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What pets do you have?

Meet Lazarus (aka Lazzy)
My wife and I were driving back from Orange County after visiting one of our favorite restaurants, and decided to bypass the 91 freeway (if anyone lives around here, you know why šŸ˜Š) So, we decided to take the local roads back home. About half way we see a group of people hovering over something in the streetā€¦ as we got closer we see that itā€™s a small dog. As usual, my wife says ā€œhoney, go over there and see whats happeningā€ And as usual, i oblige. As Iā€™m walking up, I see them trying to slide a piece of cardboard under the dog, and I say whatā€™s going on? One of them explains ā€œwe were trying to catch this stray dog, and it ran out into the street and got hit by a car. It was trying to get back up when it got hit by another carā€ then another person said ā€œwe knew it was dead but we were trying to get it off the streetā€ As I leaned down, I put my hand on the dogs body and felt a small shiver. I immediately scooped it up, ran to the car and plopped it down on my wifeā€™s lap. We drove to the nearest 24 hour pet emergency clinic, rang the bell and went inside. The doctor took him inside and told us to wait. After about an hour, he come out and tells us that it was touch and go, the dog died several times and they were able to resuscitate, and that they were finally able to get an IV in him. Both his back legs were broken, and he had cuts and lacerations all over his body. He also said that there was gravel in the dogs stomach, indicating that he was starving and was trying to ease the hunger pains.
Throughout the next 6 weeks he was there recuperating, we would go and visit him almost every day. It was obvious that he had no idea what love was and would look at us like we were crazy for trying to kiss him and talk sweet to him. The doctors explained that he was most likely a ferrel dog, judging by his interactions with people. They also thought we were crazy for spending so much money on a stray dog, and really thought that after dropping him off that they would never see us again šŸ˜‚
That event was 10 years ago today, and Lazzy is now the happiest most loving dog that weā€™ve ever had.

Meet Lazarus (aka Lazzy)
My wife and I were driving back from Orange County after visiting one of our favorite restaurants, and decided to bypass the 91 freeway (if anyone lives around here, you know why šŸ˜Š) So, we decided to take the local roads back home. About half way we see a group of people hovering over something in the streetā€¦ as we got closer we see that itā€™s a small dog. As usual, my wife says ā€œhoney, go over there and see whats happeningā€ And as usual, i oblige. As Iā€™m walking up, I see them trying to slide a piece of cardboard under the dog, and I say whatā€™s going on? One of them explains ā€œwe were trying to catch this stray dog, and it ran out into the street and got hit by a car. It was trying to get back up when it got hit by another carā€ then another person said ā€œwe knew it was dead but we were trying to get it off the streetā€ As I leaned down, I put my hand on the dogs body and felt a small shiver. I immediately scooped it up, ran to the car and plopped it down on my wifeā€™s lap. We drove to the nearest 24 hour pet emergency clinic, rang the bell and went inside. The doctor took him inside and told us to wait. After about an hour, he come out and tells us that it was touch and go, the dog died several times and they were able to resuscitate, and that they were finally able to get an IV in him. Both his back legs were broken, and he had cuts and lacerations all over his body. He also said that there was gravel in the dogs stomach, indicating that he was starving and was trying to ease the hunger pains.
Throughout the next 6 weeks he was there recuperating, we would go and visit him almost every day. It was obvious that he had no idea what love was and would look at us like we were crazy for trying to kiss him and talk sweet to him. The doctors explained that he was most likely a ferrel dog, judging by his interactions with people. They also thought we were crazy for spending so much money on a stray dog, and really thought that after dropping him off that they would never see us again šŸ˜‚
That event was 10 years ago today, and Lazzy is now the happiest most loving dog that weā€™ve ever had.

