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How has COVID-19 impacted you?


One Leg Of Fury.
Apr 29, 2011
Aside from lacking TP for your bunghole, how has the virtual shutdown of the world impacted your life? I know at least one of us has had travel plans disrupted.

Personally, with the new Dutch restrictions limiting gatherings to 100 people, I've had the cancellation of two concerts, a 12K/5K my family was going to participate in, and a USMNT/NL friendlies match this month, alone. Now, I'm not particularly upset about this, as I understand and appreciate why it is happening. I'm more agog at how quickly the entire world seems to have just closed the doors, shuttered the windows, and flipped the signs over. Glad to see we've learned something from the Spanish Flu...

I'm sure that my disruptions are minor and petty compared to what some of you must be going through internationally and professionally (not to mention physically, though I hope not).
I work in the music, sporting, and entertainment venue business.....the last 48 hours and the upcoming weeks are something I can't put words to! I don't even know what the next 15 minutes will produce.
I work in the music, sporting, and entertainment venue business.....the last 48 hours and the upcoming weeks are something I can't put words to! I don't even know what the next 15 minutes will produce.

Yep, lots of sports being canceled on the HS, college and pro level. Concerts being canceled or postponed. Colleges making kids go home and finishing out the semester, via online. Crazy times and it will only get worse.
We had a Blake Shelton concert tonight that they postponed. Kids school is closed tomorrow for "cleaning". I work in Transportation and its REALLY REALLY bad right now. Anyone on here a shipper or transportation person who needs trucks =) We live in Omaha, NE and the College world Series was just canceled and we were a NCAA basketball site this year. Both are going to SMOKE our city budgets......

We have TP, Bourbon and cigars at home so we'll be ok.
Our governor extended grades K-12’s spring break to 3 weeks starting next Tuesday.
Working in the medical field I am so fucking fired up over this. Sorry for the language guys. This is all due to the media trying to gain views over something that they are steadily growing. Look up death rates for H1N1. Look up death rates for the flu, YEARLY. I have a passionate dislike for the news outlets as they hype whatever gets views and now we have this mass histeria to thank for that. Someone under 50 years old getting the corona virus and dying is statistically similar to someone winning the lottery! Ok, partially done with my soapbox. Sorry about that.
Adding to this, there is one local bank within 30 miles of me that has literally shut down their lobby because of this. You can only go through the drive-through
I had jury duty last two days. Now. I return to work at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. I could be mandated to report to new duties if necessary. As I work in Disease Control. Basically if CDC or Governor says. We are mandated. We go and help. Never in my time did I think I’d see this.
While I’m frustrated at the lack of common sense and this hording mentality, I am happy to be capitalizing financially with stock purchases and low interest rates. I’ll have plenty of cash to pay for toilet paper and soap on the next round of dividends and my new mortgage payment (@2.75%).
so while people are paying a premium for canned goods, hand sanitizer and dust masks, I’m using bar soap like we did back in the 80’s and 90’s and buying up stock like it’s a Black Friday sale.
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We had a Blake Shelton concert tonight that they postponed. Kids school is closed tomorrow for "cleaning". I work in Transportation and its REALLY REALLY bad right now. Anyone on here a shipper or transportation person who needs trucks =) We live in Omaha, NE and the College world Series was just canceled and we were a NCAA basketball site this year. Both are going to SMOKE our city budgets......

We have TP, Bourbon and cigars at home so we'll be ok.

Wait, they already canceled the College World Series? The season just started.
I work from home, so not much different. Just no travel until further notice. I flew to AZ on Monday morning for two weeks, but they made me fly back on Tuesday morning. Trip to Germany in Apr is probably off. So just more time at home.
I have been putting money into the stock market every down day. Im somewhat young and prepared for the risk. I think it’s a virus that we will be dealing what for years to come(flu). Yes, people are going to die

At the end of the day when God wants to take me, it’s my time.
I work online & so far, the statewide charter district I broadcast for is starting classes on schedule come Monday. But that could easily change before then. We don't have any confirmed cases here yet but it's definitely already in Texas.

I'm on the fence between, "This is overblown paranoia", and, "Thank Whoever the world is smart enough to get on top of this!". Common sense says it is nothing to panic over, but just to be smart about. Then I hear a lot of stories over here from those in Italy who are dealing with it, saying that even though mortality rates are mathematically low right now, it is still very dangerous, even for the young and healthy -- and it is ridiculously contagious. Even those I know of in the USA who are dealing with it in their area say it's unlike anything they've scene before. It's not killing very many people, mathematically, right now, but if it spreads out of control, then medical facilities will become overwhelmed without sufficient treatment materials. I do think that is a very real possibility.

I'm not worried over it, per se, but definitely more aware of my surroundings. There has been a confirmed case at my daughter's school from a visitor on Monday (tested positive on Wednesday). School is still in session here in the NL, though other gatherings have been regulated. Was closing the world the right move? I don't know. I mean, this is going to cripple many industries, and most likely be the death of more businesses than humans. I feel for those financially impacted by the loss of business around the world right now, and I know that my disrupted plans are insignificant small potatoes compared to what many are dealing with. I don't buy into the "mass control through panic" conspiracy theories -- the only ones I see/hear spouting that are those that are not physically affected at this time.

The one thing I see everyone taking for granted is the internet -- life is going to be pretty boring over the next few weeks, imagine how bad it would be if we didn't have the internet to keep us entertained...

