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I have an Oscar winning daughter

Who da thunk it?  :laugh:
Congrats to her and her skills, I'm sure she earned it in that VERY competitive world of Hollywood!
I love when our kids do stuff like that! You're a lucky man this day...job well done....enjoy & bask in it!  
Congrats. Crazy to know the people that are part of the community here
Congratulations to both of you. That is really quite an accomplishment, and I'm sure it will bear fruit, richly, for many years.
I haven't seen the movie. Now I have to watch it to see, or "not see" (sometimes so important) her handiwork.
Poor girl is off to Hawaii for a six-month shoot. :P

Thanks to all for sharing my joy with me.
I made it a point to watch this movie. Make up was great. I found it to be an excellent movie with really superb performances by the main characters. She is very fortunate, not only to win, but to win being part of something so outstanding.