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Can you control your temper

I'm sorry man, someone can push me or verbally assault me, and 99% of the time I can walk away. My wife or daughter?? I would have broken the device across his face, and most likely broke my hand on his head.
How would you react if someone pushed your wife? This guy was lucky he was in the mall and not outside somewhere...
What kind of restraint do you guys have?

You did good - by not escalating the whole thing beyond where it was.

Pushing ME is different than pushing my wife (who is half my size with twice my brains). I can handle myself, but if someone laid a finger on her, I'd probably smoke them.

File the charges and follow through. At the very least, the jerk is going to get their ass fired. Yelling at a customer is a firing offense most places. Getting charged with assault? That'll be a great job reference.

I appreciate your responses. I'm going to have to wait till I hear back from the manager to see what I will do.

No worries... just calling it as I see it. I may be entirely wrong, and I know you disagree with me but... so it goes. :)
I really have to shake my head at people who say that they or their wife would have decked the guy for pushing past her.

<much snippage>

And everyone who's claiming that they or their wives would have beat the crap out of the guy for a rude push past his wife to escape an abusive situation -- if you're not just being "Internet tough guys", you should have your license to breed revoked.

The mind boggles...

That's all a bit over the top, I think. I don't know about you, but I was raised in a culture where it was absolutely, positively, ALWAYS wrong to raise one's hand to a woman. Yours or anyone else's.

So much would depend on the "rude push." Bottom line, if he shoved, rather than brushed past her, that'd be a real problem. For him.

Here's my 2 cents,

I got mad just reading your story! IMHO, you definitely did the right thing by reporting it, if you had retaliated physically then you definitely would have ended up in a holding cell somewhere. Your story is the very reason why I order all my christmas presents online so I don't have to deal with the crowds/super cranky employees.
I really enjoyed reading all this, I love how we can disagree but be civil.
My wife would have handled this transaction as she works retail, she speaks thier language, and always handles stuff like this with ease.
Then again, she would have let that guy have a earful, push/shove or not, and if need be all she would have had to do was give me the look, and I'd have killed him right there. :whistling:
Meanwhile, on RetailClerkPass.com there is a thread about this "prick" customer who broke a Bluetooth headset and tried to scam the retailer into returning it, then got all in his grill, cursing at him, threatening him, and then filing assault charges when all he did was walk away from the guy.


(Not saying that version is right... just saying I bet that guy is venting somewhere too ;) )
Being that I have shorter patience these days as it is, dealing with crowds at the malls and the supermarkets it's tough to say. I think you definitely handled it the right way. I've never had to deal with anything like that, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to exercise the same restraint you did. I probably would've chipped his ass right up! But, the way you're going about it is definitely the way to really stick it to him for sure! Nice play!

Thats what i'm hoping. You know all I wanted was a exchange. This is shitty for sure. But to each their own...

It's very shitty, because even if you had broke it, who cares? Why's he wasting his time looking out for billionaires. It doesn't affect him if you return some broken piece of Chinese garbage. As for the physical stuff... I'm not sure how I would have played that. I do have a short fuse, but I've got kids now and I'm very in tune with everything they observe. I would have been more verbal, pretty sure of that...

In a bar... different story.
...saying "Fuck You" to him was a serious and unnecessary escalation on your part. No matter how pissed off you were, you can't treat a guy who is just doing his job like dirt... and I don't blame him for being pissed off.

I sometimes read these threads like a porn mag, back to front. My apologies.

I agree with Moki on the "Fuck you" bit. That isn't a joke. In other countries, you drop a "Fuck you" on somebody and you can have very real problems. Many non-Americans think our use of language is largely disrespectful, and dropping a "Fuck you" or a "Motherfucker" can get your ass beat fast. I've got a great story on that (Ethiopia), but it's kinda long. And late. So fuck it. :)
Probably a bit late on the draw here but for what it's worth I'm sure I would have dealt with it differently. I just don't think getting angry in a retail environment is worth the stress and aggravation. In a lot of these situations the guy who does the shouting and shoving is the one who comes across like the ass. You have to live with your actions and I tend to attempt to take the high road. It doesn't always work but it's the way I prefer.

My wife would have told the dude what for, and we would have left. A thing and pride just aren't worth getting worked up over.

My opinion of course.
I think there's quite the difference between shoving somebody and walking past and bumping into them. If the store clerk was cornered and had to walk through you to leave the situation than I can't really fault him for bumping his way through, but if he intentionally shoved your wife and then walked away it's a different story. Pressing charges for something like this is, however, not the best route to go. I would have gone to a manager or store manager long before getting angry enough to say fuck you to somebody, if the guy at the counter isn't helping then go above him. A call to corporate doesn't hurt either.
Meanwhile, on RetailClerkPass.com there is a thread about this "prick" customer who broke a Bluetooth headset and tried to scam the retailer into returning it, then got all in his grill, cursing at him, threatening him, and then filing assault charges when all he did was walk away from the guy.


(Not saying that version is right... just saying I bet that guy is venting somewhere too ;) )

Damn you Andrew!!! I went looking for that website and all I got was this:


*speaks with Internet Tough Guy Booming Voice*


For the record, if someone intentionally pushed my wife (as Joe-Joe spelled out), I would be upset. But if I told the guy, "Fuck you..." as I said earlier, I would be guilty for escalating the situation.

But seriously Andrew, for a second there, you had me man. I was like, "Mr. Moki-The-Internetts-Rockstar-Guru" found a thread where that SAME clerk was bitching about NorthernMorris?!? What are the odds!?!? :0 That was hilarious!! :laugh: :laugh:
Wow! to hard to say what I would do. I guess it depends on the timing (mood and all). Sounds like you handled it very well though.
I really have to shake my head at people who say that they or their wife would have decked the guy for pushing past her.

