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How things change in 6 months

do any of us actually need to post on anything?
i bet oxygen would continue to exchange in our lungs if
none of us ever posted again. :lookup:
I think I'll chime in here for a quick moment. Personally, I hate politics, I (like many of you) have to deal with it every day, and hear about politics everywhere. Personally, I think it gets old. I find it nice to be able to go somewhere where it is enjoyable, and you can get away from all of the political bull****, somewhere like this forum. I created this site nearly 4 years ago for people to get to know one another and discuss cigars, among other things. This site wasn't created for political debate on who's better than who. If you want my opinion, I think every politician out there is cricked, whether they are republican, democrat, indpendent, etc...

The other big cigar forums out there are overrun by politics and people just trying to get a rise out of other members. Sure, it may increase traffic, but I could care less if traffic doubled, trippled, etc here just because of political debates. So I say keep it on the other forums. It sure is hard to please everyone, so lets please try and keep the topic of discussions away from politics, that's all I ask. There are a million other things to discuss aside from cigars, but politics always creates flames and problems, and I'm not going to allow all the work that has gone into this site turn into one of those "other" cigar sites; this one will remain unique in that sense.

That's my opinion, and please don't jump all over me if you don't like it. I'm not here to debate.

Rod :)
seems to me that nobody's mouse clicks itself.
if a subject is clicked on, someone obviously
wanted to see what the thread is about. nobody gets
injured, there are no cuss outs. just free debate.
i saw threads getting jacked for political debate and
decided to start a thread for that sort of thing. it's over
now and i locked the thread. hopefully everyone who
wanted to vent got to do so. no harm, no foul! :thumbs:

All I can say Rod is that this is afterall, your creation, you own it and all of us are Guests in your domain. So if you don't want certain discussions to take place here, than that is how it should be.

However, if you would like to rule out Politics, maybe the rules of the Lobby should be changed just a bit to exclude such discussions. Might want to also exclude religous discussions as they can be just as heated.

I guess what I am saying is what I have already stated before, if there is no rule against that nobody has the right to tell anybody not to ???

Oh, and stop that discusting Cat Fight too (JK :D )
i wasn't trying to take over the sight. i was just trying
to eliminate alot of the threadjacking that was going on.
i don't know if i was right or wrong, i just took a shot
in the dark with the political thread. sorry if i got
anyone p.o.ed! it wasn't my intention.

:lookup: Maybe everyone already knows this, but if you want all the political discussion you can stand, subscribe to ASC. For a cigar newsgroup, there's precious little discussion of cigars relative to political flamewars. :D

And a big thank you to Rod for this board. Because of you, my computer gaming time has dropped to zero, which leaves me with more cash for cigars!! :thumbs:
I personally don't understand why the "rules of The Lobby" keep being mentioned. Sure, it does read "talk about anything" but the issues that may instigate controversy among CP members are understood to be improper. Politics is a touchy subject. Religious debates should also be handled with care. We are trying to have a civil, enjoyable forum and that takes work. For example, I don't think anyone would have a problem if I started a thread about fishing. But, if I started a thread about becoming a child pornographer, I should be banned for flaming the forum. I may say "well, it reads talk about anything". Who cares? Use your brain.
blair said:
Use your brain.
That's the key...a lot of folks let their fingers do the talking before actually thinking about what is being said. It kinda comes back to that common sense thing that someone pointed out was dead. Common sense isn't dead, it's just met the internet age. :)
Personally, the thing that disturbs me the most when it comes to political discussions is the apparent lack of tolerance for opposing viewpoints. It used to be that most people would at least acknowledge that each person has a right to their own viewpoint. Nowdays, it seems like our country is becoming more and more polarized every day. ??? Instead of open-minded debate, people treat those opposing them as if they were the enemy - someone to be hated and despised. If we keep going like this, the terrorists who hate America will win, because we will destroy this country ourselves without much more than an occasional nudge from them. :( :(
Thanks Rod, for providing a place that is dedicated to cigars. This site has become my favorite place to enjoy discussion of cigars, and to enjoy the company of others who feel the same.

Frankly, when I found this site, I was sick and tired of all the flaming, arguing, and fighting that was going on at almost every other cigars site on the web. I was looking for a friendly place, and CP certainly provided that.

I have made friends with lots of folks here and I cherish those friendships.

The recent Political debates in MY view are a detraction here. If one wants to debate politically, there are lots of other places that one can go to and have at it. A discussion on the merits of the GOP vs the Democrates can not help but polarize this community, and that would indeed be a shame.

