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The entourage/freeloader issue

Most of the guys I've herf'ed with have there own cigars to smoke, or share. We kind of have an unwritten rule of BYOC. If we can share we do, if not, it's all good.
One guy did mooch off all of us once. I didn't know him, he was a friend of a friend. But I thought what the hell, we'll take care of a guy in the group. My buddy gave him a re-banded Opus X...puked his guts out for an hour. After that my buddy told me he always had his own...hehehe
sar127 said:
The way they light them, how fast they smoke them and how they think they are all the same.
Hahah in that case try rebanding some bundled cigars with leftover high end cigar bands, pass those around while you smoke the real thing and enjoy. :)
Don't do this.
There are plenty good smokes at reasonable prices. If you cannot work out some form of having your friends pitch in, share, split the burden, either stop sharing or invest in some good yard gars.
I have a humidor with cigars for sharing. They are generally mild to medium and inexpensive. I smoke them while at shooting events, camping, and if the neighbors come over to hang out by the fire pit. Life is short, be happy to share, especially with non-regular cigar smokers.
I usually keep a bundle of Connies around for this very reason.  Also good for the golf course for the other guys in the foursome who are "once in a while" cigar guys.
I'm big on sharing cigars with friends.  I don't personally feel obliged to give everyone in a group the same cigar, but anyone who wants a cigar will get one from me.  More often than not I will give a cigar to a friend that will suit what they are looking for.  Typically something not too strong is the answer I get.  My feeling is that there is no sense in sharing cigars with others that you would not enjoy yourself.  What's the point?  You're trying to introduce them to a passion that you enjoy.  In varying degrees of time, they will figure out for themselves what type of cigar smoker they are, what they themselves enjoy, how often, or if they even want to be a cigar smoker at all.  But giving them crap to smoke won't help them, and IMHO is doing a disservice to your friends.  
For me cigars are a social occasion, and while I often smoke by myself, I would much rather be enjoying my cigar with the camaraderie of others.  i understand  that most people have limited funds for cigars, but I would always encourage you to give the best that you can afford, and you think would be the right fit for a given individual.  I'm a huge Padron fan, and always have Padron 2000s on hand for large groups as well as an assortment of other moderately priced cigars.  On the CC front I always have Montecristo No. 4s and PLPCs on hand as well.  These are all moderately priced cigars that I have found most people will enjoy, which I smoke regularly as well.
I must confess though...I always have some Fighting Cock Robustos that I buy off CBid for when people piss me off.   :laugh:
DePasta said:
I often have what I call "humidor defenders" on hand when I have infrequent smokers coming over.  They consist of reasonably priced cigars that I am willing to smoke myself in their company.  Typically, they know I would not lead them astray.  If it is a special occassion we may break out the big guns, however many times they wouldn't know the difference.  Nothing peeves me more than someone accepting a Padron 40th or a shark and leaving 3/4 of the cigar sitting in the ashtray when they leave/decide they are done.  We do the same thing with wine although those are "cellar defenders."
Why don't you man up and name them?  They're called La Lunas and I have them nicely aged now for you. :angry:
I frequently had/have get togethers with college friends and I loving sharing my hobby with them. Some of them really like it, some just want to be part of the festivities. Like thechenman said I normally like to accommodate each person with a cigar to their tastes and likings, but I've frequently watched someone toss a cigar well before it's finished. So either you give them a cigar and realize they will do what they want with it and hope for the best. If you are worried about them wasting a good stick, find a stick you would smoke yourself that you're willing to share within your budget. Like mentioned Padron XXXXs are a great option as well is A. Fuente Curly Heads. Both are affordable, both I've smoked and smoke. I don't think it's wrong to tell them you've got sticks that are off limits. Basically everything in my humidor is up for grabs except for a small section in the humidor with gifted cigars and super rare stuff. It's just respect, they should be grateful that your supplying them cigars period, if they complain about the free cigars you provide them they don't deserve them.
