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When you gift a cigar...


Minister of Closing Matters
Jun 7, 2005
If you hanged someone a premium cigar to smoke would you care if the only smoked 1/4 of it? When I give someone I cigar that I myself would enjoy I see it as wasted if the person I give it to only takes a few puffs and ditches. I can see if there is a draw problem and if that is the case I would gladly hand someone another but why would you take a cigar you would not smoke? I know what I like and if someone wanted to give me a cigar that I didn't plan on smoking I would pass and say no thanks. Anyway, what are your thoughts on this?
I wouldn't gift a premium cigar to someone if I didn't know they'd enjoy it.
You could always test the waters with a quality non-premium and work up to the good stuff!
As far as what they did with it once gifted, I wouldn't care, but it would direct future decisions.

Just my $.02

My thoughts are that if someone is trying the cigar for the first time they won't know if they're going to like it or not. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to put down a cigar that they don't like.

As far as gifting cigars, (others may feel differently) once I give something to someone else, other than hoping they enjoy it, I have no concern what they do with it. It's theirs to do with however they please.
I'm with preembargo. Once it leaves my hands, it becomes someone else's property to do with as he sees fit. It will not offend me if they out it down, smoke it to the nub, or sell it to make a profit. It may have a determination on if and what I hand to that person again changes, but no offense to me whatsoever.
Matt R said:
I'm with preembargo. Once it leaves my hands, it becomes someone else's property to do with as he sees fit. It will not offend me if they out it down, smoke it to the nub, or sell it to make a profit. It may have a determination on if and what I hand to that person again changes, but no offense to me whatsoever.

I agree with all of the above, except selling it for profit. If I gift Gramps a 5-er of opus x (wish I had that much to give out) I see he's selling a 5-er on another Cigar BB, I'd either e-mail him and ask him why, or keep it in the back of my mind to remeber what not to do in the future.

*disclaimer* Gramps has never done this before and I just thought of him first. I love ya old man! :sign:
I agree with KB. Selling gifted cigars for profit is a big slap in the face to the one who gave them to you. If someone did that with cigars I gifted I would be pissed, and needless to say, would never give them another cigar.
KayakinBoy said:
Matt R said:
I'm with preembargo. Once it leaves my hands, it becomes someone else's property to do with as he sees fit. It will not offend me if they out it down, smoke it to the nub, or sell it to make a profit. It may have a determination on if and what I hand to that person again changes, but no offense to me whatsoever.

I agree with all of the above, except selling it for profit. If I gift Gramps a 5-er of opus x (wish I had that much to give out) I see he's selling a 5-er on another Cigar BB, I'd either e-mail him and ask him why, or keep it in the back of my mind to remeber what not to do in the future.

*disclaimer* Gramps has never done this before and I just thought of him first. I love ya old man! :sign:

Put me in this camp. Well said. I also feel that the giftie has a certain obligation to treat the gift with respect and dignity. If breached, the giftie may find him or herself overlooked in the future.
DITTO all of the above. However I would add that I would not turn down a cigar gifted to me just because I thoguth I would not like it. That person was kind enough to offer me a cigar and I think it would be rude to refuse such a gift.

My .02
Thanks. Good point on the future gifting to that person. Situation was this. Over the weekend I was smoking with some people and I gave a cigar to a guy who said it was one of his favorites. He took a few puffs and tossed it. I guess the only reason I was offended was because it was a well aged premium smoke. I don't care what happens when I gift someone smoke for future consumption but if offer someone a cigar they have the option to decline. Maybe I am different but if someone offers me a cigar and I take it, I smoke it. Same as if a guy buys me a drink... I drink it.
Tenpin said:
I wouldn't gift a premium cigar to someone if I didn't know they'd enjoy it.
You could always test the waters with a quality non-premium and work up to the good stuff!
As far as what they did with it once gifted, I wouldn't care, but it would direct future decisions.

Just my $.02

My thoughts exactly. No treasured ISOM's for someone that isn't going to appreciate the gar. And, a gift is a gift - what they do with it is their own business but it may influence what I do for them in the future.

Regards - B.B.S.
A gift is a gift. However, if you know that you can't just leave it at that, then keep a handful of gifting cigars.

Also, most importantly, know who your audience. Bestowing an aged premium might seem like a grand gesture on your part, but if the recipient just views it like any other cigar, then it wouldn't be any different had you gifted them a $1 bargain bin cigar... except to you.

