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We got a goddamned bird


Das Bruce
Jan 18, 2006
for you f'in old guys, not necessarily FOGS who remeber Baretta the series, this is the kind of bird we got. Neat thing, friendly, bonded to me right away. He can say 'hello' and 'I love you' as well as this screeching that could etch glass when he is pissed. We knew it would be high maintenance, but damn. This is like a kid with feathers.

I have no experience with them, but I'm learning. I found out the hard way that you don't make sudden moves in the bird's vicinity. My right index finger now sports gauze and tape - the wound is too big for a mere band-aid, plus I'm perforated on the top and bottom of the finger. The only thing that saved that bastard's life was the $800 I'd just paid for him.

He is very intelligent, but was really intended to be a companion for my wife. Well, the fooker must be gay, cause he bonded to me - can't get enough of me and raises hell if he hears but can't see me. Life is grand!
You should be banned. You spent 800 dollars and you can't smoke it? WTF?

Devil Doc said:
You should be banned. You spent 800 dollars and you can't smoke it? WTF?

Thats amazing... :laugh: :laugh:

Get up some pics of the bird!
I bet HillbillySteaks can smoke him!

I always wanted a pet bird. I used to work with an older woman that raised parrots and ran a rescue sanctuary for birds in her spare time. I visited out there one time and it was a pretty neat deal. It did however end my desire to get a pet bird. . .

Good luck with that bird. They are a TON of commitment and need a lot of attention to become all they can be.
I had a Parakete (SP) once and left him on the back patio with no water. Well lets just say it was a hot day. That was the first and last time I had any feathered friends. As a side note I move everytime they fly above me and will never visit a sanctuary... They Poop on ya!!! And they truly do aim for you as well...
That is too fuggin funny that the bird clipped your digit. I have heard that when you purchase a bird like this "they" (Pet store or rescue groups) make sure you have the bird in your will because they routinely outlive us and are left with nobody to care for them, hence several rescue groups peddling birds. Did you have to do any of that when you purchased it? Also post some photos of the bastid.
Ouch that must hurt Bruce if your is anything close to the size of these ...

This one looks like it's ready for a second go at you! :sign:

On the other hand I always liked these birds as they always exhibited unusual level of intelligence plus there is the fun factor of repeating all the nasty shit they learn from you ;)

As for the work they are just like every pet they need a lot of love, care and time if you're going to make them a part of the family.

That is too fuggin funny that the bird clipped your digit. I have heard that when you purchase a bird like this "they" (Pet store or rescue groups) make sure you have the bird in your will because they routinely outlive us and are left with nobody to care for them, hence several rescue groups peddling birds. Did you have to do any of that when you purchased it? Also post some photos of the bastid.

I have a blue crowned Amazon parrot that I got in 1970!! Still squacks louder than a Mack truck gearing down when he wants something, generally, attention. When I realized these birds live well into their 80's and some up to 100, I asked my kids which one of the four of them I should "will" him too. Question was met with deafening silence...lol.

I got him when I was a college student sharing a house with four other guys, needless to say, the bird's vocabulary of 100 or so words and phrases has a lot of "colorful" expressions, without a doubt his best is "Fock Michigan!!", a true "Buckeye" bird!!
gandolf565 said:
I bet HillbillySteaks can smoke him!


HA! My thoughts exactly! My sister in law is a Harvard biologist and she has a whole room of the house dedicated to those damn things (not to mention my wife's brother owns Bird Watcher's Digest). Ug, they just give me the creeps!

NullSmurf said:
for you f'in old guys, not necessarily FOGS who remeber Baretta the series, I found out the hard way that you don't make sudden moves in the bird's vicinity. My right index finger now sports gauze and tape - the wound is too big for a mere band-aid, plus I'm perforated on the top and bottom of the finger.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

"And that's the name of that tune."

