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What pets do you have?


Newb Le professional!
Dec 8, 2008
Just interested to know what kind of pets if any folks have. I have a basset hound named Santana and hes 65lbs. at 2 years old.
Beagle and a Bulldog named Rocky and Sammie. The greatest things that have ever happened to me and my two best friends.
When I deployed I had the biggest, goofiest, smartest Yellow Lab ever. Chester. He died suddenly and none of us got to say goodbye. He was 3. The family was crushed. He's buried in our backyard, with Yellow Roses planted over him. Now, 4 months after Chester, we're ready again and are getting the biggest, fattest, wigglyest, lickyest lab puppy ever. Haven't named him yet, but my wife and son met him and his mom and we'll pick him up over Christmas.

Labs. The way to go!

Oh yeah, and we have a spaz cat named Frenzy (yes, the spaz Transformer), who thinks he's a dog. Goofy damned cat.
I have a Rottweiler named Sable. She is going to be 3 years old on new years day. She is roughly 95lb or so and is one of the most gentle dogs I have ever been around. Its just her and I at my house so she keeps me company.
I have a beagle we adopted from a rescue named Buddy (it was the name he came with) we got him when he was about a year old and that was 3 years ago. He is 30lbs and a very funny dog. I always thought dog people were nuts, then I got one!
My wife has three f&#&ing cats and a dog. The f&#&ing cats are named Wyatt, Slate and Presto - all are adopted strays and all are basically jerks. The dog is named Snap and she is terrified of me...we think she was abused before she was adopted.
I remember a post that I answered about 3 years ago asking this same question. Although, this is an old picture of my son...the animals are the same.

OK I have 4 pets...

First is my Okinawa Mutt Fran and our little 3 year (Now 6) old Demonic Spawn of Satan, Brendan.


Next is our 7 (Now 10) year old cat, Nala (the only one that behaves)


Last, but not least is the brother of the Demon Spawn, Neko

3 Dogs, 1 Rat, 1 Rabbit, 1 lizard, 2 tree Frogs.

The Rat is actually the least trouble.
The brothers...
Spencer - My Father's Day present 2 years ago

Nyoko - the snake slayer (tangled with a pygmy rattler when he was a kitten and killed it after getting bit)

The Pet Cemetary Cat - MAC (mean a$$ cat)

The queen of the house - Mia
I recently lost my black Lab (13 years...never long enough) so I replaced her with a Boston Terier?! Big dog heart in a little dog body.I also have a love for our feathered friends and have owned and bred several Parrot species. Currently I have a Quaker parrot ( poor mans African Grey). He drives my Boston nuts, calling his name and then throwing food at the poor lil beast. I know the bird only mimics and dosn't have real language, but he greats my son-in-law "helo asshole" ...Love that bird!
We have 2 cats...Scarlet which was his cat pre-Melly...and mine is Leo---now they are just "ours"...Scarlet is about 10, ornery bitch who cannot stand to even see another cat outside (even though she is safe and warm on the inside) and Leo is 6, adopted Maine Coon, looks like Garfield...large, 18-19 lbs...talks like there is no tomorrow...find the Show us your pussy thread...it's all pics of cats...mine are there...

The Pet Cemetary Cat - MAC (mean a$$ cat)

Hahaha, we adopted a stray at work that looks exactly the same, only his name is Churchy...we decided to go all the way.

Other than animals at my office, at home all I have is this lil guy, his name is Rhus. He's a chinchilla.


Just interested to know what kind of pets if any folks have. I have a basset hound named Santana and hes 65lbs. at 2 years old.
I was formerly owned by a basset. They are very special dogs. Unlike any other.

My wife has three f&#&ing cats and a dog. The f&#&ing cats are named Wyatt, Slate and Presto - all are adopted strays and all are basically jerks. The dog is named Snap and she is terrified of me...we think she was abused before she was adopted.

Did you just say that I have the same name as a damn cat? Son of.....

I have a female Boxer...Bindi Boo and my wife has a cat...Giselle.
Mix dog from SPCA named Abigale (Abby). Two 30 gallon fishtanks, one 50 gallon tank, and several small tanks.