*EDIT* Daughter was sent home from school yesterday because she had a slight fever. We had her checked out, as directed and she was given the all clear. This morning she is at 101.7˚. Ruh-Roh, Reorge...
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So I’m going to be more impacted as the virus moves into my state. My college has decided, with almost every other one in VA, to transition to online classes next week. My kindergartener does not have school on Monday now and it sounds like youth sports is coming to a hiatus. All minor inconveniences considering what others are working with. I feel for those in service and tourism industries. We are in a blessed position in life but I know that not everyone can say that (we weren’t always that way, esp starting out) and those in those industries are going to feel this economically speaking.
The impacts in my state have moved beyond dry and paper good shortages. Never the less, I’m not concerned. I’m observant and aware but it hasn’t changed my behavior or activities.
*EDIT* Daughter was sent home from school yesterday because she had a slight fever. We had her checked out, as directed and she was given the all clear. This morning she is at 101.7˚. Ruh-Roh, Reorge...

shit! I hope she is ok. Preying for your household!!
shit! I hope she is ok. Preying for your household!!

Talked to the doc again today, and he said that she isn't showing any of the CV symptoms, and with the results of the tests done yesterday, that this is just a viral bug. So, we are taking the regular precautions of keeping her home until she is better, lots of fluids, rest, limiting exposure to others, and monitoring her to make sure it doesn't get any worse. Her fever is steady at 101.7˚, and she seems to be feeling a bit better. Her school has finally shut the doors for the remainder of the month and will do virtual classrooms. I appreciate the concern!
Talked to the doc again today, and he said that she isn't showing any of the CV symptoms, and with the results of the tests done yesterday, that this is just a viral bug. So, we are taking the regular precautions of keeping her home until she is better, lots of fluids, rest, limiting exposure to others, and monitoring her to make sure it doesn't get any worse. Her fever is steady at 101.7˚, and she seems to be feeling a bit better. Her school has finally shut the doors for the remainder of the month and will do virtual classrooms. I appreciate the concern!

Praying for you and yours as well! Glad she is feeling a bit better.

As far as I go, work is still going but they are prepping us all to work from home. Great and all except my job doesn’t work that way, so if it goes that way I’ll be part of the crew that stays behind to keep everything running.

Aside from that I had to get my daughter from college because they went online and basically told everyone to go home. We had a vacation scheduled that is now canceled, thankfully the hit on that was pretty small but it’s only been about 4 years since we took a proper vacation so that sucks, and I’m still dealing with how to handle interactions with my parents and my children (and myself), since both old (75 and 82). For now everyone seems good, but we are still keeping distance.

On my kids other side of the family, my ex mil, she is in an “American house” facility. I’ve told them they might want to limit interactions there, at least for a little while, but it looks like they are having a family birthday party where she will be attending this weekend.

I’m not the hysterical type, but I am cautious. I’m less worried about getting it and dealing with that, than giving it to someone else who potentially might not be able to handle it. That and being away and not being able to get back was some of the reason for canceling the vacation, at least temporarily. My brother and his wife are on the way to Switzerland or the Netherlands or both (can’t recall) as of yesterday. Fingers crossed they keep healthy and are able to return.

We did stock up on a few groceries, but probably not enough that would make it more than a week or so, but thats more because everyone else was going nuts lol. From what I’ve seen the stores are doing a fairly good job of restocking except for tp and liquid soap/sanitizer, but I am unworried that will continue for a long period of time.

They have also closed all of the k-12 schools here for at least a couple of weeks if not longer, which on one hand I understand but I also thinks it puts older people more at risk, because when you need childcare or you can’t work...who do you ask first? The grandparents, right?
Praying for you and yours as well! Glad she is feeling a bit better.

As far as I go, work is still going but they are prepping us all to work from home. Great and all except my job doesn’t work that way, so if it goes that way I’ll be part of the crew that stays behind to keep everything running.

Aside from that I had to get my daughter from college because they went online and basically told everyone to go home. We had a vacation scheduled that is now canceled, thankfully the hit on that was pretty small but it’s only been about 4 years since we took a proper vacation so that sucks, and I’m still dealing with how to handle interactions with my parents and my children (and myself), since both old (75 and 82). For now everyone seems good, but we are still keeping distance.

On my kids other side of the family, my ex mil, she is in an “American house” facility. I’ve told them they might want to limit interactions there, at least for a little while, but it looks like they are having a family birthday party where she will be attending this weekend.

I’m not the hysterical type, but I am cautious. I’m less worried about getting it and dealing with that, than giving it to someone else who potentially might not be able to handle it. That and being away and not being able to get back was some of the reason for canceling the vacation, at least temporarily. My brother and his wife are on the way to Switzerland or the Netherlands or both (can’t recall) as of yesterday. Fingers crossed they keep healthy and are able to return.

We did stock up on a few groceries, but probably not enough that would make it more than a week or so, but thats more because everyone else was going nuts lol. From what I’ve seen the stores are doing a fairly good job of restocking except for tp and liquid soap/sanitizer, but I am unworried that will continue for a long period of time.

They have also closed all of the k-12 schools here for at least a couple of weeks if not longer, which on one hand I understand but I also thinks it puts older people more at risk, because when you need childcare or you can’t work...who do you ask first? The grandparents, right?

If they are coming to NL and need anything, be sure to let me know. I'll pass you my personal info in a PM if you want it. I appreciate the concern for my family. Sorry to hear your vacation plans were cancelled, but better safe than sorry. Best to you and your family. Keep your folks safe and away from others for the time being. Hopefully your ex MIL's facility is on top of things, as well.