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BW's "Newbie Stock-Up Pass"

I am a newbie to CP and I have not ever participated in a pass before but I have enjoyed a good cigar for many years. I still constantly meet people that make me realize I am still a newbie lol and I do not know much about ISOM's. Would love to participate in the pass if it is still open. :) :)
Not trying to sound like a jerk or show my a$$, but it seems like once BW's pass hit the open thread, every single newbie that has been lurking, or happened to find this thread while surfing has joined the pass. While I don't speak for BW, I think others have the same thing in mind. If you are going to jump in passes as a newbie, at least makes some meaningful posts. Explore the forums, pipe in when you want to. Discuss cigars. This site is so much more than passing.
BW has a good idea, which works for both parties. But please don't feel left out if in the future you are not allowed to join a pass. No nastygrams, no hard feelings, no nothing. I have nothing against newbies, just those who contribute nothing to community, but expect to be allowed in any pass they want.
BW, sorry I hijacked your thread. Just had to get something off my chest.

emodx said:
[some snipping, I tried to maintain the general feel]
it seems like once BW's pass hit the open thread, every single newbie that has been lurking, or happened to find this thread while surfing has joined the pass. ...If you are going to jump in passes as a newbie, at least makes some meaningful posts. Explore the forums, pipe in when you want to. Discuss cigars. This site is so much more than passing.
I have nothing against newbies, just those who contribute nothing to community, but expect to be allowed in any pass they want.
Good points, no offense taken.

As a rank-newbie here and at ASC, it's a bit intimidating, the idea that complete strangers might send you a box filled with cigars you've never heard of, ask you to take a few, and put in a few "better" ones. Actually, ASC is already ripping into me saying I'm a "troll" for asking sincere questions (ok, I got a bit carried away in the tax thread -- but taxes make my blood boil. Apologies), and I'm trying to tread lightly here and not make any enemies.

Actually, I was recommended here after I "had the brilliant idea" of doing what I now udnerstand to be a common practice "mixed box trades." Duh, arrogant of me to think I thought if it first, sorry -- chalk it up to newbiedom.

Anyway, I've been smoking singles for a couple of decades -- about 1/month +/- a little -- and a pipe. A few weeks ago, I "got into" cigars, just decided it was time to up my intake and start the hobby. I've been reading, building, buying, etc. like no tomorrow.

Like I said, I had the idea of a "mixed box trade" with other newbies, and asked ASC how to start one. They said "go to CP and get in a pass."

So now I'm here.

I'm a bit worried, as my mail goes to a PO box and I don't want to be the one holding up a pass. If whoever gets before me in whatever pass I may be admitted to e-mails me, I will be sure to check the POBox every day until I get the box. Otherwise, I only go a couple times a week (I live WAY out in the sticks!)
And I promise to contribute more to CP, once I have a better feel for what's going on.

I *am* excited about the idea of being in a pass -- but won't be offended if someone decides I'm "too new" (although I migh poke 'em in the ribs and ask how the #### you can be "too new" for a "newbie pass" ;)

Other than that...

Uh... "hi!" :)
I troll ASC for differnt ideas but rarely post there. There isn't much I can add to the forum. But if there is something i can, I will. CP is different because it is moderated and second because it is centered around passing.
There are few flames here. Now we might give ya a lil lip now and then, it is done outta fun. Your in the right place, just jump in. No blood no foul :D
emodx said:
[some snipping, I tried to maintain the general feel]
it seems like once BW's pass hit the open thread, every single newbie that has been lurking, or happened to find this thread while surfing has joined the pass. ...If you are going to jump in passes as a newbie, at least makes some meaningful posts. Explore the forums, pipe in when you want to. Discuss cigars. This site is so much more than passing.
I have nothing against newbies, just those who contribute nothing to community, but expect to be allowed in any pass they want.
Good points, no offense taken.

