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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
Don't throw me away just yet; read a little.

Would you walk out the door of church, see the minister and say "hey father, I know you smoke, here, try this big bad motherfucker.

Would you meet your inlaws on the street and say to your father-in law, hey jack, I want you to try this big bad motherfucker.

Would you walk into you work area and yell above the cubicles, anyone want a big bad motherfucker?

Would you begin typing up an article for CP and want your son or daughter to walk in and see motherfucker on the screen?

Would you head into the garage to light up and yell to your wife (while the kids are playing Nintendo), hey babe, I'll be in the garage smoking this big bad motherfucker?

I like CP and I like the folks I've met. I am also X-navy and I could tell you stories too, but open swearing is just not appropriate. Within the last 5 days one of our more robust members did a wonderful review on a great cigar, but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.

George Carlin also had the 7 words you can't use on TV. You still can't use them without rating the show for over 17, or adult content etc. I believe we have ladies as members, and I was taught to clean up my act in front of ladies.

At the risk of losing your friendship or even getting banned, I wrestled with this for 48 hours before doing this post. I like CP, I see a wealth of knowledge here and friends who I have yet to meet; but if we boys want to be MACHO, can't we make it so it is not X-rated.

I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A CONNOTATION, I go along with emphasis and expresion, but I believe we need to have control unless we are sure we will not offend others.

For those of you who took the time to read this, thank you.

Agreed, swearing just for the sake of swearing merely casts light on the speaker's ignorance and lack of command of the English language.
Agreed, it also goes along with some of the avatars as of late but that horse has been well beat, and Adblock Plus helps that.
What we call swear words were simply the words for those things, in Anglo-Saxon and Old English. That all changed in 1066, when French became the official language of the English Royal Court after the Norman Conquest.

But I'm with Frank Zappa on this one---sometimes those ARE the best and most effective words for the job, depending on the audience. What works well on a jobsite might go over less well in a boardroom or classroom (where I restrict myself to words Tim Allen used on Home Improvement, lol).

I'm not personally offended by any language that falls short of actually catching me and my dog on fire, but we'd perhaps all do well to remember this is a large community representing a wide spectrum of beliefs and lifestyles, not a high school locker room.

From the CP Rules:

"11.) No excessive cussing. This is a cigar community, not a high school locker room."

I'm not sure exactly how to quantify "excessive", but I'm a hypersensitive, humorless twit asking everyone to walk on eggshells, so I may not be the best person to ask. :rolleyes:

Decorum, folks. It serves us all well.
I like CP and I like the folks I've met. I am also X-navy and I could tell you stories too, but open swearing is just not appropriate. Within the last 5 days one of our more robust members did a wonderful review on a great cigar, but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.

Well, the actual thread title is "Opus Maduro BBMF - One big bad motherf***er!!," as I made sure I didn't brazenly call it that on the Forum link, so get your facts straight. Now, "big bad motherf***er" is the actual name of the cigar I reviewed (click link here to check it on vitolas.net), and I did not call it that of my own volition just to get my kicks by sounding like one of the MACHO boys in the locker room.

Would I use the word to describe it to my preacher? Of course not. Would I use a swear word like that in front of my three year old niece? Absolutely not. Hell, in my job, professionalism is everything. People can swear at me, spit at me, slap me, and run from me; but the minute I react like a normal human being, suddenly I'm a "power hungry" and "corrupt" cop, who lacks professional restraint. So, have I ever lost it while dealing with somebody who cusses me out or spits on me? No, because I am a professional.

In my opinion, Cigar Pass is not just a boy's locker room. There are a lot of fine, professional and respectable fellas and gals here and I come here to relax. Some of the avatars here are borderline pornographic, but that's my personal opinion. Do I have to be extra careful scrolling through threads while my wife is sitting next to me? Yes. Would I show my 3 year old niece this website? Absolutely not. Have I told other friends about this site that have joined? Yes. Do I swear in public? Depends on where I am at. Do I like the word "motherf**ker?" Nope, because I can't get past the visual image it provides when I hear it.
I can understand how someone could get offended by certain things, but they are just words.

What really makes them "bad" words?
On the one hand, I completely see your point. Decorum and courtesy are never out of place.

On the other hand, this is a cigar forum. And, we didn't name the smoke, the Fuente folks did.

I think for the most part, folks are pretty well behaved. Nothing wrong with a friendly reminder, but the long and short of it is that if you find the content here offensive, it's probably time to rethink your participation. I'm not saying that out of anger or spite, simply out of honesty. There are sometimes posts showing scantily clad girls smoking cigars (clearly marked), guys (who are old friends) dishing it out to other guys in a somewhat course manner, etc. If these things seem offensive, this may not be the place for you. While no one is going to go to bat and justify "M***ER F***ER" blasted up in a title, when used in a post within the context of describing the cigar bearing that acronym, it may happen.