<much snippage>

And everyone who's claiming that they or their wives would have beat the crap out of the guy for a rude push past his wife to escape an abusive situation -- if you're not just being "Internet tough guys", you should have your license to breed revoked.

The mind boggles...

That's all a bit over the top, I think. I don't know about you, but I was raised in a culture where it was absolutely, positively, ALWAYS wrong to raise one's hand to a woman. Yours or anyone else's.

So much would depend on the "rude push." Bottom line, if he shoved, rather than brushed past her, that'd be a real problem. For him.


Yeah mate, I'm with you. Moki is a bit pacifist for me ;D. Pacifism is all good in theory... until some dick screws with your wife (a few ways to interpret that one methinks).

It's all down to the way he pushed past her like you said.

Come on though... when has it been a 'breed revoking' offence to defend your wife? In Australia, you would certainly be considered a winky-wafer if you shied away from protecting your family. Still, down here we swear like sailors to our friends, family and elected officials alike, so saying 'F*ck You' would have gotten a bit of a laugh from the recipient, followed by a shrug in most cases.

So f*ck you! ;D
It's hard to say what any person would do in any number of stress inducing situations.
BTW, no disrespect intended towards Northernmorris here at all; it's just my interpretation of what I read... and it may be faulty, but so it is.

Yeah mate, I'm with you. Moki is a bit pacifist for me ;D. Pacifism is all good in theory... until some dick screws with your wife (a few ways to interpret that one methinks).

I'm definitely not a pacifist by any means. As I stated in my post, if someone harmed my wife, I would jump his ass immediately.

It's all down to the way he pushed past her like you said.

Agreed. That's the part that I'm not sold on.

Come on though... when has it been a 'breed revoking' offence to defend your wife? In Australia, you would certainly be considered a winky-wafer if you shied away from protecting your family.

You'd be considered the same here. I'm just not convinced that his family needed protecting or anyone was harmed.

And in that case, if you're willing to bust someone's head open because a store clerk is saying you can't return a broken item, and he pushes past you and your wife when you tell him "fuck you"... then yeah... to me that's Jerry Springer material.

We're all obviously reading into this... I wasn't there, you weren't there... but the way I read it, he overreacted in his discussion with the guy, he overreacted in saying "fuck you" to a clerk just doing his job, and he overreacted when filing assault charges. And this is him recounting the affair.

So when I read the story, and I see this pattern of overreactions, it seems to me that the situation was not his wife was assaulted or brutalized by anyone. And thus the outrage and threats of violence seem utterly ridiculous.

But your mileage may vary. I'll be glad to be proven wrong when he receives victory in his court battle.
I would not have handled it in a way that would be best for my or his future well being. I dont did people messing with my woman. However, my woman probably would have kicked his ass faster then i could have. Sometimes she holds back, but I've seen her go toe to toe with people my size, and I'm a big dude.

congrads on how you handled it, it would have taken An Act Of God for me to do what you did.

PS- I'll bake you a cake with a file in it if you end up in the slamer
Just thought I'd put in both perspectives...

Worked a Circuit City on and off for ~2 years, had my fair share of both scammers and legit people trying to return broken goods. In both cases, I have seen and experienced the type of customer who would get extremely pissed off if someone told them they couldn't have their way, and the type of person who cut their losses. In this case, two weeks is 14 days, and that usually is fine for a item swap, or at least credit -30%. I suppose it depends on the company.

Now, like someone said earlier, why not just return their items by forcing it through the DPS system and stick it to those billionaires? Well, those billionaires pay for my cigar habit and my college tuition. Not really an option. Oh, and in this case, they're bankrupt, too.

As to "just doing their job," that depends. I know fellow employees that love giving someone a hard time because their manager just railed on them for accepting to many returns or not pushing enough on sales. You wouldn't believe the number of times I got verbally rammed for not selling a protection plan for 2 years that is half the price of the item they're buying. It makes for pissy customer service reps.

That said, I think he was right to storm out. I don't think he was right to shove your wife, to me that is a no brainer, anyone working at CC would have been fired ASAP, no questions asked. I've heard my fair share of "fuck yous" because I wouldn't work the way a customer wanted me to, and I've never reacted like that... You are supposed to simply get your manager or try to talk down the situation. Sometimes, near Christmas, this is impossible, because there is something in that air that causes fights. I know it is tough to remember, but you are both human beings, one of them is conditioned to do what the company hammers into their brain, which is usually "say you love the customer, but when they're not looking, fuck them as hard as possible." I think you would be surprised to see how many people he dealt with that day who probably told him to fuck off, or tried to scam him.

Verbal altercations happen. Physical altercations should not. This guy sounds like a clown, who would respond with "well he asked for it!" or something along those lines? That's just silly. Personally, I think getting him fired is more than enough revenge. If you are after money, well, I believe karma moves in odd ways.

With all that said, I would have either decked him or make sure he got his ass fired. Nobody touches my girl. And I wasn't there, so I can't pass judgment on anyone.
I know it is tough to remember, but you are both human beings, one of them is conditioned to do what the company hammers into their brain, which is usually "say you love the customer, but when they're not looking, fuck them as hard as possible."

Really? I'm going to have to disagree with this. With out customers the company doesn't exist, so having a company policy of 'fucking them over when they aren't looking' isn't condusive to keeping the doors open for very long.

Can I assume you weren't in management?