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The real Jon Caputo and Daniel Lopez


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Dear Members,

It has come to my attention that my name is being smeared by two gentlemen, named Daniel Lopez (original owner of CigarLive) and by Jon Caputo (new owner of CigarLive and several other forums).

I am no fan of drama, nor do I wish to stir the pot. I am obligated to clear the air, provide the FACTS and clear my name from these two less than professional individuals. The allegations they claim against me are nothing but nonsense and lies. I am going to post all of the facts, including all emails I received from Jon Caputo herein.

Below is a transcript of a thread that was posted today on CIGARLIVE – 10/7/2008 – Please read it in its entirety.

Post 280 / BagFullofPings wrote:
As a businessman, I know business is business.

Congratulations Daniel. You have done an amazing job. Thank you!!

With that said, I'm going to straddle the fence. I just never know which way I will jump. I apologize if this has already been posted.

This is from CP:

Dear Members,

Things are changing in the online cigar community, and I feel it's necessary that I fill you in on what's going on, and our stance on this recent development.
( Full text posted - edited to save space )

I wish the other forums a lot of success, however buy-outs rarely ever go smoothly for the members.

I will post more information as it becomes available.

Yours Truly,
CigarPass - The ONE and ONLY

Post 281 / joncaputo wrote:
He is sour grapes. He came to ME and wanted ME to buy his site. I told him not interested. So now he is running around posting that stuff everywhere and trying to play it off as if he is a shining star.

My suggestion: ignore him. Lets concentrate on what we have here.

Post 282 / joncaputo wrote:
Oh and FYI - before the owner of CP gets all high and mighty and starts making up falsehoods you guys should read this thread to see how a highly respected cigar company was maligned on his very forum


Post 283/ LkyLindy wrote:
Hey Jon-

Care to gives us the "game plan" yet??

Post 284 / poriggity wrote:

Thanks for all that you have done for this place, and how well you ran it. Everything was seamless and smooth under your ownership, so thank you for all you did.

I will hold off on my congratulations until I see where this place heads in the near future. I hope it will remain the same, but for some reason I have my doubts, and I think its all about to change DRASTICALLY. I do have one question for you.. Answer it, or don't, its your call.

Why did you need to buy up SOOO many cigar forums/websites in order to further promote your "hobby" of cigar smoking? Is one not enough?

Post 285 / LkyLindy wrote:
Don't be Naive Bro--This IS a business situation not a hobby

Post 286
Poriggity wrote:

I understand the business end of it completely, but doing a quick google search on Jon Caputo came up with some interesting things, and for some reason, I just have my doubts as to whether this forum will still be here a month from now.

Post 287/ zion698 wrote:
Originally Posted by Asher
How did he know to approach you? Do you have any documentation of this?
Your first post huh? It's already getting weird.

Post 288/ zion698 wrote:
Guess he ran off.

Post 289 / Dun killin time wrote:

Originally Posted by Asher
How did he know to approach you? Do you have any documentation of this?

why was Asher all of a sudden baned? why was his post deleted?

Post 290: / Stogie wrote:
Originally Posted by zion698
Guess he ran off.
It was a guy from another board that came on just to start problems. He has been banned because he has been on the other sites doing that all day.

Post 291/ zion698 wrote:
Originally Posted by Dun killin time
Originally Posted by Asher
How did he know to approach you? Do you have any documentation of this?

why was Asher all of a sudden baned? why was his post deleted?
He was obivously an outside trying to stir the pot. This is Cigar Live business ... we can deal with it. No outside influence needed.

Post 292/ Stogie wrote:
Originally Posted by zion698
He was obivously an outside trying to stir the pot. This is Cigar Live business ... we can deal with it. No outside influence needed.
Yeah first post! Straight to this topic.

Post 293/ Dun killin time wrote:
well, the question is already out there....

"How did he know to approach you?

Post 294 / jam wrote:
we have been beating this down , I know this was and is daniels pride and joy and he is not gonna let know no one run CL to the ground with all the hard work and time he has into i don't think daniel is gonna make drastic changes with out telling us when the time comes, daniel always treated all of us like family and i don't think he is the type to pack his bags and leave. So i would say give him the chance and the time to be the leader he has always been.

