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Illyrian Cigars


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
We recently had a new member ( Retail ) come on board to advertise their cigar and of course ask us to buy from them. As expected we asked for credentials and suggested that they let us try their cigar and we would give them our opinion. All we had to do was reply back with our address and what we enjoy smoking and Illyrian would send some sticks our way.

Today I received a package via UPS and being the holiday time thought it was more stuff from Amazon. the package ( should you receive one ) was packed like a brick outhouse. Very well packaged if I might add. The attached photo is just of the sticks. I should mention that a humidification device was included.

They are now resting, but as we all may do, tomorrow morning I will have one for breakfast with coffee And we shall see what my impressions are.

Hope this finds you all just chomping at the bits waiting for yours, suffering from the gobbler day and doing your holiday things.


Morning Ed @Pugman1943 How were these sent? I am out in the woods for another 10 days and I could have someone go by my house and stick them in my humi.

ETA: Interesting, I see his profile is no longer valid?

What about the PACKAGES box?
Well, as I said I did smoke this today @57°, 96% humidity and 11 mph winds with a dampness in the air. Well constructed etc. Removed the cap and did a cold draw. The draw itself was very easy much like a soda straw, no resistance. Had a good spice on the tip of my tongue. Good smoke production. To be fair, I just don't get notes, so I will leave that up to you guys.. Perhaps this hit medium but we have to remember our palates. I will stop here as maybe doing this ROTT is not the right time for my overall impression and take the chicken shit way out. After a proper two week rest I will do this again trying to be decent about this. However I will watch and see what you guys have to say. Be looking for you here in the threads.
Well, as I said I did smoke this today @57°, 96% humidity and 11 mph winds with a dampness in the air. Well constructed etc. Removed the cap and did a cold draw. The draw itself was very easy much like a soda straw, no resistance. Had a good spice on the tip of my tongue. Good smoke production. To be fair, I just don't get notes, so I will leave that up to you guys.. Perhaps this hit medium but we have to remember our palates. I will stop here as maybe doing this ROTT is not the right time for my overall impression and take the chicken shit way out. After a proper two week rest I will do this again trying to be decent about this. However I will watch and see what you guys have to say. Be looking for you here in the threads.

Yeah. I had one last night. I always smoke 2 for a review, and mine were close to ROTT as well. So I'm not gonna give a full review just yet. Gonna try again in 2 weeks at 65%. I will say, I didn't have the resistance issue you had. Was a tad loose, but not soda straw.

Only other thing I'll say now, it had extremely pleasant aromatics cold. I practically snort new cigars first time out.. deep whiffs from the barrel and foot threw off very rich and interesting aromas. That said, it can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes fantastic prelight smell checks can make you think you're in for a treat.

And then they're awful. And same goes with musty, barnyard, manure, omg-what-is-that-smell prelight sticks.. which turn out to be amazing. I'll end by saying this much about the first one... I AM looking forward to trying the 2nd one.. and the others as they get more time. I'll return with a full review after the 2nd one.
I think this would have to be done by @Rod . Wonder what he said in PM's to cause this.

That is interesting. I wonder if @Rod got to the part where the guy said he'd send out free samples. Because he definitely kept his word.. I had mine like 3 days later, and sounds like those who asked got them as well.

Unless something bad happened behind the scenes with Rod, I wouldn't mind the guy being back. I told him I would tell him what I thought. Suppose I can just reach out to him through their site or fb. He seemed contrite after being told the rules.. 🤷‍♂️🤔
Wouldn't that have ended in a banning or deletion of account as opposed to removal of content?
Maybe, but I don't think you can delete whole threads and posts after a specific period of time once you've done them and people have replied. Maybe he was unhappy with us saying the cigars were to expensive and giving feedback. That is searchable on Google and could hurt his business??

Either way I wish him the best. Based on what @Pugman1943 first review ended with, I'd say he wasn't going to be happy with the reviews.
Maybe, but I don't think you can delete whole threads and posts after a specific period of time once you've done them and people have replied.
An old forum I used to mod had what was called the ban hammer option. Mainly used for spammers, it deleted the account and all posts they made with one click. Any threads that person started were also completely wiped, other people's posts and all. It looks like that's what happened here.
Maybe, but I don't think you can delete whole threads and posts after a specific period of time once you've done them and people have replied. Maybe he was unhappy with us saying the cigars were to expensive and giving feedback. That is searchable on Google and could hurt his business??

Either way I wish him the best. Based on what @Pugman1943 first review ended with, I'd say he wasn't going to be happy with the reviews.
An old forum I used to mod had what was called the ban hammer option. Mainly used for spammers, it deleted the account and all posts they made with one click. Any threads that person started were also completely wiped, other people's posts and all. It looks like that's what happened here.
This all makes sense from our end but what doesn't make senese is him sending out 20-25 of his so-called $30 cigars to people who can't do his business any good even if they were awesome?

Oh well, his loss, I'm going hunting.:cool:
An old forum I used to mod had what was called the ban hammer option. Mainly used for spammers, it deleted the account and all posts they made with one click. Any threads that person started were also completely wiped, other people's posts and all. It looks like that's what happened here.

Same. We have it on the forum I currently mod, and it works well as a thermonuclear purge. We're not getting nearly as many cigar spammers as we used to, so I have an itchy trigger finger... lolol

@ILLYRIANCIGARS-USA has been reinstated on the boards by Rod. He got tagged by a few members as spam and account/posts all got deleted.

He did send sample cigars to members, please make sure you review those cigars on the boards and tag him for the credit. He has held up his end and deserves honest feedback. Thanks @Pugman1943 for pushing for follow-up on this