Naturally they prefer mild cigars. In the past I have bought RP connecticut, Don diegos, Vegas 5's or Dos Hombres (store's own line from Two Guys smoke shop in NH) .  I have tried buying them a veriaty of sticks. However, one time when I had to take a phone call they took the liberty to pick out a few sticks. For some reason they like the dark lookin ones, must make them feel more manly, I'm not sure. Anyways, they chose 3 Fuente Anejos that I was saving from 2011. They eneded up hating them.
It worked out because they learned there lesson and ever since they let me provide suggestions. Those are the good three guys and they offerd to pay, but like I said before it not about the money so much as it is the appreciation. If a guest comes over and wants an Opus X, fine. I just want them to enjoy it. If they are not going to enjoy it or are not going to differientiate, then why not give them a Romeo y Julieta 1875?  
GKane said:
Naturally they prefer mild cigars. In the past I have bought RP connecticut, Don diegos, Vegas 5's or Dos Hombres (store's own line from Two Guys smoke shop in NH) .  I have tried buying them a veriaty of sticks. However, one time when I had to take a phone call they took the liberty to pick out a few sticks. For some reason they like the dark lookin ones, must make them feel more manly, I'm not sure. Anyways, they chose 3 Fuente Anejos that I was saving from 2011. They eneded up hating them.
It worked out because they learned there lesson and ever since they let me provide suggestions. Those are the good three guys and they offerd to pay, but like I said before it not about the money so much as it is the appreciation. If a guest comes over and wants an Opus X, fine. I just want them to enjoy it. If they are not going to enjoy it or are not going to differientiate, then why not give them a Romeo y Julieta 1875?  
Actually I enjoy the RyJ Reserva Reals.  I sometimes smoke them when out on the links as the pro shop carries them.  Another fairly inexpensive and mild cigar a lot of people enjoy are the Playboy cigars.  I actually enjoy those myself as well.  Go figure.
I just Bradshaw people when they come over so they don't know where my humidor a are. If you don't know what Bradshawing some is than you need a lesson in Bradshawing.
I'm pretty new myself but I've discovered a great affinity for RyJ coronas. They are cheap, not too strong, well made, and taste very good. Different strokes for different folks, but I consider them an excellent beginner cigar, and I plan to have a few boxes on hand just for this purpose. Plus they have the added benefit of serving the role of a short smoke for myself when time is a factor, so they can be serve a couple of purposes.
That's what the CI and Holt's sales are for. I always keep some Old Henry's and Padilla Achilles in my humi for my barbarian friends. Cheaper than Padrons and they wouldn't know the difference.
I would go with buying some inexpensive sticks to enjoy with your buddies. You don't necessarily have to have the same one as them, right? And if they ask why your enjoying something different, just tell them when they start supplying them they can pick what they give to you lol.

If you have some friends that don't smoke them all the way down, you might try keeping some nubs on hand. I like a lot of the nubs myself anyways, but the nice thing is they will burn awhile and you won't feel like they wasted half a stick if they put it down early.
I, too, try to pick specific sticks for people based on their level of experience and usually this works out. It's the camaraderie that these people enjoy and I might turn them into regular smokers if I give them something they will enjoy.
My wedding was a different story though. I had boxes of Padron 64's and Ortega Serie D for the cigar smokers, E Doble's for the occasional smoker, Nat Sherman's for the people who don't smoke, but wanted to partake, CAO Flavours for the girls, and some CC's for my wedding party and cigar group I hang out with. This didn't work out as planned, lol.
My limo driver told me he didn't smoke when I offered him something from my humidor when I was passing them out to the wedding party, then I find out he stuffed his pockets several times during the night. Also my friends still talk about all the Padron's and Ortega's in the ashtrays. I don't really care, we all enjoyed the evening and everyone who wanted cigars got them.
I ended up with a wonderful bride as well.:D