four factors when naming these leaves.
1. How it is grown-Sun or shade grown (or pesticides, irrigation, etc.)
2. Where it is grown-Nicaragua, Jalapa, Lot 14f, row 12
3. What strain of seed is used-Corojo, H2k, broadleaf
4. How it is fermented out-colorado, claro, maduro

Additionally, if Criollo ’98 seed is grown in the DR in the sun, is it Sun grown Dominican Criollo '98? What if that leaf is fermented to maduro? Sun grown Dominican Criollo '98 Maduro? ???

A couple of links that helped me understand (I think) a bit better.

10 things

Corojo history
Alrighty. While I was out measuring a property for work today, I figured out I was damn close to the Paiute Indian tobacco shop, so i stopped in. I was so blown away by the prices that I snagged a Torano Signature toro ($4.50). Couldnt leave empty handed even though i told my self no buying this week.... Oh well, I'll eat ramen tonight!

I'll smoke it pretty soon, and letcha all know. I saw alotta ashtons there, but didnt really know what I was looking for.
I like about every Aston they make. The sungrowns have Aston VSG on the band and is the best sungrown there is I think.
I have a box of RP sun grown toros sitting in the humi and Ireally wish I had a box of any VSG's, as they are my hands down favorite right now!

I really have enjoyed most of the sun grown I have had in total!

Cigar terms are often misleading and misused. Technically Sun Grown means just that - grown in the sun. But what most mean by "sun grown" is the wrapper is from the "centro fino" or upper part of a sun grown plant that tends to have more flavor.
Dr. Marneaus I see address in your profile I'll send you a Ashton VSG thet way you won't have to take my word for it.
Another note that has not been stated is that it depends on the vitola. Wrappers account for approx 10 - 40 % of the cigars flavor (depending on the vitola) part of the reason that many people like the lancero is that the wrapper to filler/binder ratio is closer; hence more wrapper flavor per puff (so-to-speak).

In the end, its all about what you enjoy, I personally LOVE to try new cigars, you never know when you will hit the creme' de la creme... it might even be a $3 cigar.
Dr. Marneaus I see address in your profile I'll send you a Ashton VSG thet way you won't have to take my word for it.

Hey thanks! Like I said, I had no idea what I was looking at in the ashton line, and have no idea if they had it or not.

In the end, its all about what you enjoy, I personally LOVE to try new cigars, you never know when you will hit the creme' de la creme... it might even be a $3 cigar.

Well my current favorite, is a 2 dollar cigar, Patel factory select sun grown, and soon as I have a week where quenching the jeep's thirst doesnt leave my wallet empty, I'll be picking some up.

Seth gifted me with a tasty Sun Grown Patel:


I had a Reo a long time ago, prolly 2-3 months, and I don't remember it at all.
Dr. Marneaus I see address in your profile I'll send you a Ashton VSG thet way you won't have to take my word for it.

As long as you're headed that way....



Nice gesture though....
I've really enjoyed reading this thread. I too have noticed that I am drawn to the "sun grown" cigars, particularly the Rocky Patel Sun Growns and the Carlos Torano Signature series. Rocky Patel also has "OSG" (=original sun grown, a previous foray of his into sun grown cigars before producing his current sun grown line). These are milder, but if you want sun grown flavor that doesn't hit quite as hard, this is a good choice.

As to the technical questions (and I'm still learning, so someone feel free to correct me), I don't believe that sungrown pertains strictly to the part of the plant the leaf grows on. That is what is meant by the term Lugero, meaning the leaves toward the top of the plant. But especially in mountainous places like Ecuador, a tobacco plant can be grown on either the sunny side or the shady side of the mountain, hence the term. It also appears to me that the Sumatran variety of the tobacco plant works better for sun grown, and the Connecticut variety works better for shade grown. Thus I often see "sun-grown Ecuadorian Sumatra" or "Connecticut shade grown" in the descriptions of various cigars.

So, someone more knowledgable than myself . . . did I get that right? And is it true that Maduro's are almost all "sun grown", whether thus specified or not?

Pax Domini vobiscum,
Dr. Marneaus I see address in your profile I'll send you a Ashton VSG thet way you won't have to take my word for it.

Hey thanks! Like I said, I had no idea what I was looking at in the ashton line, and have no idea if they had it or not.

It's on the way.

0305 2710 0001 1259 9245


Thanks again man!

And Yeah, I have also enjoyed this so far, lots of good info and vocabulary. I like learning the technical side of most anything, and I think it's pretty neat to understand what all these different terms and names mean. But, I have to go to class now!
I've really enjoyed reading this thread. I too have noticed that I am drawn to the "sun grown" cigars, particularly the Rocky Patel Sun Growns and the Carlos Torano Signature series. Rocky Patel also has "OSG" (=original sun grown, a previous foray of his into sun grown cigars before producing his current sun grown line). These are milder, but if you want sun grown flavor that doesn't hit quite as hard, this is a good choice.

As to the technical questions (and I'm still learning, so someone feel free to correct me), I don't believe that sungrown pertains strictly to the part of the plant the leaf grows on. That is what is meant by the term Lugero, meaning the leaves toward the top of the plant. But especially in mountainous places like Ecuador, a tobacco plant can be grown on either the sunny side or the shady side of the mountain, hence the term. It also appears to me that the Sumatran variety of the tobacco plant works better for sun grown, and the Connecticut variety works better for shade grown. Thus I often see "sun-grown Ecuadorian Sumatra" or "Connecticut shade grown" in the descriptions of various cigars.

So, someone more knowledgable than myself . . . did I get that right? And is it true that Maduro's are almost all "sun grown", whether thus specified or not?

Pax Domini vobiscum,

Who are you? ???