I'm telling you - birds are just like having kids... I think if they're adjusted to people you get more attached to them then dogs and cats. I lost two parrots a few years back to pneumonia (they have a VERY fragile respiratory system) - it was like someone shot me... "Crackers" the Jardine parrot used to like to raise a ruckus with the other birds and their alert calls. He would sit around making noises, imitating just about everything he heard. And he was he repeated things amazingly clear - like the phone ringing...

"Hans" (our Hahn's Mc Caw) used to call repeatedly for my son. For hours on end I'd hear "Richard", "Richard".. Until someone finally paid attention to him. He just LOVED to be held and played with. I miss the two clowns to this day...

And then my wife got a pair of Ring Neck Parakeets (I'm convinced there's a reason they're called a "ring neck" - and it has nothing to do with anything around their necks except maybe my hands...) Those two make some of the most OBNOXIOUS noises I've ever heard a bird make... You would think they'd talk - but NO - they just like irritating people. Kinda funny to watch Tiger Lily bobbing her head and dancing around looking for fresh fruit, though...

I always wanted a Cockatoo, but was afraid of that immense beak of theirs. As you have already learned - they can do some serious damage if they want...

BTW - $800 is damn cheap for that bird...
Jack Straw said:
That is too fuggin funny that the bird clipped your digit. I have heard that when you purchase a bird like this "they" (Pet store or rescue groups) make sure you have the bird in your will because they routinely outlive us and are left with nobody to care for them, hence several rescue groups peddling birds. Did you have to do any of that when you purchased it? Also post some photos of the bastid.

I have a blue crowned Amazon parrot that I got in 1970!! Still squacks louder than a Mack truck gearing down when he wants something, generally, attention. When I realized these birds live well into their 80's and some up to 100, I asked my kids which one of the four of them I should "will" him too. Question was met with deafening silence...lol.

I got him when I was a college student sharing a house with four other guys, needless to say, the bird's vocabulary of 100 or so words and phrases has a lot of "colorful" expressions, without a doubt his best is "Fock Michigan!!", a true "Buckeye" bird!!
I guess these birds aren't as intelligent as I once thought...
Milan's pics could be my bird.



Yep, thats a large beak alright. However, he is surprisingly slow. If I'm careful, I can easily avoid the beak. He's only come after me a few times. I'm just amazed at how smart he is. I've come to realize that its only a matter of time till he has me trained. :whistling:

I sincerly hope this one doesn't have any world domination plans.
NullSmurf said:
I'm just amazed at how smart he is. I've come to realize that its only a matter of time till he has me trained. :whistling:

I sincerly hope this one doesn't have any world domination plans.

...and let's just hope that he doesn't develop a liking to nice cigars ;) :sign:
ML237 said:
NullSmurf said:
I'm just amazed at how smart he is.  I've come to realize that its only a matter of time till he has me trained.  :whistling:

I sincerly hope this one doesn't have any world domination plans.

...and let's just hope that he doesn't develop a liking to nice cigars ;) :sign:
now THAT, everyone, would be friggin AWSOME. A bird smokin a stogie. LOL
Probably wouldnt be able to handle a larger one, so ya might have to buy the miniatures ;-)

do it! :rolleyes:
I've had my parakete for about 4 years now. Was sitting in the den one afternoon and I heard this loud thump on the window. I went outside to see what the hell was out there, and saw this little green and yellow parrot walking around. We have a lot of wild parrots in my city, so I figured this just might be a wild/baby parrot! In any case, I quickly learned it was someone's parakete which got loose. Her wings were not clipped, so she kept flying away evertime I tried to advance towards her. Took me a good 40 min or so before I actually caught her. 4 years later, she's still with me. The pet shop where I get her wings clipped said she's still very young. So I caught her when she was a baby. She is fiesty and likes to bite me, however she is really attached to me. If I go out of town, the entire time I'm gone she's doesn't say peep and she doesn't eat much at all. When I come back, she's all noise. Birds are a lot fun. They really do have a personality of their own. Can be a lot of maintenence at times, however they are definitly a fun pet to have. Good luck w/ your bird. :)