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Grillin Steaks....


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
Im thinking of grilling some steaks tomorrow on the grill since my mom, dad, and gram are headin to camp and my brother is leaving for vacation. So it'll be just me, and I figure Ill grab some steaks after work tonight to grill tomorrow and have a nice cigar afterwards. And so I was wondering if anyone has any good recipes for grilling steaks, as I want to try something different. I usually dont do anything fancy, just use some spices.
Same as above, but brush with olive oil, and cook to medium rare. I salt as needed after it is grilled.

The key to a great grilled steak is the initial burst of high heat to sear the juices in. All the other stuff is window dressing. YMMV
The key to a great grilled steak is the initial burst of high heat to sear the juices in. All the other stuff is window dressing. YMMV

True dat'!

I do like minced garlic (either fresh or from the little bottles) brushed on my steaks with olive oil or butter.
The key to a great grilled steak is the initial burst of high heat to sear the juices in. All the other stuff is window dressing. YMMV

I always thought so too, but I recently saw an episode of "Good Eats!" where they showed the searing actually drains more of the juices. They took two very similar cuts and cooked one with the initial searing and one without, and the weight reduction of the one with searing was much higher.

Nice marbled ribeye
Marinate in Worcester Sauce for 1 hour after seasoning with:
Sea Salt
Course Ground Black Pepper
Grill to medium.
....Edited to show how we do it here. Makes a fantastic steak, everytime. Start with good meat, and remember when it comes to seasoning, less is typically better.

Regards - B.B.S.
I've done that one before BBS and it was great as well. Less is better, you are right.

I just hate it when people put way too many things on a good steak. What's the point if you can't actually taste the steak?

Thanks for the link, Ill have to sift through the post and see what I can find.

For right now, I may go with the salt & pepper, olive oil/butter recipe or BBS's way.

Hmmmmm............the light bulb went on.......Ill have more than one steak to cook......most likely cooking for only myself......could try a few ways and compare........This I like!!

Nice marbled ribeye
Marinate in Worcester Sauce for 1 hour after seasoning with:
Sea Salt
Course Ground Black Pepper
Grill to medium.
....Edited to show how we do it here. Makes a fantastic steak, everytime. Start with good meat, and remember when it comes to seasoning, less is typically better.

Regards - B.B.S.

Yep, I will attest to that. Damn fine steak Tom!
My approach is this....

Bad cut....spice the hell out of it. Soak it in whatever is going to make it more tender, the longer the better. Slits with the garlic clove inserted works well.

Good cut....Salt/Pepper I like Kosher salt and the pepper would be course ground.

The sear vs non sear is an old argument but I prefer the sear. I have a natural gas grill, 5 burner, so I can sear and then pull to the non heated side to let the steak more bake/roast than grill. Sure makes em tender.

Above all, buy the best cut you can find. If unsure, ask your butcher. It makes all the difference in the world.

Now..... if you got the time. This makes a good cut into an excellent steak. Ever wonder how the high dollar steak houses get the steak to taste that way. How to Age Beef

Enjoy Brothers!

Nice marbled ribeye
Marinate in Worcester Sauce for 1 hour after seasoning with:
Sea Salt
Course Ground Black Pepper
Grill to medium.
....Edited to show how we do it here. Makes a fantastic steak, everytime. Start with good meat, and remember when it comes to seasoning, less is typically better.

Regards - B.B.S.

About the Garlic, do you use chopped cloves or powder?

Nice marbled ribeye
Marinate in Worcester Sauce for 1 hour after seasoning with:
Sea Salt
Course Ground Black Pepper
Grill to medium.
....Edited to show how we do it here. Makes a fantastic steak, everytime. Start with good meat, and remember when it comes to seasoning, less is typically better.

Regards - B.B.S.

About the Garlic, do you use chopped cloves or powder?
Rub a whole garlic clove all over the meat. Burned garlic tast bitter and you can't help but burn it on a grill.

Ahh I see. Thanks.

I think im gona go with BBS's way for one steak. Not sure about the other one yet.
The key to a great grilled steak is the initial burst of high heat to sear the juices in. All the other stuff is window dressing. YMMV

I always thought so too, but I recently saw an episode of "Good Eats!" where they showed the searing actually drains more of the juices. They took two very similar cuts and cooked one with the initial searing and one without, and the weight reduction of the one with searing was much higher.

I'll have to check that out!
To clarify, I put the steaks in a glass baking tray and pour some Worcester in the pan, and all over the top of the meat to get it good and wet. Add the seasoning to the top of the meat. Every ten mins or so, I'll use a baster to wet the tops of the steaks with Worcester so they get a good marinate. After an hour, they hit the grill.

I hear what Doc is saying, but I'm one of the "weird" guys that doesn't sear the steak. I like to cook 'em over medium heat. The marinate usually dissolves or at least disperses the garlic powder and I've never had the "burned" taste he describes. Ask Bill (xRanger).....he got a chance to try one done my way and didn't seem to spit much out.... :laugh:

To each his own; steak recipes are somewhat personal, always open to interpretation or modification.

Have fun - B.B.S.
I have been getting some good deals on top sirloin steak at my local market. I usually save it for grinding. I mix with a little chuck and make fantastic hamburgers but thats another thread....

Lately I have been brushing the sirloin steak with a little olive oil both sides sprinkle with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

I get my cast iron skillet as hot as I can on the stove and slap that sucker in for about 2 min, Flip over for another 2 min then I place skillet in a 400 degree oven for 8 or so min.
Take it out and rest it for a few min.
Slice thin against the grain
Holy crap its good
One other piece of advice: let the steak get to room temp before putting it on the grill. Don't just take it out of the fridge and throw it directly on the grill.
One other piece of advice: let the steak get to room temp before putting it on the grill. Don't just take it out of the fridge and throw it directly on the grill.

Very important tip. Also, regarding sear vs. no sear, I'm in the no sear camp. It doesn't seal in jack. Instead, flip the steak often. If you see juice pooling on the top of the steak, it's past time to flip. The heat pushes the juice up and out of the meat, so if you flip it just when it starts to pool, the juice will be forced back into the center. I started doing this a couple years ago, and you won't believe how much more tender the meat is. For a rare steak (my preference) I usually end up flipping it 3-4 times, cooking it a couple minutes on medium flame each flip. If the flames are higher, you will need to flip it too often, and it makes it hard to do anything but very rare because it cooks the outside so fast the center can't warm up.

As far as seasoning, like most others I like to keep it simple if the meat is good (which most steak here in Iowa is, especially from my source ;) ). A light sprinkle of Lawry's, maybe some fresh cracked pepper, and that's it. If the meat is not high quality, then it either needs to be marinated or cooked in some method other than grilling, because grilling only makes tough meat tougher.