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The entourage/freeloader issue


New Member
May 14, 2013
I am sure more than a few of you have experienced this, so I figured I should bring it up. I have a group of friends from college and we try to get together 3-5 times a year. None of them are regular cigar smokers. However when we hang out and I light up a stogie, they all want one (imagine that). The first few times I did not mind passing out my sticks, but then it became the norm. Sharing is caring and I hope to bring some of them over to thge dark side....but that has not happened yet and it kills me to see them waste great sticks. It's not so much the money as it is the principle. The way they light them, how fast they smoke them and how they think they are all the same.
Anyways I just wanted to share my situation and see if anyone has experienced a similar occurrence. Btw I have tried buying cheap bundles of mild cigars to pass out but they always seem to find the good humidor. They also love acids and buying those are an expensive habit, especially considering I do not enjoy them.
P.S. Apologies if this thread has been discussed before, I did not find it during my search.
Keep smoking,
GKane said:
The way they light them, how fast they smoke them and how they think they are all the same.
Hahah in that case try rebanding some bundled cigars with leftover high end cigar bands, pass those around while you smoke the real thing and enjoy. :)
There are far worse things in life than friends wanting to enjoy the experience of smoking cigars with you! ;) 
Buy some dedicated boxes of cigars you can afford to share with your buddies for these special occasions - years from now those friendships may be the best thing you ever invested in.
How many friends are we talking about?? I mean 4 times a year, just bite the bullet and chalk it up to good friends.   When you go to the bar do you pickup the tab sometimes... Why should this be any different.
If you can't afford to supply everyone a super premium stick, buy something more affordable, or suggest that the responsibility rotates between everyone.   Or ask them to chip in on a quality box that you guys can share.  Many ways to do it, but stressing isn't good for anyone.  And feeling used sucks.  If indeed these are really great friends.......they will want to take part.  Try it. ;)
I often have what I call "humidor defenders" on hand when I have infrequent smokers coming over.  They consist of reasonably priced cigars that I am willing to smoke myself in their company.  Typically, they know I would not lead them astray.  If it is a special occassion we may break out the big guns, however many times they wouldn't know the difference.  Nothing peeves me more than someone accepting a Padron 40th or a shark and leaving 3/4 of the cigar sitting in the ashtray when they leave/decide they are done.  We do the same thing with wine although those are "cellar defenders."
Right in my line of toughts ! I do the same for my scotches as I dont see any advantages sharing highly price bottles with them when the average will already make em more than happy (and they would not know better anways so..)
I appreciate all the feeback. I would do anything for these guys, they are like brothers.  Usually about 8-10 guys participate. When I say 3-5 times a year I am talking about full fledge guys weekends, so you can imagine how many smokes we go through.
There are a couple that offer to pitch in and thats all good. I just wanted to get some discussion going about this kind of thing. Other stories and such. My problem is mostly just watching them smoke premium sticks and not appreciating them. I have one friend that chews the shit out of the cigar and lights them with my torch so much so that half the stick is charcoal black.....It just takes some getting used to I guess.
Playing host can be quite the undertaking with these clowns...haha
How are they not appreciating them?  Start your friends off with the Padron X000.  That will give them a base to judge.
GKane said:
I appreciate all the feeback. I would do anything for these guys, they are like brothers.  Usually about 8-10 guys participate. When I say 3-5 times a year I am talking about full fledge guys weekends, so you can imagine how many smokes we go through.
There are a couple that offer to pitch in and thats all good. I just wanted to get some discussion going about this kind of thing. Other stories and such. My problem is mostly just watching them smoke premium sticks and not appreciating them. I have one friend that chews the shit out of the cigar and lights them with my torch so much so that half the stick is charcoal black.....It just takes some getting used to I guess.
Playing host can be quite the undertaking with these clowns...haha
Hey Ive seen friends mix JW Gold with coca cola when there was some black laying around exactly for that.

I may sound cheap but the guys understand that they wont taste the difference (except a few with whom I get out the good stuf).
The first time it happenned we were drinking a bottle I just bought that was not an easy find with the more experienced buddies. An other friend came in and asked for a glass. I remember getting out the Glenfiddich 15 and saying you'll like this one as much trust me. Gave him the glass and since then the guys ask and I get to choose. (someone said positive conditionning ;-)
It has been said a few times, if you're buying then find a decent priced cigar that you enjoy as well. Padron, MCW come to mind right off the top of my head.
Also search CBid or the other sites for closeouts and sales, then hold on to them until needed. When the planning for the weekend starts, tell them up front, I got $XXX worth of cigars I am bringing, so you guys can supply the drinks, or the steaks, or whatever else there is......
I could always go to the gas station and get some white owls.....That may make me the worlds worst friend but would also give me a few laughs if they could not tell the difference.
Kona- Not appreciating them covers a range of behavior such as tossing the stick half way through
I've only experienced this once, but just with one buddy who smokes but hadn't enjoyed a cigar in a while.
He snuffed out/pounded to pieces a 3 year old Shark about 1/3 into it. :angry: "I'm not really feeling this stick"  :0 
I feel you on this, but it is what you make it and your ruffian buddies have to respect boundaries just like you would in their home.
If you are going to have them over, like said before announce what you have to share with them, and have each of them bring something to the table.
There should never be any freeloaders, unless they are between jobs/down and out. Even then, they should know when to bow out of a social function.
Best of luck standing your ground, and if nothing else take them by a local B&M to see how much the sticks they are taking for granted really cost!
I say buy them some LFD double ligero Maduro chisel and watch them get nicotine sick one at a time next time. Then see how many want a cigar.
I like it Coops.  I am always one to not care what they do to it once I give it to them.  That is not easy when some of these examples are thrown around.  I gave a friend a Illusione Epernay in Palm Springs this year.  This is a guy that I have smoked 100's of cigars with.  I told him "This is probably the best cigar I have ever given you".  I found it out on the deck the next day a little less than 1/2 smoked. 

The way I look at it is maybe it was plugged or something else was wrong with it and he didn't want to be rude to me, so he just put it down politely.  Or maybe, he just really wasn't feelin' it.  Hope this helps, JMO. 
Greg, I always maintain a box of some sort of old Villazon smokes for this sort of situation.  I call them my moocher cigars.  My favorites are El Rey Del Mundo Oscuros, Sancho Panza Double Maduros and Hoyo Excaliburs. These are cigars that I loved when I started out, so I know they're good for newb tastes, but I occasionally still smoke them as change-of-pace or yard cigars.  They can also be found for relatively cheap, so I don't mind if a buddy chucks one after the first third.  If I'm offering to a friend who kind of likes cigars, I'll offer up a Padron x000 or maybe something a little nicer. 
You'd be surprised how many of my friends I've lured into the hobby this way. 
These posts are both fun and helpful. Love the "moocher cigar" term and the LFD chisel ideas. I'm glad you guys can relate. I have no problem sharing cigars and often encourage people to try a stogie, even if just for the social aspect. I would love if some of my friends picked up the hobby.
GKane said:
These posts are both fun and helpful. Love the "moocher cigar" term and the LFD chisel ideas. I'm glad you guys can relate. I have no problem sharing cigars and often encourage people to try a stogie, even if just for the social aspect. I would love if some of my friends picked up the hobby.
Greg, the key is the social aspect.  I enjoy smoking cigars with my friends, but I realize that most of what I enjoy will turn them green after the first third.  With a box of something approachable, I can include more people in the festivities. 
Cigarbid is my go to source for mooch sticks. Buy whatever doesn't completely suck and is cheap.