As a rank-newbie here and at ASC, it's a bit intimidating, the idea that complete strangers might send you a box filled with cigars you've never heard of, ask you to take a few, and put in a few "better" ones. Actually, ASC is already ripping into me saying I'm a "troll" for asking sincere questions (ok, I got a bit carried away in the tax thread -- but taxes make my blood boil. Apologies), and I'm trying to tread lightly here and not make any enemies.

Actually, I was recommended here after I "had the brilliant idea" of doing what I now udnerstand to be a common practice "mixed box trades." Duh, arrogant of me to think I thought if it first, sorry -- chalk it up to newbiedom.

Anyway, I've been smoking singles for a couple of decades -- about 1/month +/- a little -- and a pipe. A few weeks ago, I "got into" cigars, just decided it was time to up my intake and start the hobby. I've been reading, building, buying, etc. like no tomorrow.

Like I said, I had the idea of a "mixed box trade" with other newbies, and asked ASC how to start one. They said "go to CP and get in a pass."

So now I'm here.

I'm a bit worried, as my mail goes to a PO box and I don't want to be the one holding up a pass. If whoever gets before me in whatever pass I may be admitted to e-mails me, I will be sure to check the POBox every day until I get the box. Otherwise, I only go a couple times a week (I live WAY out in the sticks!)
And I promise to contribute more to CP, once I have a better feel for what's going on.

I *am* excited about the idea of being in a pass -- but won't be offended if someone decides I'm "too new" (although I migh poke 'em in the ribs and ask how the #### you can be "too new" for a "newbie pass" ;)

Other than that...

Uh... "hi!" :)
Sometimes my posts post twice. Hmmm, I wonder if it's because I use the refresh button, sometimes. I'll have to watch that.

The moderators censor messages to remove "h-e-double-toothpicks"?! Wow, now THAT's thorough!

Is it common practice that, once a pass starts, to let people know if they are *NOT* included? Just so they know one way or the other and aren't left hanging.

I'm still curious what the smiley with the "wings" means. This one: :thumbs:

<looking at smiley name> those are "thumbs"?! Ok, now I REALLY don't get it!

Uh... if someone feels they don't know enough about me, it's easier to answer questions than to just blab (hard as that may be to believe ;D), here or in e-mail. Call me shy (although you may be the first ;))
:thumbs: the smile dude called thumbs has his hands turned down then rolls them over and gives the thumbs up signal, hence being called thumbs. :D

did I say hence? lol :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Misc said:
Is it common practice that, once a pass starts, to let people know if they are *NOT* included?  Just so they know one way or the other and aren't left hanging.
<Before the pass actually leaves for the first person, the pass order  is posted and often the starting cigars. Also look for the rules before joining>

Uh... if someone feels they don't know enough about me, it's easier to answer questions than to just blab (hard as that may be to believe ;D), here or in e-mail.  Call me shy (although you may be the first ;))
<It is easier to learn about you by reading posts you put up and replies you make to other peoples posts>

Just my 2 cents.

??? well if i can id love to jump on board. Been reading this board for two months, my wife hates the fact i smoke, people at work hate it,, now im faced with a major decision...whats my next cigar gonna be :) thanks

A coupla points...

First, I've followed your short 'career' on a.s.c. with interest. I don't know how you did it, but you sure managed to get them stirred up over there. I, for one, take what you say at face value 'cause I'm just that way. I tend to trust people until I find out I shouldn't. That gets me burned sometimes, but that's the price you pay. Better than going around with a tin-foil hat all the time. Anyway, you'll find the folks here much different. Nicer in general. Flamefests are very rare (though I was guilty of starting one right off the bat :( ). I think you will be accepted here much better than on a.s.c. However, if I were you, I wouldn't let them run me off of there (and if I read you right, you won't). I think you make a real contribution to the forum and though you ask a lot of questions (and tend to overanalyze - by your own admission), they are asked out of genuine curiosity, not for the sake of trolling. I missed your rant on the tax thread, though (I usually bypass the OT threads)...I may have to go do some backfilling. :)

Secondly, about getting the box when it comes your way...the boxes are nearly always shipped via USPS Priority Mail with tracking. So if you stay tuned in to the board, you'll know when you're up to bat. And with the tracking number, you'll know exactly when it should show up at your PO. So I think this is a non-problem.

