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The New Years Midnight Smoke


"Contest Master"
Nov 10, 2007
Any of you guys plan on lighting up a cigar at midnight? It's been a tradition for me over the past several years. So, I'm curious... anyone have anything special picked out?

I've personally got a a Cohiba Edicion Limitada 04 Sublime that's begging to be burnt... and oh it will!
I'm smoking a nicely aged Anejo Shark for the last cigar of the year. A gift from a newly made friend and fellow "LEAF FUND" partner. He knows who he is, but he can't remember exactly how old the cigar is. All I know is.... she burns tonight!
Last cigar of this year looks like a Dunhill Cabineta. This was a gift from a very generous brother on this forum. The cigar is from the mid 80's and deserves to be burned.
prolly a 1992 RYJ Churchill that a great botl gifted to me

edit: prolly start w/ a LFD Limitado (original release)
I think its going to be too cold in charlotte to burn a good one. Nothing worse than shivering while trying to enjoy a cigar.
I've got 2 "planned" for tonight but it may turn into 3-4. But the first is a Partagas 160 then hit up a LFD DL700. Depending on when the poker starts I may fire up a Cohiba Black for the game.

Happy New Years Fellows!!

Last cigar of this year looks like a Dunhill Cabineta. This was a gift from a very generous brother on this forum. The cigar is from the mid 80's and deserves to be burned.

Nice! Sounds like a perfect smoke for the day :thumbs:

Still recovering from a cold, so if I do burn anything tonight, it won't be anything special.
Last cigar of this year looks like a Dunhill Cabineta. This was a gift from a very generous brother on this forum. The cigar is from the mid 80's and deserves to be burned.

Nice! Sounds like a perfect smoke for the day :thumbs:

Still recovering from a cold, so if I do burn anything tonight, it won't be anything special.

I went through that last year! Hope you feel better.

That is why that Dunhill lasted to the end of this year.
I see no reason to turn away from my favorite - a Montecristo No. 2. This one will be from early 2006 and, if the one I smoked in September is any indication, it should be quite tasty. :thumbs:

Happy 2008 everyone!
I don't know about you guys but there are just so many deserving choices in the humi. I guess I am going to wait until midnight and see which one calls to me. I am looking at an AVO 80th right now, but there is this ESG Robusto... and this Opus xXx...

For tonights feature,

Here in Reno, NV I will indulge in lighting up a Saint Luis Rey Series G Double Maduro. 6 X 60.
If you never had, I strongley recommend. Around a 6 dollar stick at your local tobacconist.

I didn't realize that my last cigar of the year would be my Christmas Day cigar, damn bronchial infections anyways. Well, at least I ended the year on a high note with a Mag 50 EL that was gifted by a fine BOTL.

Last night at my going away HERF, a kind brother gave me a 35 yr. old HdM that is just begging to get torched. Surprising thing is its still smokeable. It feels nice and spongy so it should be a smoking experience to say the least. My other is going to be an H. Uppman Monarca from '01.
Probably won't know until later tonight. Might fire up a bowl of something from Boswell as well.
Was going to be a Padron 80th but I picked up a Opus X Chili Pepper today at the local B&M so I am going with that instead.

I am going to go for a PLPC!

Good choice! I smoked one this morning and followed it up with a Tauaje Havana VI Artistas! PLPC was wonderful and the Artistas was as well. Miss seeing you at the HERFS Cody... when the hell you gonna come up?

Thinking about finishing up 2007 with a Hemmingway maduro this evening.

Happy New Year everyone!