I have lots of political opinions too, and by virtue of the fact that I travel extensively on the international front, I am exposed to a variety of viewpoints. . .even more extreame than any expressed here. HOWEVER, I refuse to be drawn into a political arguement HERE. This is my haven. This is where I come to relax and enjoy the "fellowship of the leaf".

Guys, I hope we can use some restraint and not get drawn into discussions, debates, or vents that detract from the purpose of THIS board.

Just my opinion. . .


This is me :thumbs: throwing my hands in the air and saying:

Gee, now that you put it that way!! :p

I am afterall the one who posted the Memorial to our old friend Common Sense.
Some things are known for bringing on arguments and they should be avoided.

However, there are those who NEED rules, who NEED regulation because they are unable to determine right from wrong. For those people there might ought to be a policy change in the Lobby that specifically prohibits certain discussions in the interest of Commoradorie and Friendship.

On reflection, maybe my post Please Remember Them was out of place here as well, but then again, I could make a long list of Threads that would fall into that catagory. Censorship is a bitter sweet thing, ain't it :(
I will apologize to you Rod. And agree with Guyian Boy. I have always found this a great site to come just hang out. Light conversation, good-natured rubbing back and forth and friendly.

And that's unique in this world on the internet that tries to put evryone into some box labeled this or that, or expectations of sites.

Hopefully everyone (including me) can get back to that point. I do know one thing though, there are some classy people here. Joe M. is one of them (there are several here but I am going to pick on Joe here). When this first political thing occured I was really concerned that it would drive some invisibile wedge between a friendship between us like these things so often do. After a couple PM's and pot shots back and forth I can see that it won't and our hazing of each other has even increased a little :sign: THAT's what I come here for. For friendships, to pick on people, to get picked on back (though GB has me down cold right now until I find something to fire back at him :sneaky: ). In the end I can care less whether someone is this or that, as long as we can enjoy each other's company - whether that is at a herf, at another social gathering, (work), or here on a cigar BB. For the most part I can enjoy most everyone's company here no matter the circumstance, regardless of whther that's here on the boards or at a herf.

Anyway, next?


P.S. Joe, are you over your PMS thing? :p
Well I've stayed out of all the political posts that have popped up in the last few weeks but I'm gonna sound off a bit now. I agree with what seems to be the majority opinion here that the political bickering is detracting from the overall experience here at CP. Personally I'd rather just talk about our shared passion for cigars. But if some of you want to argue politics I'll just ignore it as much as possible. I've found over the years that since most people have strong political views it's a good idea to avoid arguing about them if you want to stay friendly. So I will stick to cigars on CP.
Ahh... the all true argument, thank god not everyone is this way... I acknowledge the opposing viewpoint (I acknowledge that it's wrong :D j/k guys)

The people who close thier minds to the opposing viewpoints are typically people who cannot come to thier own conclusion on things... They listen to opinions force fed to them, wether it be TV, Radio, Print media, Church etc. etc.

Those are also the people who resort to name calling (bully tactics) to 'win' ann argument (such as the 'Saddam hugger' argument that has been used against me by a few co-workers numerous times) .

People on both sides seem to become more and more intolerant of people with opposing viewpoints daily. Luckily that did not happen here, that's why I am still here to express opinion on this topic
I have to say, I got the wrong impression of the people I was having the political discussion with initially... but I allow my opinions to change as more information becomes available to my microscopic brain (and low IQ).

Anyway, that's all the juice you'll get out of this mouth breather for the day :D

Everything said here is the opinion of the poster (henceforth known as boeman). boeman in know way thinks this is the absolute correct reason, or solution to the problems at hand.

boeman, Boe Bowen, or CigarPass.com will not be held liable for any implied warranty on this opinion.
CigarPass.com is a wholly owned trademark and was used without permission.

The opinion of boeman by boeman was mearly included to add a bit of humor to the post.
SamGuss said:
Hopefully everyone (including me) can get back to that point. I do know one thing though, there are some classy people here. Joe M. is one of them (there are several here but I am going to pick on Joe here). When this first political thing occured I was really concerned that it would drive some invisibile wedge between a friendship between us like these things so often do. After a couple PM's and pot shots back and forth I can see that it won't and our hazing of each other has even increased a little :sign:

P.S. Joe, are you over your PMS thing? :p
Actually, I am not "over it!"......... Look out your window, see that bush movin'?... I'm just waitin' for the right moment to jump out and whoop your ass! :p

Great post Rod! That's why we love ya! Not like a man on man thing, but then again I have never seen you so who is to say :love: :love: :love: :p

Great thread ED! ;) :thumbs: