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and for everyone inbetween


cigar smokin' caver
Jan 26, 2005
Well, there is a post for FOGs and for NEWBIES.

This one is for the vast majority of us that are not either.
I'm just a guy that enjoys a GOOD cigar.
i know im not a FOG but im not sure if im a newb anymore, i probably am but im jumping in here anyway cause when i met the nyc crew they made fun of my start date and said haaa ur already a fog, cause a month or two after i started the board jumped in numbers of new members
so ur stuck with me
Hello, I'm Charley and I just want to smoke a good cigar.
I will not succumb to these calls of tribalism! I am an individual!

:sign: :sign:
I will not succumb to these calls of tribalism! I am an individual!

:sign: :sign:
Sorry to say it Alan.. But the mere fact that we're cigar smokers makes us a part of a tribe all our own.. Welcome to the tribe my friend... Welcome...
I've been to some herfs and met the boss man around CP, so in my mind that means I've graduated from newb-dom. I'm sure others would disagree.
Not a FOG by any means, but the Newbie shine has worn off. Guess I've found a home.