One man's opinion - B.B.S.
...Do I like the word "motherf**ker?" Nope, because I can't get past the visual image it provides when I hear it.

F*ck that. I like it! It's got pizzazz. And f*ck all you motherf*ckers who got a problem with it. :laugh:

I am not bothered by profanity, but that could well be because my son, at 4 days old, is not yet able to read. I'll probably feel differently later. I do try to refrain from using profanity needlessly here, though. I looked at the original post and noticed that Jon did omit a few letters so I didn't see a problem with his post. Nevertheless, I do believe periodic posts reminding us to behave is a good thing.
Souldog didn't type the actual word, although that's what the Fuente company intended it to be named using their acronym.

If you ever meet me, I have a "potty mouth" :laugh: , however, in the company of certain genders, professionals, and the like, I change my vocabulary to suit the audience. I feel it's part of maturing in life.

I respect the rules of society and of this forum so in your previous reference to those scenarios of a paster or in front of kids, I would have just gone and said smoke this BBMF! nuf said.
Hey, don't we have to be adults to buy cigars?

I have thick skin so I didn't find anything about the review offensive, on the contrary, I'm waiting for someone to review the FFOX LFMF (that's a tongue twister to say)

Party on Wayne! Party on Garth! Party on SoulDog!

Don't throw me away just yet; read a little.

Would you walk out the door of church, see the minister and say "hey father, I know you smoke, here, try this big bad motherfucker.

Would you meet your inlaws on the street and say to your father-in law, hey jack, I want you to try this big bad motherfucker.

Would you walk into you work area and yell above the cubicles, anyone want a big bad motherfucker?

Would you begin typing up an article for CP and want your son or daughter to walk in and see motherfucker on the screen?

Would you head into the garage to light up and yell to your wife (while the kids are playing Nintendo), hey babe, I'll be in the garage smoking this big bad motherfucker?

I like CP and I like the folks I've met. I am also X-navy and I could tell you stories too, but open swearing is just not appropriate. Within the last 5 days one of our more robust members did a wonderful review on a great cigar, but rather than call it BBMF or BB MF**ker or anything else, we just used that NASTY word in the open.

George Carlin also had the 7 words you can't use on TV. You still can't use them without rating the show for over 17, or adult content etc. I believe we have ladies as members, and I was taught to clean up my act in front of ladies.

At the risk of losing your friendship or even getting banned, I wrestled with this for 48 hours before doing this post. I like CP, I see a wealth of knowledge here and friends who I have yet to meet; but if we boys want to be MACHO, can't we make it so it is not X-rated.

I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A CONNOTATION, I go along with emphasis and expresion, but I believe we need to have control unless we are sure we will not offend others.

For those of you who took the time to read this, thank you.


You just used that word 5 times in this post, and I can't find it one time completely spelled out in the review you're refering too. I would assume that most everyone that is an active participant on this site is an adult and has heard that word or worse used on more than one occassion(even the fine ladies that participate here). I think comparing it's use on a cigar site to using it at a church or in front of your children is clearly stretching to make a point. Next time my 6 year old logs into CP, I sure hope he doesn't pick up on the "naughty" stuff going on here.
Agreed, swearing just for the sake of swearing merely casts light on the speaker's ignorance and lack of command of the English language.

One of my teachers in High School used to say this too. I agree with it in a lot of ways. With regard to the name of some things... Calling something by it's name, however vulgar or offensive it may be, should be looked at in a different way. This is an adult forum, so I think some discression needs to be given.

FWIW, I've seen a couple of threads where people have commented on wording or use of curse words where the original poster later edited what they wrote. I seem to remember a review of the BBMF from a couple months back having a similar issue. http://www.cigarpass.com/forumsipb/index.php?showtopic=58506&st=0&p=879917&hl=opus%20x%20bbmf&fromsearch=1&#entry879917
I guess it just depends on whose mother we're talking about.

I guess it just depends on whose mother we're talking about.


Yes . . . yes, it does.


I guess it just depends on whose mother we're talking about.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sorry, not to take away from the seriousness, but that was FUNNY! God, I love a good one liner.
okay, back to you guys.
I guess it just depends on whose mother we're talking about.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sorry, not to take away from the seriousness, but that was FUNNY! God, I love a good one liner.
okay, back to you guys.
Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.

Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.


That's all I needed to hear...
In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.

As usual, Doc can say in one sentence what took the rest of us paragraphs of text to attempt to elucidate.
I guess it just depends on whose mother we're talking about.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sorry, not to take away from the seriousness, but that was FUNNY! God, I love a good one liner.
okay, back to you guys.
Oh, was I supposed to take this seriously? In that case, I find someone trying to impose his value system more offensive than the very little vulgarity that goes on around here.

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