Sidenote - I have a coworker who I smoke with from time to time. I used to gift him a cigar here or there to try. Now, not only does he expect me to bring a cigar for him each time, he makes snide remarks if its not a "premium." Careful of these beasts too.
Gifted cigars are just that gifts. I enjoy trading and bombing as much as everyone. The joy of it is knowing that you have given a fellow Botl a good cigar slap and hopefully he will enjoy it and you will get a Thank You.

When gifting cigars you cant please everyone. If someone is not to crazy about the gift they may pass it along in a box pass or re-gift it as well.

Hey once it leaves my hands and does a toudhdown it is theirs to do as they wish. Hopefully they will enjoy it.

If not. Oh Well !
A cigar given to me is always smoked by me. If you made the effort to get it to me I'll make the effort to smoke it. Even a cigar I didn't like 6 months or a year ago may have changed for the better.
I don't worry about what happens to a gift OFF THIS BOARD. My sister and her husband just had a baby, and I promptly handed him an OpusX. He's a cigarette smoker and probably won't know the difference between what I gave him and a Fuente "It's a Girl". Doesn't matter, and if he pitches it after two puffs, no problem.

On this board, however, I look at things differently. I've been gifted a cigar or two, and hope to be in a position to bestow something nice on fellow board members myself soon. Because this is a community board, with an emphasis on community, I think it's incumbent on the members to treat the gift with respect, and provide feedback where appropriate.

I wouldn't call anyone out for not doing it, but I'd remember it before I sent another package. And I hope I've shown that level of respect to the kind folks who've hooked me up in the past.

Usually if I would give a guy a cigar to smoke with me and he doesn't smoke it all I would know him well enough to call him a pu$$y and give him a ration of $hit. Like I did when I gave my buddy a 1964 PAM and he didn't even smoke half of it. He'll never hear the end of that one! But it definetly has a bearing on what I will give him in the future.

As far as a cigar that I give in a bomb or to somebody I don't know so well, I am not so worried about what happens to it. I just hope that they enjoy it. Besides I usually only bomb somebody that loves cigars and I only give good cigars so I am fairly confident that they will at least be appreciated.
I had the same thing happen to me. I offered a friend a cigar since I was smoking one. I let him get a good taste of the cigar and asked him if he liked it (I was eagerly waiting hoping to get a new smoking partner) and he said he did. Shortly after he put it out and said thanks, smoking just about a quarter of it. It kind of annoyed me. It wouldn't have bothered me if he said he didn't like it and put it out, but since he said he enjoyed the smoke it bothered me because why take it if your not going to smoke it all. I'm not sure what I'll offer the next time.
There are some insightful responses here.

I'd like to add to what I said earlier. For me, a gift (no matter what it is) is something to be prized. I will smoke every cigar gifted to me, even the Thompson that's sitting in my humi now (I know that may come back to bite me). I've even smoked dry cured honey flavored smokes given to me by well meaning friends. I do this because, to me, the gift is not the cigar but the friendship and that makes every gifted cigar savory (not necessarily tasty, but savory none the less).

As the gift giver, it's the same. When I give a cigar to some one, the cigar is only a token of what I am really giving. They can do whatever they want with the biodegradable agricultural product, if the friendship (or potential for a friendship) is there that's what matters to me. If they don't like the cigar, I'll try to better understand what they like for the next time.
When I gift someone a cigar, I would hope that they would smoke it. Like Pre-embargo said, it's more of the friendship then the cigar. If they chose to gift it or let the dog eat it or whatever, I wouldn't be upset.
Seamus said:
If you hanged someone a premium cigar to smoke would you care if the only smoked 1/4 of it? When I give someone I cigar that I myself would enjoy I see it as wasted if the person I give it to only takes a few puffs and ditches. I can see if there is a draw problem and if that is the case I would gladly hand someone another but why would you take a cigar you would not smoke? I know what I like and if someone wanted to give me a cigar that I didn't plan on smoking I would pass and say no thanks. Anyway, what are your thoughts on this?

Depends, if you are pushing a cigar on someone and they don't like it I can understand them putting it down.

If they are asking for one, and then put it out I would take offense and I have.

I think its best not to give premuim cigars out unless you know the person enjoys cigars.