Also, if you don't get in on this pass, or if it tanks or whatever, I know at least a couple of people who are going to start one RSN.
"Short career"?! Why, I'm just getting started! ;D

Seriously -- I'm a bit amazed, myself. Maybe I'm just used to hanging out with a more rough and tumble crowd, but I'm trying to learn how to interact there and be comfortable, myself, without pissing everyone off.

Of course, it strikes me that there are a few over there that will be pissed off no matter what and, well, that's Not My Problem(tm) :)

Uh... please don't read my "contributions" to the tax thread and use it against me. I already apologised -- that kind of talk always gets me typing faster than I think, typically with bad results :\

Yeah, I tend to take people at face value, too -- and to present myself that way. Basically, trying to put on a front is just more effort than I'm prepared to exert for a bunch of strangers on the internet (no offense :)) Maybe for a first date, I'll scrub behind my ears, or something, but not for ASC or CP. <G> Anyway, no worry that they'll run me out -- there are enough good people there, and I've already been able to help-out 2 newbies! :) (In another life, my handle is "Helpful", as I enjoy assisting people who are just learning something I enjoy.)

As to the pass -- I'm subscribed to this thread (and will subscribe to any thread in which I'm trying to participate in an event such as a pass), so get the e-mail when things happen. That seemed like The Responsible Thing To Do(tm)...

If they let me in, that'd be great. If someone decides I'm too controvercial or haven't talked enough (?! First time THAT ever happened! ;D) or whatever, I'll not take it personally.

Had another thought, but I'll post it separately.

P.S. I'm told it works better if you crinkle the tin foil first and, remember: shiney side out! :D :D :D

NOTE TO BOARD ADMIN: Need a smiley with a tin-foil hat! :0
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Father Tiresius, You spoke a mouthful but your right on the nose with your post. It seems that alot of people are coming to CP after having drama at other sites and are possibly coming in with the idea that the same is going to happen here. I hope many people that come here will understand that all sites with similiar topics and ideas don't have the bad attitudes and dispositions. Folks need to just come on over and enjoy the experience ;) Smoke a cigar, sit back relax and just chill. I've been here at CP for a while but not posting because of my time involved with my job. I've read many posts and its been pretty stable around here, most of the time when someone hasn't had a Stogie in a while they tend to trip out a little....soooo we get them a cigar, so they can relax and get back to normal around here...."Max Relax Little Effort!!!" They usually come around in due to and hopefully no one gets their feelings hurt.
I have faith!!! :) :) :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
This is a bit OT for this forum, but 1/2 the point is to ask you experts where you think this post belongs, so I can copy it over there.

I had an idea to do a "mixed box swap" with other newbies (CP needs an all-newbie-all-the-time forum :D) The idea was that 4-6 people would each buy 4-6 boxes of cigars, then mix them up so each box had a combination of cigars in them, then mail the scrambled boxes to the others in the group. Sort of a mass-pass thing, intended to let a bunch of newbies sample-taste 20 cigars without buying 20 boxes.

(FYI: It was this idea on ASC that prompted someone to recommend I come to CP, which is how I got here, to begin with.)

Someone else (ASC) pointed out that old-timers typically already know what they like, so probably wouldn't be interested (hence, my thought that it'd be all newbies.) It also occurred to me that it would hardly be fair to ask oldtimers to shell out several boxes of well-aged cigars just to get a bunch of unknown, unripe ones in return.

(Not that I'd turn down an offer for such an exchange, it just seems inequitable on the part of the old-timer.)

Anyway, my 2 Qs are:

1) Does this idea have any merit, whatsoever? Or has it been tried in the past with spectacular, irredeemable failure?
2) Where's a good place for this post/question/idea?