Post 295 / Bagfullofpings wrote:
Most likely, the owner has only received a partial payment. The fact he is still here shows there was retention clause. He knows what is going on. To be honest, I don't care...again business is business. Just be honest about it!!!

This crap happens in my industry all the time.

Please prove me wrong.

Post 296 / jam wrote:
Originally Posted by BagfullofPings
Most likely, the owner has only received a partial payment. The fact he is still here shows there was retention clause. He knows what is going on. To be honest, I don't care...again business is business. Just be honest about it!!!

This crap happens in my industry all the time.

Please prove me wrong.
Leave it alone Daniel is to smart for that you said it {Most likely, the owner has only received a partial payment.} because no one is gonna mess with Daniels hard work and time invested

Post 297 / wunderdawg wrote:
Cmon guys. This board is not about Daniel, or Jon, it is about the members. That is why I joined. I didn't join because of Daniel, I didn't even know he started this thing for several weeks. I joined because of the fine people here, and it kills me to see us turning on each other. I believe Daniel has us and this board in his best interest. I believe that as many have said before, that this board is as good as it is because of the members in it, not because of who runs it. I see no reason to borrow trouble. I, like many of you are members of other boards, but, like you, spend more time here than anywhere else. Why? Because it's the best damn board out there.

Post 298 / BagfullofPings wrote:
Originally Posted by joncaputo
Oh and FYI - before the owner of CP gets all high and mighty and starts making up falsehoods you guys should read this thread to see how a highly respected cigar company was maligned on his very forum


What is your point? This site has brand specific sections. Tatuaje is not one of them.

Post 299 / joncaputo wrote:
Point is hes a jerk.

Post 300 / Stogie wrote:
Jerk and not worth the effort.

PS - ROD if you can hear this, I guess I will PASS on having you on this site. Go talk BS where you feel the need to. You can take your ecommerce site link off of our list of recommended sites for sure. It seems that Rod hates the members of CigarLive anyway. Too bad he has to get his friends to come over here to try to start a mess for him. You can tell when someone signs up just to post in this thread after little or no activity. Pretty easy to see through.

Post 301 / Bagfullofpings wrote:
To make things clear, Rod/ Cigar Pass has nothing to do with this.

I have made some legitimate inquiries. My inquires are my own!!

I would like to know about the new vision of Cigar Live.

I have never tried to belittle the two of you, I would just like some transparency.

Post 302 / Stogie wrote:
Originally Posted by BagfullofPings
To make things clear, Rod/ Cigar Pass has nothing to do with this.

I have made some legitimate inquiries. My inquires are my own!!

I would like to know about the new vision of Cigar Live.

I have never tried to belittle the two of you, I would just like some transparency.
I understand and thank you.

Ok I will start a new thread about this and close this one. We had a phone conference of most of the moderators and we discuss alot of the details of moving forward. Since it is time to move forward then this thread will be closed. Plenty of time has been spent on this thread and now we want to focus on the answers to alot of the Frequently Asked Questions that we discussed tonight in the meeting. New thread will be in this same Site Info section.

Thread Locked


There you have it - Jon and Daniel both attacking me and both making false accusations. Let me set the record straight...

Jon Caputo emailed me through the CP contact form originally. I had never heard of the guy before, nor would I even know how to contact him. Here is his first email to me:

-----Original Message-----
From: developershed@gmail.com [mailto:developershed@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 8:20 AM
To: web@cigarpass.com
Subject: CigarPass Web E-Mail

USER AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET
CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
FORM PAGE: http://cigarpass.com/contact.shtml"]http://cigarpass.com/contact.shtml[/url]
DATE: Monday 18th of February 2008 08:20:04 AM
users_name: Jonathan Caputo
sender_email: developershed@gmail.com
regarding: Advertising
message: Any interest in discussing selling cigarpass.com - I can assure you
I am serious and have the means to complete a transaction in a short period
of time.

Thank you for your consideration.

submit: Click here to send
My response to Jon
On Feb 18, 2008 1:01 PM, Rod L wrote:

We have no interest in selling CigarPass. We actually are in the process of
expanding the site.

