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To be clear


Habitual Threadjacker!
Feb 2, 2008
It seems several of you received packages from "me" yesterday. Just want you all to know that I am not behind them. I would hate for anyone to get the impression that I'm nice, generous, or that I like any of you (especially the turtle kid.)

One thing though, for those of you that had a return address of KC, MO, that is not my address. That is actually my ex wife's house so please do not keep that address thinking it is mine.

I will say whoever sent them out picked pretty good targets, except for that weird kid on the internet.
Ha ha ha. Nicely said, and congrats to those who received packages from he who did not send them.
It was probably Brent and OzPod tag teaming you guys.  Nice hits Brent/OzPod.
Something is afoot.......I don't know what it is, but I like it.
MoeCizlak said:
It was probably Brent and OzPod tag teaming you guys.  Nice hits Brent/OzPod.
I hope you are coming to Padron so I can stab you in the throat.
I really hope I can make the Padron event this year, I'd like to meet this legendary Mr. Sneeds
I always thought WKOTI was Wimpy Kid On The Internet??? Hmmm. I guess "Wierd" fits too.
beyond the band said:
I can verify....He's not nice
haha, I see so many people vouching for others in a good way but never seen one vouching towards people being not being nice here at CP!  :laugh:
There is always a first. Like swearing its not you! ;-)
The court of backchannel opinion is starting to swing back to the possibility of Brent pulling this all off single handedly.  
"There is no evidence of a second man, of other shots, of other guns." - Congressman Gerald R. Ford
sweepthelegnate said:
The court of backchannel opinion is starting to swing back to the possibility of Brent pulling this all off single handedly.  
"There is no evidence of a second man, of other shots, of other guns." - Congressman Gerald R. Ford
Except for the city they were shipped from and some sneaking suspicions......
I wonder if all this bombing was a pre-emptive strike on the noobs and the start of a new war or if it just took the FOGs from last year this long to wake up from the daze the noobs left them in last year.
MrAnderson41 said:
I wonder if all this bombing was a pre-emptive strike on the noobs and the start of a new war or if it just took the FOGs from last year this long to wake up from the daze the noobs left them in last year.
Ahhh Spring. Birds chirping, flowers blooming, and newbs strutting their stuff.
jayro75 said:
The court of backchannel opinion is starting to swing back to the possibility of Brent pulling this all off single handedly.  
"There is no evidence of a second man, of other shots, of other guns." - Congressman Gerald R. Ford
Except for the city they were shipped from and some sneaking suspicions......
I'm no expert, but I would imagine data entry errors involving Section Center Facility codes at USPS happen every day.  A precursory glance shows numbers relating to Austin and Kansas City pretty close together on the keypad.
Not to mention throwing Joe and I under the bus solely based on our city seems pretty thin.  No lie, the Austin area HERF Joe hosted last night was a rip-roaring good time.
This handful of Austin CP members might take issue with you dismissing them so quickly:
Not to mention the number of other Texas members that pass through Austin on a holiday weekend.
MoeCizlak said:
It was probably Brent and OzPod tag teaming you guys.  Nice hits Brent/OzPod.
LoL there is a name I haven't thought of in a while
Maybe the packages are actually from Breedy, and everyone just thinks it's Sneed.