P.S. I see BlkCigarCzar sent a reassuring post -- thanks for the kind words. Don't worry about me, I've got pretty tough skin :) Good thing to have on record for other newbies, though. Maybe it should be part of the FAQ: "We're not like them!" ;)

TESTING: I inadvertantly hit the BACK/FWD buttons on my browser before sending this message. This is a note-to-self to see if this post shows-up twice, as some of mine do, and that would explain it.
IMHO ASC is one of the worst places to start. Little info is usefull to the beginner, and just slightly more to the average smoker. The big dogs are just that, big($$$), mean(assholes), they are dumb(1/2 of the time). But troll because sometimes you can pick up a gem.
Like I have said a few times in the past week...read the threads, and reply. As long as you aren't an a$$ here(even if ocassionally you are), it is all good. If you read the posts, then what I preach is a no brainer.


BTW...post away....fore
:( Hey Fellas....What is or what site is "ASC" I'm not sure if I've been to this site before. I did not come to CP from another site but from a suggestion from a friend on my job who doesn't smoke cigars but saw the site and suggested that I check it out.....Help me I'm a long time cigar smoker but with websites and cigar stuff etc. I'm still building my own database and library. :(
Misc, I'm not sure what forum your idea belongs in, but here are my thoughts on it. It's prolly a pretty good idea, but I'd be hesitant to say the least at shelling out for that many boxes all at once. This is only my opinion, but I'm guessing a lot of newbies would feel the same. If there's a way to scale it down some without sacrificing what you're trying to accomplish, then it might be a more workable idea. My suggestion is to get better known around here, participate in some passes and then start your own pass, but work your idea for the mass-pass into it somehow.

Btw, I think I'm the one that originally suggested you come here. You're welcome. :)

Emo, just a note on terminology. I would recommend not using the word troll as you have. In forums (fora?) that word has a very negative meaning (just ask Misc :) ). I think the word you're looking for is lurk. Your point is well taken, however. Glean what you can from a.s.c without getting sucked into the abyss.

Czar, ASC is a usenet newsgroup. It stands for alt.smokers.cigars. Usenet (in case you're not familiar with it) was the original online forum service, before web forums such as this one. Heck before even the web for that matter. It was on usenet, incidentally, that emoticons first originated. With plain text it's sometimes hard to tell when someone is kidding or joking and so people started using smileys to help get their point across. It's also where a lot of the abbrieviations we use today originated: btw, imho, afaik, lol, rotflmao, lmk and so on.

Shoulda posted all this separately to run up my post count, heh heh.

ps, this is the last you guys will hear from me for a while. I'm off to NC on business next week and when I get back I'm going up into the mountains to try to find a stream to raft. (Easier said than done given the dry winter we had.) I'll check in when I get back.
:( Hey Beast
BW has been having ISP problems and said he wouldnt be online until Monday or Tuesday and that was earlier this week. So we will pray that BW will surface once again and grace us with his golden Cigar Pass List of Smokers!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Gentlemen, I hate to do this - but I'm going to have to retract my offer help out and restock this pass. I simply do not have the bulk necessary to do something like this. I assumed that I had better quantity & quality hanging around. But, as I'm sure many of you know, I just started a pass of my own with 100 cigars. It kinda depleted my inventories of decent smokes. I find that the only thing I have a LOT of at this point is the "CigarBid-less-then-a-buck-apiece" smokes. Perhaps I should start a newbie style pass with tons of those. Nothing really wrong with 'em - just not super-quality smokes. At this point, they should have at least 1 1/2 years age on 'em.

Anyway, I wouldn't want to use those in anyone elses pass, and since BigWorm has not accepted my offer yet - I hereby take this opportunity to back out.

Sorry my friends, but please don't leave just 'cause I do. This is shaping up to be a good looking pass for everyone involved. Just have patience with BW's ISP.

Dave ???