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Strays and Mutts are simple some of the best pets you could ask for. They know when someone has rescued them...
Meet Lazarus (aka Lazzy)
My wife and I were driving back from Orange County after visiting one of our favorite restaurants, and decided to bypass the 91 freeway (if anyone lives around here, you know why šŸ˜Š) So, we decided to take the local roads back home. About half way we see a group of people hovering over something in the streetā€¦ as we got closer we see that itā€™s a small dog. As usual, my wife says ā€œhoney, go over there and see whats happeningā€ And as usual, i oblige. As Iā€™m walking up, I see them trying to slide a piece of cardboard under the dog, and I say whatā€™s going on? One of them explains ā€œwe were trying to catch this stray dog, and it ran out into the street and got hit by a car. It was trying to get back up when it got hit by another carā€ then another person said ā€œwe knew it was dead but we were trying to get it off the streetā€ As I leaned down, I put my hand on the dogs body and felt a small shiver. I immediately scooped it up, ran to the car and plopped it down on my wifeā€™s lap. We drove to the nearest 24 hour pet emergency clinic, rang the bell and went inside. The doctor took him inside and told us to wait. After about an hour, he come out and tells us that it was touch and go, the dog died several times and they were able to resuscitate, and that they were finally able to get an IV in him. Both his back legs were broken, and he had cuts and lacerations all over his body. He also said that there was gravel in the dogs stomach, indicating that he was starving and was trying to ease the hunger pains.
Throughout the next 6 weeks he was there recuperating, we would go and visit him almost every day. It was obvious that he had no idea what love was and would look at us like we were crazy for trying to kiss him and talk sweet to him. The doctors explained that he was most likely a ferrel dog, judging by his interactions with people. They also thought we were crazy for spending so much money on a stray dog, and really thought that after dropping him off that they would never see us again šŸ˜‚
That event was 10 years ago today, and Lazzy is now the happiest most loving dog that weā€™ve ever had.

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Ettori, our street rescue, is laying right here on my side and your post just made me hug her a little tighter. Great story, Bill, and such a wonderful outcome for such a deserving dog.
Henry's latest .. almost 18 months!

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About that age where he can be fitted for a saddle. šŸŽšŸ˜›

I have a Pride. All 3 of these girls were a result of an ex, that I got stuck with when I ended things. But now I'm so glad I did! That said, I'd really like to have a doge again too...


Darin, how well do your dog and cat get along? That goes for anyone too... I know people with both. I just never know if it's a good situation or not.
My older boy, Milo, just stays away ... not scared, just not interested. Henry is smitten with the new cat but needs to realize he's 1/10th his size. Lol
Final few days in the Cone Of Shame for this little ball-less wonder. This photo is from right after The Snippening; we put him in one of those inflatable travel pillow-looking collars and he has been much more comfortable, yet still prevented from any unauthorized wiener licking.

(Edit: I'm not sure why it's blurry here -- It's crystal clear on my phone)

Final few days in the Cone Of Shame for this little ball-less wonder. This photo is from right after The Snippening; we put him in one of those inflatable travel pillow-looking collars and he has been much more comfortable, yet still prevented from any unauthorized wiener licking.

(Edit: I'm not sure why it's blurry here -- It's crystal clear on my phone)

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Tell me more about the squirrel?
This is Johnny Cracker. My kids gave him to me two years ago on Christmas Eve thinking I was lonely since I lost my other cat, Four, to a sudden heart attack. On that day I got him, I lost a good friend to COVID, my buddy John. I was still wiping the tears from my face when all the kids walked into my house to start the Christmas holiday...so that was meant to be his name. His last name, well...you can figure that out by his color.
And, yes...he's a moron.


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Tell me more about the squirrel?

When my daughters were much younger, they used to call my beard a "squirrel" when I would grow it out. When we were in Hawaii visiting my oldest over Christmas a year or two ago, she wanted for us to go and get tattoos (she was getting her dog's ear outline -- I think she just wanted someone to go with her :) ). My youngest (16 at the time) asked if she could pick mine. I said sure, but I decide where it goes. She conferred with her sister, and they came up with the squirrel together. I chose to put it on my leg so that it could be covered up most of the time.