Thank you,
Jon's response back to me
From: Jonathan Caputo [mailto:developershed@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 10:44 AM
To: Rod L
Subject: Re: CigarPass Web E-Mail

OK well if you change your mind drop me a line. Good luck w the expansion.
Another email from Jon - he doesn't take no for an answer
Jonathan Caputo <developershed@gmail.com> Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 7:35 AM
To: Rod L

I know its been a while since we last talked. I was curious if you would still be interested in a discussion around selling cigarpass? I am ready and able to move forward in a timely fashion.

Another email from Jon...

Jonathan Caputo <developershed@gmail.com> Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:34 AM

I have sent you several emails with no response. Ill make a unsolicited offer of 25,000 USD payable via bank wire. Let me know if you would like to move forward or what your thoughts are.
My response to Jon

Rod L Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:00 AM
To: Jonathan Caputo <developershed@gmail.com>

Sorry for the delay. Was out of town and just got back last night. I'm still trying to get caught up on all of my emails.

I appreciate the offer, however I'm really not interested in selling the site. It's more than a forum, it's a community of passionate cigar smokers from around the world, and I wouldn't want to disrupt or change what I've worked so hard to create.

Response from Jon

Jonathan Caputo <developershed@gmail.com> Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:24 AM
To: Rod L

I can appreciate your concern. I have a lot of experience in creating smooth and painless transitions for forum based communities. Could we perhaps discuss this further on the phone? I can tell you a little more about me and my background and my plans for a smooth transition for cigarpass and how you could be a integral part of that sucessful transition as a paid contractor over and above a purchase price for the site. Let's talk on the phone before you say no. Can I call you this evening?
Again - I declined Jon's offer, and he sent the following email

Jonathan Caputo <developershed@gmail.com> Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:01 AM
To: Rod L
I appreciate your candor. I persist only because in your last recent email you asked me what I would consider a significant offer. What if I could double my offer to 50k? Would you be open to listening then? (not interested in the coffee site or the retail site) so the 50k would be just for cigarpass
There you have it folks - the real facts. I hope this clears my name and the accusations both Jon and Daniel made against me. I never approached Jon asking him to purchase CigarPass - never even heard of the guy. If I wanted to sell CP, I would open it up to more than just one person, why limit myself? Makes no sense...

Jon and Daniel both referred to me as a "Jerk" on CigarLive today....

Jon/Daniel - I'm sorry you feel that I'm a jerk. I haven't done anything to warrant such a title, though you are entitled to your opions. I'm not "sour" about you not purchasing CP, actually, quite the contrary, seems you're "sour" Jon since I wouldn't sell it to you.

Daniel - I don't hate you nor do I hate your members. Hate is a VERY strong word, and I assure you I have zero hatred for you or your community. I don't understand why you would say such a thing. Obviously you have some web talent, and I give you kudos for that. I just don't understand why you would label me as a hater, or even call me a jerk. I offered your members at CigarLive very good deals on cigar accessories; if I hated you or them, I would not have done that. Several of your members are also members at CP - now why would I hate my own members? I tried logging into your site the other day, and you scrambled/changed my password, like you have done to MANY of your members who also post at CigarPass. Affiliation with CigarPass warrants a ban? I don't get it...

I emailed you politely asking why you banned me, and you never responded - typical Daniel fashion - commit action then hide.

When you first started CigarLive, you literally copied a ton of copyrighted information from CigarPass and used it to your benefit at CigarLive. You also used our name "CigarPass" on your site (meta tags, etc) to gain traffic from us - stealing traffic actually... I sent you many polite and professional emails asking you to please remove the name "cigarpass" from your meta tags and you ignored me. I also requested that you please remove the copyrighted information you stole from me, and again you ignored me. It's sad it takes a legal action threat to motivate you to do the right thing...pathetic.

There you go, all of the facts are on the table. If John outright lies and makes false accusations against me, how can you trust him with your site? How can the members trust him? Not for me to decide, I'm only interested in doing what's best for CP.

Hey Rod,

Anyone who actually knows you or has had any first hand interactions with you should have no doubts. I've only been here six months and know you to be an honest and trustworthy guy. Sorry that you are having to deal with such immature people. I am however glad that I have made Cp my home and that you have put so much blood and sweat into making it what it is today.
Sounds to me that the sites Mr. Caputo has acquired will be ground up and spit out. He doesn't strike me as the type who has the best interests of the sites at heart... unlike Rod.
Yet another reason CP is the only cigar board (just about the only board no matter the topic) I visit and post at.

Honestly, I don't give a damn what goes on elsewhere. I'm glad you're defending yourself, though, Rod. Nobody should have their name undeservedly dragged through the mud like that.
This is certainly interesting. I really can't put stock in what is said by the collective administration of that site since they banned me BEFORE MY FIRST POST earlier this year simply for being a member on another site. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront Rod and thanks for providing this site for us as a community.
Rod- Since joining this board, i have always had a great deal of respect for how you back up your statements with evidence, most notably in regard to email correspondence.

and i second Napasmokes comments. I look forward to Herfing with you again.
You've always been open and honest, Rod. Too bad others have chosen to take the low road.
Thanks for putting that out for all to see. I really don't care what some idiot's think and say on some other site about you or CP. What you've done here and do here speaks for itself.

Thanks Rod. :thumbs:
This is a prime example of people hiding behind the walls of cyberspace and feeling safe to act like stroppy 10 year olds, something they would not get away with outside the safe confines of anonymity.

Jon, Daniel: if you happen to read this, grow the fuck up.
Rod F them it sounds like a bit of sour grapes on there part. You would not bend for his money now he wants to drag your thought the mud.

I have only been on CP for a month now and I have to say you are n upstanding person and I hope one day to smoke a cigar with you rp
As a member of Cigar Live, this is certainly an interesting post. I joined Cigar Live in their infancy and have met some great people through the board. I have enjoyed my time on that forum and still do. I have no intentions to spew any negativity towards Cigar Live, but I have concerns about the future. I am sure time will tell. ???
Wow. Talk about lowballing the price of a site. Good for you at keeping things above board.

It never ceases to amaze me that people don't recognize where info is obtained from. When I was a computer/network security professor at a college in Toronto, 90% of all papers submitted had some form of plagiarism in it. It seems, unfortunately, the way of the internet these days. :(

As a member of Cigar Live, this is certainly an interesting post. I joined Cigar Live in their infancy and have met some great people through the board. I have enjoyed my time on that forum and still do. I have no intentions to spew any negativity towards Cigar Live, but I have concerns about the future. I am sure time will tell. ???

With any change over, it is a matter of time. Having gone through this on two other very different forums, I've found it can be hard for communities (and specifically it's the community aspect of the forum) to recover. Personally, I say no worries. You're welcomed to visit and join us here. :)

So.. Welcome!
Thanks for putting that out there Rod. It looks like you are dealing with Kindergardeners, true businessmen would not conduct themselves in that manner. This is why I only post here and I spend as much time here as I do, nothing else out there measures up to what you and the other members have created here. Keep up the good work and good luck in dealing with these a$$es in the future.

WHOTF do they think they are, talking crap about you?!?! You are one of the most level-headed, even-tempered guys I know, and you hardly evoke prejudice or superiority. Hell, I even called the fuzz to your house and you still talk to me!! (I think)...

This is a crazy time we're watching, almost like a "Mob War" unfolding between forums, and a lot of people are burning bridges and destroying friendships solely for monetary gain. This is sad to see.

Rod, keep your integrity like I know you will, and if you need it, "The Enforcer" is just a phone call away! :p
It is obvious they view you as standing in the way of their scheme to make money. Why would anyone purchase their "product" when there is something better out there for "free?" guys like Jonathan Caputo are like locusts, they will chew these sites up and then sell them to another highest bitter in a little while, that is how they make money.
Thank you for sharing Rod.
I think that you did the right thing. I also think that anybody who knows you would have serious doubts
over any accusations made by theses or other folks.

I certainly would think it is best for CP members to refrain from going to those sites with the idea of attacking the new owners. Defending is one thing. Attacking quite differant.
You didn't need to clear things up with anyone here Rod.

Hope to meet you some day!